Already downloaded QuESt 2.0? Already using the tool and have feedback? Submit this form to share your thoughts.
Saibal Ghosh – GRID-INDIA
Date: February 20, 2025
Applications Used: QuESt Progress
Analyzing and Modeling Resource Adequacy Metrics
“For the adoption of something new, the basic barrier is the ease of use and runtime. In both aspects, QuESt 2.0 was super fit. With the help of this tool, we believe we will be able to spread awareness about different metrics.”
Masoud Kasraian – Impariamo LLC
Date: February 5, 2025
Applications Used: QuESt Data Manager, QuESt GPT, QuESt Tech Select, QuESt Valuation, QuESt Performance, QuESt Equity, QuESt Planning
Identify Optimal Project Nodes, Assessing Potential Revenue
“The QuESt 2.0 Model has been instrumental in helping us choose the best nodes for our project and providing insights into the potential revenue from this initiative. This tool has already helped us determine the best location for our project, which is a significant advantage.”
Harvey Rambarath –
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Date: May 17, 2024
Applications Used: QuESt Behind-The-Meter
Analyzing the monetary benefits of integrating energy storage systems with onsite photovoltaic (PV) installations, aiming to reduce electricity bills for large buildings.
“The results generated by the tool have enabled us to make informed decisions in specifying the energy storage system designs for our projects. The free access to QuESt 2.0 is particularly beneficial for budget-constrained communities. This accessibility supports our energy storage and microgrid development projects, promoting energy resilience and sustainability not only for our tribe but for many others.”
Reinaldo Tonkoski –
Technical University of Munich
Date: May 17, 2024
Applications Used: QuESt App Hub, QuESt Workspace, and QuESt GPT
Educational Resource
“The recent upgrade to QuESt v2.0 has further enhanced its capabilities, making it an indispensable tool for researchers, educators, and industry professionals alike. The three main components of QuESt v2.0—QuESt App Hub, QuESt Workspace, and QuESt GPT—collectively provide a comprehensive and integrated platform unparalleled in the open-source domain.
Hung Dinh Nguyen –
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Date: May 15, 2024
Applications Used: QuESt GPT
Analyzing battery testing data
“QuESt was extremely useful and allowed my research team efficiently to characterize a large amount of testing data, which significantly streamlined the analysis process. The ability of QuESt GPT to interactively guide users through complex data sets is a testament to the sophisticated capabilities of QuESt 2.0.”
Tony Sparks –
Albuquerque Public Schools
Date: June 19, 2020
Applications Used: QuESt Behind-The-Meter
Reducing High Utility Peak Demand Charges
“The tool takes the many complex variables/data points pertaining to system size (kW), discharge duration (kWH), time frames, and respective utility schedules, and distills them into sortable tables that ultimately allow comprehensive comparison and payback analysis for various system configurations. Without this data-driven decision model, our system considerations would have been primarily guesswork.”