Volume Class Reference

Defines a volume object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefVolume class.


Body Volume Surface Curve Vertex

Public Member Functions

Get the volume of the Volume.

color( int value)
Set the color of the Volume.

set_color( int value)
Set the color of the Volume.

Get the color of the Volume.

std::array< double, 9 >
Get the principal axes of the Volume.

std::array< double, 3 >
Get the principal moments of the Volume.

std::array< double, 3 >
Get the centroid of the Volume.



Volume( const Volume & other)

Volume( CubitEntity * entity_ptr)

Detailed Description

Defines a volume object that mostly parallels Cubit's RefVolume class.

Member Function Documentation

std::array< double, 3 > centroid()
    Returns A vector (or list) of the coordinates of the centroid of the volume with the indices of the vector corresponding to the values as follows:
    0 - x coordinate
    1 - y coordinate
    2 - z coordinate
    int color()
      Returns The color value associated with the volume's current color
      void color(
      • int value)
      • [in] value
        The color value that the volume will have
      std::array< double, 9 > principal_axes()
        Returns A vector (or list) of the principal axes of the volume with the indices of the vector corresponding to the values as follows:
        0 - axis 1 x value
        1 - axis 1 y value
        2 - axis 1 z value
        3 - axis 2 x value
        4 - axis 2 y value
        5 - axis 2 z value
        6 - axis 3 x value
        7 - axis 3 y value
        8 - axis 3 z value
        std::array< double, 3 > principal_moments()
          Returns A vector (or list) of the principal moments of the volume with the indices of the vector corresponding to the values as follows:
          0 - x moment
          1 - y moment
          2 - z moment
          void set_color(
          • int value)
          • [in] value
            The color value that the volume will have
          double volume()
            Returns The volume of the Volume