The abstracts and full papers can be downloaded individually from the links below.
Plenary Session
(MP3 Monday_Plenary_Session_Oct_17, 1:24:57)
Session 1: Policy and Economics of Electrical Energy Storage (EES)
Chair: T. Vassallo, Univ. of Sydney (MP3 Session_1_Monday_Oct_17, 56:50)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Don’t Forget That: Past, Present, and Future Philosophy for Energy Storage | Price, A. | Swanbarton, Ltd. | 01_Price_EESAT_2011_Abstract_final |
The Impacts of Regulation, Policy, and Advanced Technologies, and Market Dynamics on the Deployment of Energy Storage Processes | Miller, G. | Hudson Clean Energy Partners | 02_Miller_Gabriel_ESSAT_Abstract_final |
Evaluating Modular Distributed Electricity Resources for Utility Transmission and Distribution Upgrade Deferral and Life Extension | Eyer, J. | Distributed Utility Assoc. | 03_Eyer_EESAT_2011_FinalAbstract |
Session 2: Grid Applications of EES
Chair: P. Kulkarni, CEC (MP3 Session_2_Monday_Oct_17, 56:59, 26.0 MB)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Grid-Supporting Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Low-Voltage Distribution Grid | Geth, F. | K.U.Leuven, Belgium | 05_Geth_extendedabstract |
Enabling Renewable Energy Transmission – Advanced Carbon Energy Storage System for Transmission Utilization Improvement | Anderson, J. | C&D Technologies, Inc. | D_Technologies_Abstract |
Determining Storage Reserves for Regulating Solar Variability on the Electric Power Grid | Norris, B. | Clean Power Research | 07_Norris_EESAT_2011_Abstract |
Recent Applications of Sodium-Sulfur (NAS) Battery System in the United States and In Japan | Hatta, T. | NGK Insulators, Japan | 08_Hatta_EESAT_Abstract_NGK |
Session 3: UK Research – Innovative Technologies
Chair: J. Boyes (MP3 Session_3_Monday_Oct_17, 1:11:24)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Techno-Economic Modeling of a Utility Scale Redox Flow Battery System | Roberts, E.P.L. | Univ. of Manchester | 09_Roberts_Ed |
Substrates for the Positive Electrode Reaction in the Zinc-Cerium Redox Flow Battery | Berlouis, L.E.A. | C-Tech Innovation, Ltd. | 10_Berlouis_Abstract_for_EESAT_2011 |
The Development of Flow Batteries from Proof of Concept to Pilot Scale | Wills, R. | Univ. of Southampton, UK | 11_Wills_RGAW_EESAT_Abstract |
Temperature Dependence of Key Performance Indicators for Aqueous Electrochemical Capacitors Containing Nanostructured Birnessite Manganese Dioxide | Slade, R.C.T. | Univ. of Surrey, UK | 12_Slade_Alex_Roberts_EESAT |
(MP3 Tuesday_Plenary_Session_Oct_18, 9:45, 4.47 MB)
Session 4: EES Electrochemistry
Chair: C. Lamontagne, Navigant (MP3 Session_4_Tuesday_Oct_18, 1:18:24)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Exploration and Practice of Energy Storage Technology in Shanghai | Yu, Z. | Tech. & Dev. Ctr. of Shanghai | 01_Yu_Exploration_and_Practice |
Applying a Variety of Battery Chemistries for Energy Storage | Roberts, B. | S & C Electric | 02_Miller_Roberts_EESAT_2011_Abstract |
MetILs: A Family of Metal Ionic Liquids for Redox Flow Batteries | Anderson, T. | SNL | 03_Anderson_Travis_EESAT_2pager |
Session 5: Emerging Energy Storage Technology
Chair: M. Sira, Kohler Co. (MP3 Session_5_Tuesday_Oct_18, 1:09:00)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Zinc/Air – A Low-Cost, Long-Life, and Safe Battery Technology | Oster, M. | Eos Energy Storage | 04_Oster_Abstract_EESAT |
The Aqueous Electrolyte Sodium Ion Battery: A Low-Cost Solution From Aquion Energy | Whitacre, J. | Aquion Energy | 05_Whitacre_EESAT_Abstract |
Thermal Energy Storage as an Enabling Technology for Renewable Energy | Denholm, P. | NREL | _eesat_extended_abstract |
Advanced Electrochemical Storage RD&D at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for Renewable Integration and Grid Applications | Yang, Z. | PNNL | 07_Yang_PNNl_Storage |
Session 6: Power Electronics
Chair: A. Price, Swanbarton (MP3 Session_6_Tuesday_Oct_18, 1:28:20)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Battery Module Balancing with a Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter | Senesky, M. | National Semiconductor | 08_Sandberg_Senesky_EESAT-Abstract |
A Power Electronic Conditioner Using Electrochemical Capacitors to Improve Wind Turbine Power Quality | Crow, M. | Missouri S&T | 09_Crow_EESAT_Abstract |
Degradation Mechanisms and Characterization Techniques in Silicon Carbide MOSFETs at High-Temperature Operation | Kaplar, R. | SNL | 10_Kaplar_EESAT_2011_RevisedAbstract |
Sanyo’s Smart Energy System with a 1.5-Megawatt Hour Lithium-Ion Battery and 1-Megawatt Photovoltaic Solar System | Hanafusa, H. | SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. | 11_Hanafusa_EESAT_2011_abstract |
Ultra-High-Voltage Silicon-Carbide (SiC) Thyristors – Next-Generation Power Electronics Building Blocks | Singh, R. | GeneSiC Semiconductor | 12_Singh_EESAT_Abstract |
Session 7: Modeling & Simulation of EES
Chair: G. Huff, SNL (MP3 Session_7_Tuesday_Oct_18, 1:18:11)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Widespread Deployment of Electric Storage in the Industrial and Manufacturing Sectors | Scalzo, P. | EMB Energy, Inc. | 13_Scalzo_EESAT_Abstract |
Modeling of PV Plus Storage for Public Service Company of New Mexico’s Prosperity Energy Storage Project | Lavrova, O. | UNM | 14_Lavrova_Modeling_of_PV_Abstract |
Optimization Routine for Energy Storage Dispatch Scheduling in Grid-Connected, Combined Photovoltaic-Storage Systems | Washom, B. | Univ. of California San Diego | 15_Washom_Nottrott_ESSAT_abstract |
Numerical Analysis on the Temperature Distribution in the Molten Sodium-Sulfur Battery Module | Min, J. | Pusan Nat’l Univ., Korea | 16_Min_EESAT_abstract |
Session 8: Emerging EES Technologies
Chair: B. Washom, UCSD (MP3 Session_8_Wednesday_Oct_19, 1:06:40)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
A New Fe/V Redox Flow Battery | Li, L. | PNNL | Li_2011_EESAT_Abstract |
Lifetime of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries | Schreiber, M. | Cellstrom GmbH, Austria | 02_Schreiber_Abstract |
Demonstration of Energy Storage Using A Breakthrough Redox Flow Battery Technology | Horne, C. | EnerVault Corp. | EnerVault_EESAT_2011_Abstract |
Session 9: EES Demonstrations
Chair: T. Aselage, SNL (MP3 Session_9_Wednesday_Oct_19, 1:10:01)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Commercialization of Silicon Carbide Power Modules for High-Performance Energy Applications | Hornberger, J. | APEI | 04_Hornberger_Commercialization_of_SiC_Power_Modules |
Second-Generation Compressed Air Energy Storage Technology Meeting Renewable Energy/Smart Grid Requirements | Nakhamkin, M. | Energy Storage & Power, LLC | 05_Nakhamkin_EESAT_2011_Abstract |
Systems Integration Strategies for the 10-kWh Redflow Zinc Bromine Battery Module | Hickey, S. | RedFlow Limited | 06_Winter_Hickey_Abstract |
Managing the State of Charge of Energy Storage Systems Used for Frequency Regulation | Lazarewicz, M. | Beacon Power Corp. | 07_Lazarewicz_EESAT_2011_abstract |
Session 10: EES Special Applications
Chair: R. Guttromson, SNL (MP3 Session_10_Wednesday_Oct_19, 1:11:45)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Why Aren’t We Building New, Grid-Scale Energy Storage Projects? | Manwaring, M. | HDR Engineering, Inc. | 08_Manwaring_EESAT_HDR_Abstract |
Energy Storage — A Cheaper, Faster, and Cleaner Alternative to Conventional Frequency Regulation | Damato, G. | StrateGen | 09_Damato_2011_EESAT_Abstract |
Ultracapacitor Technology for Utility Applications | Burke, A. | Univ.of California-Davis | 10_Burke_EESAT2011abstract |
Ultrabattery Storage Technology and Advanced Algorithms at the Megawatt Scale | Coppin, P. | CSIRO Energy Transformed, Australia | 11_Coppin_Wood_UltraBattery_abstract |
Session 11: Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
Chair: J. Eyer, Distributed Utility Assoc. (MP3 Session_11_Wednesday_Oct_19, 47:19)
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
New York State Electric and Gas American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage Demonstration Plant – 2011 Status | Schainker, R. | EPRI | 12_Schainker_Rettberg_Abstract |
Iowa Stored Energy Park “Lessons From Iowa” | Holst, K. | Iowa Stored Energy Park | 13_Holst_Abstract |
Small-Scale Scalable Compressed Air Energy Storage System with Thermal Management | Simmons, J. H. | Univ. of Arizona | 14_Simmons_CAES_abstract |
Keynote Address and Closing Remarks
(MP3 Keynote_and_Closing_Remarks_Wednesday_Oct_19, 15:11)
Monday, October 17
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
A Battery Storage System for Distributed Demand Response in Rural Environments | McCann, R. | Univ. of Arkansas | 13_McCann_2-Page_Abstract |
The State/Federal Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership Project | Margolis, A. | Clean Energy States Alliance | 14_Margolis_ESTAP_Project_Abstract |
Applying Renewable Storage to the Commercial Environment | Hires, J. | GS Battery (USA) Inc. | 15_Hires_Abstract |
Recent U.S. Policy and Legal Implications for Energy Storage vis-à-vis RPS Mandates | Hernandez, J. | SNL | 16_Hernandez_Recent_US_Policy_Legal_Implications |
Use of Storage to Mitigate Frequency Variations in a Load Frequency Control Model | Lim, M. | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder | 17_LIM_Abstract |
Tuesday, October 18
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
Silicon Nano-Scoop Anodes for High-Power Li-Ion Batteries | Koratkar, N. | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 18_KORATKAR_Abstract |
Economic and Cost Modeling of the Repurposing Electrical Vehicle Batteries for Stationary Storage Applications | Jaffe, S. | IDC Energy Insights | 19_Jaffe_ESSAT_Abstract |
Experimental Approach for Thermal Modeling of Sodium-Sulfur Battery Based on Isothermal Chamber Test | Lee, C. | RIST, Korea | 20_Hui_Lee_EESAT_abstract |
Preliminary Findings of National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Secondary-Use Project | Neubauer, J. | NREL | 21_Neubauer_Abstract |
Effects of Operating Parameters on the Single-Cell Performance of the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery for Energy Storage | Wu, Chun-Hsing | Green Energy and Environmental Research Lab. | 22_Wu_Hsueh_EESAT_2011_ExtAbs |
Wednesday, October 19
Presentation | Presenter | Organization | Abstract |
PG&E Compressed Air Energy Storage in California | Narang, A. | PG&E | 16_Narang_EESAT_abstract |
Characterization and Assessment of Novel Bulk Storage Technologies | Agrawal, P. | Senetech/SRA International | 17_Argrawal_KEMA_EESAT_abstract |
Compressed Air Energy Storage and Geographic Aggregation: Mutually Reinforcing Strategies for Integrating Wind Power | Succar, S. | National Resources Defense Council | 18_Succar_EESAT_Abstract |
Simulation and Optimization of a Flow Battery in an Area Regulation Application | Savinell, R. F. | Case Western Reserve Univ. | 19_Savinell_ExtAbstract, 147kb |