Sandia LabNews

DOE to deploy Arm-based supercomputer prototype at Sandia

Arm microprocessors have been used in numerous applications from vehicle computers to cell phones, but until recently, have not been practical for use in high-performance computing. Astra — one of the first supercomputers to use Arm processors in a large-scale high-performance computing platform — is expected to be deployed at Sandia later this summer.

Shadid named SIAM fellow

Sandia computational scientist and mathematician John Shadid has been named a 2018 Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, based upon his research on solution methods for multiphysics systems, scalable parallel numerical algorithms and numerical methods for strongly coupled nonlinear partial differential equations.


The Energy Exascale Earth System Model, or E3SM, is an earth modeling system developed by eight DOE labs and several universities working under the aegis of DOE's Office of Science. It is expected to have one of the finest resolutions ever achieved by supercomputers simulating aspects of the planet’s climate.