Data Management Plan
A Data Management Plan (DMP or DMSP) details how data will be collected, processed, analyzed, described, preserved, and shared during the course of a research project.
NIH, National Library of Medicine
The Fundamental README
Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Authors: - % Author 1 - % Author 2 - % Author 3 Technical POC: Data Access POC: Funding Statement: Data Description: % Insert a brief "abstract" like description of the data here Organization: % Give an overview of the directory organization and contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Type -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- FILES ----------------- Filename format: File description: File format: % Describe the file format here. For columnar data list and explain column names. Important Notes: % Add any important notes about issues, quirks, missing data, messiness, etc for this file type here. ----------------- METHODS ----------------- Setup: Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Important Notes:
Methods Section
Setup ---------------------------- For machines/sensors: - Machine types - Relevant machine settings - Process parameters in a meta file (ideally with ontology) Consider which variables are critical to reproducibility: - Location - Time - Demographics - Materials - Machines - Sensors - Build architectures Steps ---------------------------- - Data collection - Data post-processing - Pointer to software release that captures any steps
- Clearly specify the original data source
- Make sure the data release is in accordance with the original data license
- List processing steps
- Include code generated to process data
- Detail the methods for collecting, compiling, and correlating any additional data outside the original dataset

Software and Data
Implicit Metadata
![The four facets that can cause documentation to go out of date. [1] Icon by Iconsea, Freepik; [2] Icon by AGE, Freepik; [3] Icon by Haca Studio, Freepik.](
R Th Data Rs RsA RsB
R = Radius, polar coordinate Th = Theta, polar coordinate Data = Sheet resistance Rs = Sheet resistance, duplicate of Data RsA = Sheet resistance in single mode configuration RsB = Sheet resistance in dual mode configuration
position_radius position_theta sheet_resistance sheet_resistance_single_mode sheet_resistance_double_mode
position_radius_microns position_theta_deg sheet_resistance_ohm/square sheet_resistance_single_mode_ohm/square sheet_resistance_double_mode_ohm/square
- Cambridge Semantics OWL 101
- CSIRO’s Intro to RDF and OWL Tutorial
- Current Efforts from CWRU’s Center for Materials Data Science for Stockpile Stewardship (MDS3)
- Data Management
- Becker, Carina, Carolin Hundt, Claudia Engelhardt, Johannes Sperling, Moritz Kurzweil, and Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn. “Data management plan tools: Overview and evaluation.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, vol. 1. 2023.
- Hudson-Vitale, Cynthia, and Heather Moulaison-Sandy. “Data Management Plans: A Review.” DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 39, no. 6 (2019).
- Smale, Nicholas, Gareth Denyer, Kathryn Unsworth, Elise Magatova, and Daniel Barr. “A review of the history, advocacy and efficacy of data management plans.” International Journal of Digital Curation (2020).
- Software
- Barker, Michelle, Neil P. Chue Hong, Daniel S. Katz, Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Fotis Psomopoulos, Jennifer Harrow et al. “Introducing the FAIR Principles for research software.” Scientific Data 9, no. 1 (2022): 622.
- Smith, Arfon M., Kyle E. Niemeyer, Daniel S. Katz, Lorena A. Barba, George Githinji, Melissa Gymrek, Kathryn D. Huff et al. “Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS): design and first-year review.” PeerJ Computer Science 4 (2018): e147.
- The Open Source Initiative Approved Licenses (software).
- Clarence the Tortoise
- Ontologies
- Oltjen, William C, Fan, Yangxin, Liu, Jiqi, Huang, Liangyi, Huang, Liangyi, Yu, Xuanji, Li, Mengjie, Seigneur, Hubert, Xiao, Xusheng, Davis, Kristopher O., Bruckman, Laura S, Wu, Yinghui, & French, Roger H. FAIRification, Quality Assessment, and Missingness Pattern Discovery for Spatiotemporal Photovoltaic Data. United States.
- Priyan Rajamohan, Alexander Harding Bradley, Hayden Caldwell, Erika I. Barcelos, and Roger H. French, “FAIRmaterials: Find the docs.” SDLE Res. Cntr., Case Western Reserve University, 2023. Available: [Accessed: Mar. 14, 2023]
- A. Nihar et al., “Toward Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) Photovoltaic System Time Series Data,” 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2021, pp. 1701-1706, doi: 10.1109/PVSC43889.2021.9518782.
- Cambridge Semantics OWL 101:
- CSIRO’s Intro to RDF and OWL Tutorial:
- FAIR Materials FindTheDocs:
- WebVOWL Ontology visualizer:
- JSON-LD Playground: