Sculpt Command Summary

Following is a listing of the available input commands to either sculpt or psculpt. When used from the unix command line, commands may be issued using the short form argument, designated with a single dash(-), or with the longer form, designated with two dashes (--). When used in an input file, only the long form may be used, omitting the two dashes (--)

Process Control 	--process 	-pc
  --num_procs                -j   <arg> Number of processors requested                 
  --input_file               -i   <arg> File containing user input data                
  --debug_processor          -D   <arg> Sleep to attach to processor for debug         
  --debug_flag               -dbf <arg> Dump debug info based on flag                  
  --quiet                    -qt        Suppress output                                
  --print_input              -pi        Print input values and defaults then stop      
  --version                  -vs        Print version number and exit                  
  --threads_process          -tpp <arg> Number of threads per process                  
  --iproc                    -ip  <arg> Number of processors in I direction            
  --jproc                    -jp  <arg> Number of processors in J direction            
  --kproc                    -kp  <arg> Number of processors in K direction            
  --periodic                 -per       Generate periodic mesh                         
  --check_periodic           -cp  <arg> Check for periodic geometry                    
  --check_periodic_tol       -cpt <arg> Tolerance for checking periodicity             
  --periodic_axis            -pax <arg> Axis periodicity is about                      
  --periodic_nodesets        -pns <arg> Nodesets ids of master/slave nodesets          
  --build_ghosts             -bg        Write ghost layers to exodus files for debug   
  --vfrac_method             -vm  <arg> Set method for computing volume fractions      

Input Data Files 	--input 	-inp
  --stl_file                 -stl <arg> Input STL file                                 
  --diatom_file              -d   <arg> Input Diatom description file                  
  --input_vfrac              -ivf <arg> Input from Volume Fraction file base name      
  --input_micro              -ims <arg> Input from Microstructure file                 
  --input_cart_exo           -ice <arg> Input from Cartesian Exodus file               
  --input_spn                -isp <arg> Input from Microstructure spn file             
  --spn_xyz_order            -spo <arg> Ordering of cells in spn file                  
  --lattice                  -l   <arg> STL Lattice Template File                      

Output 	--output 	-out
  --exodus_file              -e   <arg> Output Exodus file base name                   
  --volfrac_file             -vf  <arg> Output Volume Fraction file base name          
  --quality                  -Q         Dump quality metrics to file                   
  --export_comm_maps         -C         Export parallel comm maps to debug exo files   
  --write_geom               -G         Write geometry associativity file              
  --write_mbg                -M         Write mesh based geometry file <beta>    
  --compare_volume           -cv        Report vfrac and mesh volume comparison        
  --compute_ss_stats         -css       Report sideset statistics                      

Overlay Grid Specification 	--overlay 	-ovr
  --nelx                     -x   <arg> Num cells in X in overlay Cartesian grid       
  --nely                     -y   <arg> Num cells in Y in overlay Cartesian grid       
  --nelz                     -z   <arg> Num cells in Z in overlay Cartesian grid       
  --xmin                     -t   <arg> Min X coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --ymin                     -u   <arg> Min Y coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --zmin                     -v   <arg> Min Z coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --xmax                     -q   <arg> Max X coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --ymax                     -r   <arg> Max Y coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --zmax                     -s   <arg> Max Z coord of overlay Cartesian grid          
  --cell_size                -cs  <arg> Cell size (nelx, nely, nelz ignored)           
  --align                    -a         Automatically align geometry to grid           
  --bbox_expand              -be  <arg> Expand tight bbox by percent                   
  --input_mesh               -im  <arg> Input Base Exodus mesh                         
  --input_mesh_blocks        -imb <arg> Block ids of Input Base Exodus mesh            
  --input_mesh_material      -imm <arg> Material definition with input mesh            
  --input_mesh_pamgen        -imp <arg> Input Base mesh defined by Pamgen              

Mesh Type 	--type 	-typ
  --stair                    -str <arg> Generate Stair-step mesh                       
  --mesh_void                -V   <arg> Mesh void                                      
  --htet                     -ht  <arg> Convert hexes below quality threshold to tets  
  --trimesh                  -tri       Generate tri mesh of geometry surfaces         
  --tetmesh                  -tet <arg> Under Development                              
  --deg_threshold            -dg  <arg> Convert hexes below threshold to degenerates   
  --max_deg_iters            -dgi <arg> Maximum number of degenerate iterations        
  --htet_material            -htm <arg> Convert hexes in given materials to tets       
  --htet_transition          -htt <arg> Transition method between hexes and tets       
  --htet_pyramid             -htp <arg> Local transition pyramid                       
  --htet_tied_contact        -htc <arg> Local transition tied contact                  
  --htet_no_interface        -htn <arg> Local transition none                          

Boundary Conditions 	--boundary_condition 	-bc
  --void_mat                 -VM  <arg> Void material ID (when mesh_void=true)         
  --separate_void_blocks     -SVB       Separate void into unique block IDs            
  --gen_sidesets             -SS  <arg> Generate sidesets                              
  --free_surface_sideset     -FS  <arg> Free Surface Sideset                           
  --match_sidesets           -mss <arg> Sidesets ids of matching pairs                 

Adaptive Meshing 	--adapt 	-adp
  --adapt_type               -A   <arg> Adaptive meshing type                          
  --adapt_threshold          -AT  <arg> Threshold for adaptive meshing                 
  --adapt_levels             -AL  <arg> Number of levels of adaptive refinement        
  --adapt_export             -AE        Export exodus mesh of refined grid             
  --adapt_non_manifold       -ANM       Refine at non-manifold conditions              

Smoothing 	--smoothing 	-smo
  --smooth                   -S   <arg> Smoothing method                               
  --csmooth                  -CS  <arg> Curve smoothing method                         
  --laplacian_iters          -LI  <arg> Number of Laplacian smoothing iterations       
  --max_opt_iters            -OI  <arg> Max. number of parallel Jacobi opt. iters.     
  --opt_threshold            -OT  <arg> Stopping criteria for Jacobi opt. smoothing    
  --curve_opt_thresh         -COT <arg> Min metric at which curves won't be honored    
  --max_pcol_iters           -CI  <arg> Max. number of parallel coloring smooth iters. 
  --pcol_threshold           -CT  <arg> Stopping criteria for parallel color smooth    
  --max_gq_iters             -GQI <arg> Max. number of guaranteed quality smooth iters.
  --gq_threshold             -GQT <arg> Guaranteed quality minimum SJ threshold        
  --geo_smooth_max_deviation -GSM <arg> Geo Smoothing Maximum Deviation                

Mesh Improvement 	--improve 	-imp
  --pillow                   -p   <arg> Set pillow criteria (1=surfaces)               
  --pillow_surfaces          -ps        Turn on pillowing for all surfaces             
  --pillow_curves            -pc        Turn on pillowing for bad quality at curves    
  --pillow_boundaries        -pb        Turn on pillowing at domain boundaries         
  --pillow_curve_layers      -pcl <arg> Number of elements to buffer at curves         
  --pillow_curve_thresh      -pct <arg> S.J. threshold to pillow hexes at curves       
  --pillow_smooth_off        -pso       Turn off smoothing following pillow operations 
  --capture                  -c   <arg> Project to facet geometry <beta>         
  --capture_angle            -ca  <arg> Angle at which to split surfaces <beta>  
  --capture_side             -sc  <arg> Project to facet geometry with surface ID      
  --defeature                -df  <arg> Apply automatic defeaturing                    
  --min_vol_cells            -mvs <arg> Minimum number of cells in a volume            
  --defeature_bbox           -dbb       Defeature Filtering at Bounding Box            
  --defeature_iters          -dfi <arg> Maximum Number of Defeaturing Iterations       
  --thicken_material         -thm <arg> Expand a given material into surrounding cells 
  --micro_expand             -me  <arg> Expand Microstructure grid by N layers         
  --micro_shave              -ms        Remove isolated cells at micro. boundaries     
  --remove_bad               -rb  <arg> Remove hexes with Scaled Jacobian < threshold  

Mesh Transformation 	--transform 	-tfm
  --xtranslate               -xtr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in X          
  --ytranslate               -ytr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in Y          
  --ztranslate               -ztr <arg> Translate final mesh coordinates in Z          
  --scale                    -scl <arg> Scale final mesh coordinates by constant       

Boundary Layers 	--boundary_layer 	-bly
  --begin                    -beg <arg> Begin specification blayer or blayer_block     
  --end                      -zzz <arg> End specification blayer or blayer_block       
  --material                 -mat <arg> Boundary layer material specification          
  --num_elem_layers          -nel <arg> Number of element layers in blayer block       
  --thickness                -th  <arg> Thickness of first element layer in block      
  --bias                     -bi  <arg> Bias of element thicknesses in blayer block