Cubit 15.5 User Documentation
CUBIT can read a FASTQ file and convert it into an ACIS model:
Import Fastq '<fastq_filename>'
Note that the filename must be enclosed in single or double quotes.
FASTQ is an older, 2d meshing tool; (Blacker 88.) FASTQ files are a series of commands much like a CUBIT journal file. All FASTQ commands are fully supported except for the "Body" command (it is unnecessary and ignored), the "corn" (corner) line type, and some of the specialized mapping primitive "Scheme" commands. Standard mapping, paving, and triangle primitive scheme commands are handled. The pentagon, semicircle, and transition primitives are not handled directly, but are meshed using the paving scheme. The FASTQ input file may have to be modified if the Scheme commands use any non-alphabetic characters such as `+', `(`, or `)'. Circular lines with non-constant radius are generated as a logarithmic decrement spiral in FASTQ; in CUBIT they will be generated as an elliptical curve.
Since a FASTQ file by definition will be defined in a plane, it must be projected or swept to generate three dimensional geometry. CUBIT supports sweeping options to convert imported FASTQ geometries into volumetric regions.