Detecting battery failures quicker
Batteries in electric vehicles can fail quickly, sometimes catching fire without much warning. A Sandia team is working to detect failures early and give drivers more warning time.
Batteries in electric vehicles can fail quickly, sometimes catching fire without much warning. A Sandia team is working to detect failures early and give drivers more warning time.
The program aims to make the laboratories safer, more energy efficient and ultimately better equipped to support our scientists and our mission.
The U.S. voluntarily participated in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s International Physical Protection Advisory Service mission, which included a stop at Sandia.
A new program has launched in four buildings at Sandia that aims to increase safety and energy efficiency in laboratories. The team is assessing where to roll out Smart Labs next.
Researchers test coatings on stainless steel, which is used for canisters that hold spent nuclear fuel, to determine the best materials to protect the containers from corrosive sea air.
A Sandia-led team is working to create more affordable, convenient, efficient and resilient electric vehicle batteries.
A team of engineers have developed a standardized screening method to determine the most important radioactive isotopes that could leave an advanced reactor site in the unlikely event of an accident.
Sandia researchers conducted a survey of electric vehicle charger vulnerabilities that could influence policymaking and establish best practices for electric vehicle chargers in the future.
Sandia researcher earns a DOE award for his work that advances the safe deployment of hydrogen technologies.
Researchers at Sandia explore whether exoskeleton systems can help protect workers from musculoskeletal injuries resulting from ergonomic issues, chronic overuse and more.