Samantha Macchi, Travis Anderson, and their colleagues at Sandia National Laboratories published a front cover artwork for Volume 11, Issue 20 of the ChemElectroChem journal on October 16, 2024. This publication follows their previous full article titled “Influence of Linker Group on Bipolar Redox-Active Molecule Performance in Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries.” The graphic vividly illustrates the charged state of a bipolar redox molecule-based flow battery, emphasizing the performance impact of the “inactive” bridging group between two redox-active moieties in a non-aqueous flow battery.
The symmetric nature of the active redox molecules studied allows these batteries to operate similarly to classic all-Vanadium flow batteries. This design alleviates the effects of crossover (the unwanted migration of active materials across a separator), enabling capacity regeneration through simple rebalancing. This approach contrasts with other recent non-aqueous flow battery reports that utilize distinct posolyte and negolyte molecules in each tank, which experience irreversible capacity loss due to crossover.
Front cover publications significantly broaden the reach of the work conducted by the Office of Electricity (OE) Energy Storage group and highlight the merit and importance of these results within the field. The ChemElectroChem journal is a well-regarded electrochemistry publication with an exceptional impact factor of 3.5, validating the significance of the research.
For further inquiries, please contact Samantha Macchi.
For more information, please visit the publication here or access the citation here.
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity (OE), Energy Storage Division.
Sandia National Laboratories is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525.