Sandia LabNews

Riding bacterium to the bank

What does jet fuel have in common with pantyhose and plastic soda bottles? They’re all products currently derived from petroleum. Sandia scientists have demonstrated a new technology based on bioengineered bacteria that could make it economically feasible to produce all three from renewable plant sources.

Predicting disease with big data

The monthly Bay Area Strategic Engagement Seminars (BASES) series in California has been, by all accounts, a home run. The series gives staff a chance to learn from leaders in key Sandia-related fields, and most recently brought Stanford University Genetics Chair Michael Snyder to campus.

Glowing designer sponges

A Sandia National Laboratories team has designed and synthesized nanoparticles that glow red and are stable, useful properties for tracking cancer growth and spread.

To the point

Painless microneedles extract fluid for wearable sensors for soldiers, athletes