Sandia LabNews

Younger: A Sputnik moment is coming

Laboratories Director Steve Younger and Chief Research Officer Susan Seestrom took the stage at the Steve Schiff Auditorium Aug. 26 to discuss “discovery science” and what it means for Sandia. The talk was the latest installment of the New Research Ideas Forum.

Hydrogen materials service advanced by new multilab consortium

Researchers at Sandia and Pacific Northwest national laboratories are leading a collaborative effort to investigate how hydrogen affects materials such as plastics, rubber, steel and aluminum. The Hydrogen Materials Compatibility Consortium, or H-Mat, will focus on how hydrogen affects polymers and metals used in diverse sectors, including fuel cell transportation and hydrogen infrastructure.

Steve Younger joins roundtable to expand trades in New Mexico

Labs Director Steve Younger met with New Mexico 3rd District Congressman Ben Ray Luján at a recent forum to discuss the ACCESS Act, which would establish a five-year grant program run by DOE to create apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs in colleges and technical education schools to fill nuclear industry jobs at national laboratories.