Sandia LabNews

Heroux is SIAM fellow

Michael Heroux

Michael Heroux, senior scientist at Sandia’s Center for Computing Research, has been selected as a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

The SIAM Fellows Program, which recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to their fields, honored Mike for research, leadership and building community in software and algorithms for scientific and high-performance computing.

Mike leads the Trilinos scientific software project for Sandia, which collects open-source software libraries, called packages, used as building blocks for the development of scientific applications.

He is also the director of software technology for the DOE’s Exascale Computing Project, overseeing efforts to provide key elements of the software stack for the next generation of leadership computing platforms.

SIAM’s goal is to convey useful mathematical knowledge to professionals who could implement mathematical theory for practical, industrial or scientific use. The international organization has more than 14,000 individual members and about 500 institutional members.