Wednesday, October 11
Invited Speakers
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
US Energy Storage – Market Drivers and Overview | Matt Roberts | Energy Storage Association |
History and Recent Progress in Redox Flow Battery Development and Implementation | Maria Skyllas-Kazacos | University of New South Wales |
Reliability-Based Storage Sizing for Mitigation of Variability of Renewable Generation | Joydeep Mitra | Michigan State University |
Session 1: Advanced/Applied Materials Presentations
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Chemically Mediated Redox Flow Batteries for Modular, High Power Energy Storage | Leo Small | Sandia National Laboratories |
Screening of Alkaline Zinc Battery Separators using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry | Jonathan Duay | Sandia National Laboratories |
New Approaches to Increase Ultracapacitor Energy, Power, and Efficiency | Sergii Tychina | Yunasko Limited |
Sodium-Based Batteries: Toward Meeting Next Generation Challenges in Grid-Scale Energy Storage | Erik Spoerke | Sandia National Laboratories |
Materials and Chemistry Development for Novel Redox Flow Batteries | Wei Wang | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session 2/3: Power Electronics
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
GaN based High Frequency Inverter for Energy Storage Applications | Mehdi Ferdowsi | InnoCit LLC |
Feasibility Analysis and Testing of a Utility Grade Advanced Power Inverter (API) | Bruce Pilvelait | Creare LLC |
Switching Reliability Characterization of Vertical GaN PiN Diodes | Robert Kaplar | Sandia National Laboratories |
SiC Switches for Grid Tied Energy Storage Power Electronics | Ranbir Singh | GeneSic |
Energy Storage PCS Requirements: A Battery Manufacturers Perspective | Dave Ridley | UniEnergy Technologies |
Session 4: Special Applications
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Genitor Based Energy Management System for Remote Microgrids Considering Battery Lifetime | Reinaldo Tonkoski | South Dakota State University |
Integrating Multiple Energy Harvesting Systems for Department of Defense Applications | Gregory Nichols | Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center |
Zero-Emission Energy Storage for Electric Vehicles | Zach Jones | Freshwater Energy |
Bounds of Supercapacitor Open-Circuit Voltage Change After Constant Power Experiments | Hengzhao Yang | California State University, Long Beach |
Session 5: Demonstrations and Deployment Projects
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Hybrid Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage System | Stephane Bilodeau | Novacab, Inc. |
Fast Response Flywheel Energy Storage Technology for Virtual Power Plants and Microgrids | Rainer vor dem Esche | Stornetic GmbH |
Hybrid Power Generation for Improved Fuel Efficiency and Performance | James Kersey | Czero, Inc. |
An Economic Assessment of Portland General Electric’s Salem Smart Power Center Energy Storage System | Patrick Balducci | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Thursday, October 12
Invited Speakers
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Role of Energy Storage at SDG&E | Thomas Bialek | San Diego Gas & Electric |
Energy Storage: Trends and Challenges | Giovanni Damato | Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) |
Session 6: Validated Safety & Reliability / Guidelines, Standards, and Protocols
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Update on and Overview of Model Codes and Standards for Energy Storage System Safety | David Conover | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Determining the Internal Pressure in 18650 Format Lithium Batteries Under Thermal Abuse | Frank Austin Mier | New Mexico Tech |
An Overview of Tools to Facilitate Documenting and Validating the Safety of an Energy Storage System Installation | Pam Cole | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Computer Modeling to Understand and Prevent Initial and Cascading Thermal Runaway | John Hewson | Sandia National Laboratories |
Session 7: Energy Storage Valuation, Modeling, and Financing
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Fundamentals of Energy Storage Valuation | Ray Byrne Patrick Balducci | Sandia National Laboratories Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Opportunities for Energy Storage in CAISO | Ray Byrne | Sandia National Laboratories |
Optimal Control for Battery Storage Using Nonlinear Models | Di Wu | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Storage VET Tutorial | Giovanni Damato | Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) |
Energy Storage Financing: A Roadmap for Accelerating Market Growth | Richard Baxter | Mustang Prairie Energy |
Session 8: Controls
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Single-Phase Battery-Buffered Smart Load Controller | Jing Zhang | University of Arkansas at Little Rock |
ESS Testing and Modeling of Stacked Application Duty Cycles | Antonio (Shijie) Tong | University of California San Diego |
Power System Damping Control via Current Injections from Distributed Energy Storage | David Copp | Sandia National Laboratories |
Controlling Energy Storage Systems: Lessons Learned from the Washington Clean Energy Fund Demonstration Projects | Jan Alam | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session 9: Enhancing Regulatory Equity and Markets
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Trajectory of Storage: Displacing and Replacing Conventional Generation | Michael Jacobs | Union of Concerned Scientists |
Continuous-time Scheduling and Pricing of Energy Storage in Electricity Markets Operation | Masood Parvania | University of Utah |
Technology Assessment of Stationary Electricity Storage Technologies for Different System and Time Scales | Xiaojin Zhang | Paul Scherrer Institute |
Fitting Resiliency into Regulation: The Opportunity for Energy Storage | Elaine Prause Rebecca O’Neil | Oregon Public Utilities Commission Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session 10: Microgrids
Presentation | Presenter | Organization |
Reducing Spilled Hydropower in a Remote Microgrid with Energy Storage | Asher Simmons | Alaska Center for Energy and Power |
Energy Storage in Microgrids: Challenges, Applications, and Research Needs | Hamidreza Nazaripouya | University of California, Los Angeles |