Sandia LabNews

Answering the call

Lab News asked Sandians in various roles throughout the Labs about their support of the mission and what it means to them. Their answers inspire thought, and hopefully action.

Propelling wind energy innovation

A novel technology at Sandia, called Twistact, eliminates reliance on rare-earth magnets for large-scale wind turbines.

Labs leaders answer staff questions

In a Q&A town hall on July 18, Sandia leadership urged the workforce to fill gaps in the nuclear programs and alert directors and managers when procedures slow down modernization efforts.

Sandian honored for disability inclusion, advocacy

Advanced Microsystems business lead Heather Spalding was recently recognized as an Employee of the Year by CAREERS & the disABLED magazine. Sandia was named as a 2022 readers’ choice Top 20 Government Employers for Equal Opportunity.

Can an algorithm teach scientists to write better quantum computer programs?

Quantum physicist Timothy Proctor has earned an Early Career Research Award for his work that helps quantum computer scientists write better programs that fail less often.

Community Involvement grant aids scientific discovery among young learners

The Labs sponsors the newly renovated Animal Discovery Zone at The Lawrence Hall of Science, which features riveting animal photos from National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore.

STEM in the Sun rooted in fun

Nearly 30 elementary and middle school-age students joined Sandia volunteers to learn about surface tension, the effects of ultraviolet light and optical illusions.