DOE Deputy Secretary David M. Turk visits California site
Sandia leadership welcomed DOE Deputy Secretary David M. Turk for briefings on the Lab’s work in nuclear deterrence modernization, biosecurity and sustainable transportation energy during a visit to the California site Nov. 1.
LEADERSHIP — Sandia Labs Director James Peery, right, welcomes David M. Turk, DOE deputy secretary to Sandia’s California site on Nov. 1.
LONG-TIME COLLEAGUES — Pictured from left, James, Turk, Associate Labs Director for Integrated Security Solutions Andy McIlroy, and NNSA Administrator and DOE Under Secretary for Nuclear Security Jill Hruby.
ENERGY ENVOY — Sandia protocol officer Matt Green, right, escorts distinguished guests during their Nov. 1 visit. From left, Capt. Sean Muth, senior adviser for nuclear security, U.S. Navy; Turk; and Tarun Chabra, senior director for technology and national security at the National Security Council.
CALIFORNIA WELCOME — Sandia Executive Chief of Staff Hae-Jung Murphy, right, greets Turk, left, as James and Hruby welcome other distinguished guests.