Usage examplesΒΆ

Below is a simple example demonstrating how to use the rstt Python module.

# declare the relative path to the model file we're going to be using
modelPath = "example.geotess"

# choose an arbitrary phase (Pn, Pg, Sn, or Lg)
phase = "Pn"

# arbitrary source (Meteor Crater, AZ)
srcLatDeg =   35.0274  # latitude (degrees)
srcLonDeg = -111.0228  # longitude (degrees)
srcDepKm  =    1.2345  # depth (km)

# arbitrary receiver (Albuquerque, NM)
rcvLatDeg =   35.1053  # latitude (degrees)
rcvLonDeg = -106.6294  # longitude (degrees)
rcvDepKm  =   -1.6000  # depth (km)

# convert lat/lon from degrees to radians
srcLatRad = rstt.deg2rad(srcLatDeg)
srcLonRad = rstt.deg2rad(srcLonDeg)
rcvLatRad = rstt.deg2rad(rcvLatDeg)
rcvLonRad = rstt.deg2rad(rcvLonDeg)

# instantiate an RSTT object
slbm = rstt.SlbmInterface()

# load the velocity model

# create a great circle from source to the receiver
    srcLatRad, srcLonRad, srcDepKm,
    rcvLatRad, rcvLonRad, rcvDepKm)

# get the distance and travel time from source --> receiver
travelTimeSec = slbm.getTravelTime()   # compute travel time (sec)
distRad       = slbm.getDistance()     # compute distance (rad)
distDeg       = rstt.rad2deg(distRad)  # convert radians --> degrees

# get the travel time uncertainty
travelTimeUncertSec = slbm.getTravelTimeUncertainty()

# print our results
    "RSTT Usage Example\n" +
    "--------------------------------\n" +
    "Distance:       {:7.4f} deg\n".format(distDeg) +
    "Travel Time:    {:7.4f} sec\n".format(travelTimeSec) +
    "Uncertainty:    {:7.4f} sec\n".format(travelTimeUncertSec) +