15.3 User
If the quality of a model after meshing isn't acceptable, there are two options available to improve that quality. The user can ask for more smoothing, or delete the mesh and start over. There are some commands that the user can invoke before meshing the model which can help to improve mesh quality. Some of them are discussed here.
The philosophy behind the skew control algorithm is one of subdividing surfaces into blocky, four-sided areas which can be easily mapped. The goal of this subdivide-and-conquer routine is to lessen the skew that a mesh exhibits on submapped regions. By controlling the skew on these surfaces, the mesh of the underlying volume will also demonstrate less skew.
The commands for skew control are:
Control Skew Surface <surface_id_range> [Individual]
Delete Skew Control Surface {surface_list} [Propagate]
The keyword Individual is deprecated. Its purpose is to specify that surfaces should be processed without regards to the other surfaces in the given list. This is not necessary, and could lead to problems with the final mesh. When the command is entered, the algorithm immediately processes the surfaces, inserting vertices and setting interval constraints on the resulting subdivided curves. In this way, the mesh is more constrained in its generation, and the resulting skew on the model can be lessened. The only surfaces that can utilize this algorithm are those that lend themselves to a structured meshing scheme, although future releases might lessen this restriction.
The user also has the ability to delete the changes that the skew control algorithm has made. This is done by using the delete skew control command.
When the user requests the deletion of the skew control changes on a given surface, every curve on that surface will have the skew control changes deleted, even if a given curve is shared with another surface on which skew control was performed. If the user wishes to propagate the deletion of skew control to all surfaces which are affected by one (or more) particular surfaces, the keyword propagate should be used.
When a bias mesh scheme is applied to a curve, this sometimes creates skewing of the surface mesh that is attached. Sometimes the user will want to ensure that the same bias is applied to curves on attached surfaces so that this skewing is minimized. The command for doing this is:
Propagate Curve Bias [Surface|Volume|Body|Group <id_list>]
This command will search out all simply mappable surfaces in the input list, find which curves of those have a bias scheme set, and will propagate that bias across the mappable surfaces.
Adjust Boundary {Surface|Group} <id_range> [Angle <double>]
This command can be used to improve element quality for mapped or submapped surface meshes. Often, due to vertex positions, the curve meshing for a surface will lead to a poor quality surface mesh. This command can be used to adjust the curve meshes in an attempt to generate a better quality surface mesh. The command works by looking at the angle the mesh edges leave the boundary. In a perfect mapped or submapped mesh, the mesh edges will be orthogonal to the boundary, or will go off at 90 degree angles. The adjust boundary command looks at the deviation of the mesh edges, and if it is greater than the prescribed angle deviation, it will move the node location such that it is 90 degrees, if possible. The deviation angle by default is 5 degrees and can be changed by the user through the [Angle <double>] option in the command. In order to modify the curve meshes, the surface meshes are first deleted then later remeshed after the curve meshes have been repositioned and fixed. This command assumes that the volumes attached to the surface have not been meshed, if they have been, the command will return an error message. It should be noted that this command, while useful, may not always work due to interval constraints (i.e., you may need to change the intervals on the surface), or if the surfaces are not very blocky.