Sandia, in partnership with Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union, hosted its annual Take a Frozen Turkey to Work Day on Tuesday to collect food and monetary donations for those less fortunate.
Turkeys were donated at Sandia by employees, and multiple Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union locations accepted turkeys from credit union members and the public.
The turkeys were transported to Roadrunner Food Bank and other local food pantries and will be distributed to people experiencing food insecurity.
Sandia’s logistics team members dropped off 260 turkeys, and about $5,000 was collected to support Roadrunner Food Bank’s work.
“Food insecurity in the state remains high, and inflation and decreased donations have greatly impacted the food bank’s operations, so the need is great this year,” said Will Tapia, corporate engagement officer from Roadrunner Food Bank.
The turkeys delivered to Roadrunner Food Bank will be distributed during its mobile food pantry next Tuesday, just in time for Thanksgiving preparations.