Sandia LabNews

Toy drives in New Mexico

Sandia New Mexico employees contributed thousands of gifts and donations to the Labs’ annual Holiday Gift Drive for children in foster care in Bernalillo County and the annual Toys for Tots campaign sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve.

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Sandia staff engages in cyber wargames with college students

More than 60 colleges and universities competed to defend fictional energy systems from pretended hackers at DOE’s annual CyberForce Competition last month. Sandia served as a host for the first time, and organized in Albuquerque one of seven simultaneous, regional competitions across the country.

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The benefits of engineered light

The study of LED lighting is still in its infancy, according to Sandia researchers. "Engineered light," light intentionally controlled in time, space and spectral content, can reward human optics with better lighting, help regulate human health and productivity, efficiently stimulate plant growth and increase nutritional value, and more.

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Quantum computing steps further ahead with new Labs projects

Quantum computing is a term that periodically flashes across the media sky like heat lightning in the desert: brilliant, attention-getting and then vanishing from the public’s mind with no apparent aftereffects. Yet a multimillion-dollar international effort to build quantum computers is hardly going away. Now, three new Sandia projects (and a fourth a year underway) aim to bring the wiggly subject into steady illumination.

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Sandia microneedles technique may mean quicker diagnoses of major illnesses

A new technique using microneedles that are able to draw relatively large amounts of interstitial fluid — a liquid that lurks just under the skin and carries more immune cells than blood — could be effective in rapidly measuring exposure to chemical and biological warfare agents, as well as diagnosing cancer and other diseases.

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