CubitModifyInterface Namespace Reference

This document explains how to access Cubit mesh data from C++ or python. More...


Use init to initialize cubit modify access.

if a cubit graphics window is currently active, allows for interactive transformations of the model with the mouse

clear the graphics window

draw_point( double x, double y, double z, int color)

draw_line( double x0, double y0, double z0, double x1, double y1, double z1, int color)


set_node_coordinates( int num_nodes, int * nodes, double * coords)
set the coordinate values for nodes

transfer_mesh( const std::string & geom_type, int from_entity_id, int to_entity_id, bool snap_to)
transfer the ownership of all owned mesh entities from one geometry entity to another. transfers onlh mesh entities owned exclusively by the geometry entity. For example only nodes on the interior of a volume will be transferred to a new volume. Use a bottom up approach to successively transfer mesh from vertices, curves, surfaces and then volumes. If not performed completely, can leave the mesh in an invalid state

std::vector< int >
create_free_nodes( std::vector< double > & coords)
create free nodes in cubit

std::vector< int >
create_free_tris( std::vector< int > & tri_nodes)
create free tris in cubit

Detailed Description

This document explains how to access Cubit mesh data from C++ or python.

The purpose of CubitMeshInterface is to provide developers with a query interface for Cubit mesh data.

Most function prototypes are easy to understand. A few are more ambiguous and for those some examples are provided. Note that input parameters that require entity types, such as "volume", "quad", "curve", and so forth, expect lower case spellings of those entity types.

Examples are provided for C++ and python developers.

Function Documentation

std::vector< int > create_free_nodes(
  • std::vector< double > & coords)
  • coords
    vector of node locations, ordered x,y,z for each node
Returns ids of new nodes created (in same order as coords array)
std::vector< int > create_free_tris(
  • std::vector< int > & tri_nodes)
  • tri_nodes
    vector of node ids, ordered ccw for each tri
Returns ids of new tris created (in same order as tri_nodes array)
void draw_line(
  • double x0,
  • double y0,
  • double z0,
  • double x1,
  • double y1,
  • double z1,
  • int color)

brief draw a line in space in the graphics window

void draw_point(
  • double x,
  • double y,
  • double z,
  • int color)

brief draw a point in space in the graphics window

void flush()

    brief flush the graphics pipeline

    void notify_mesh_modified()

      brief updates all entities in cubit DB (including graphics) after the mesh has been modified

      int set_node_coordinates(
      • int num_nodes,
      • int * nodes,
      • double * coords)
      • num_nodes
        number of nodes we are passing in
      • nodes
        array of node ids (array size = num_nodes)
      • coords
        array of x-y-z coordinates (array size = 3*num_nodes)
      Returns The number of successful node-coordinate asignments (should be the same as num_nodes)
      bool transfer_mesh(
      • const std::string & geom_type,
      • int from_entity_id,
      • int to_entity_id,
      • bool snap_to)
      • geom_type
        Specifies the geometry type of the entity
      • from_entity_id
        id of an existing cubit entity of type geom_type that currently contains mesh entities. entity will no longer me "meshed" following this operation
      • to_entity_id
        id of an existing cubit entity of type geom_type that does not currently meshed. entity will be meshed following this operation.
      • snap_to
        project any nodes to the gometry entity with id to_entity_id
      Returns whether the transfer was successful