Cubit 15.2 User Documentation
The stitch command stitches together the specified sheet bodies into either a larger sheet body or a solid volume(s). The tolerance value can be used when these sheet bodies don't line up exactly along the edges. This is common for IGES and STEP models. Only manifold stitching is performed, i.e., edges will be shared with no more than two surfaces.
This command has three stages to it:Stitch {Body|Volume} <id_range> [Tolerance <value>] [No_tighten_gaps]
When the stitch operation completes, a print statement lets the user know if the resulting body is not a closed, solid body.
If the no_tighten_gaps option is included, the third step of the stitching process is excluded. This may be necessary in very large or complex models, where the regular approach fails.