New California mural showcases Sandia’s labor of love
Inspired by the 75th anniversary theme of “Making history, Shaping the future,” two creative designers made history of their own by painting the California site’s first mural.
Toys, coats bring holiday cheer
This month, Sandians collected items that were donated to Saranam, Toys for Tots and One Warm Coat.
Academic relationships continue to fuel legacy of innovation
The Sandia University Partnership Network has matched top talent with people who lead Sandia’s missions since 2015.
No-sew blanket project ties Labs to community
The project has taken off across the Labs as centers gather to make blankets, which are donated to local nonprofit organizations that support people and animals in need.
Sandians find inspiration in Diwali celebration
Sandia California celebrated its first Diwali festival with food, art and conversation Oct. 30.
The turkey drop
In one day, Sandia collected $3,000 for Roadrunner Food Bank and a total of 195 turkeys.
Postdoctoral researchers compete in Bay Area SLAM
Postdocs from each of the Bay Area’s DOE labs showed up with their most innovative ideas and a crowd of enthusiastic supporters.
Science, food, fun at CA Family Day
From a virtual reality experience to learning about weapons systems, the California campus offered fun for all ages during Family Day.
Celebrating Hispanic heritage
The Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at Hardin Field drew a crowd with music, dancing and cool cars.
Old ways transformed by new solution
Cost-effective modern engineering technology brings water to livestock on the Navajo Nation.