Sponsored by the DOE Office of Electricity’s Energy Storage Program, the Energy Storage Safety and Reliability Forum focuses on the current state of energy storage safety and reliability and identifies additional R&D efforts to advance the DOE roadmap for energy storage. The forum also examined key challenges, opportunities, and potential solutions for improving the safety and reliability of energy storage systems.

Read about the Energy Storage activities at our National Laboratories funded by the DOE Office of Electricity Energy Storage Program

DOE Energy Storage Annual Peer Review
The 2024 DOE Office of Electricity, Energy Storage Program Annual Meeting and Peer Review assembled researchers from across the DOE landscape – national laboratories, industry, government, and academia – to summarize the state of the art in energy storage research, development, and application.

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Storage Grand Challenge (ESGC) is a comprehensive program to accelerate the development, commercialization, and utilization of next-generation energy storage technologies and sustain American global leadership in energy storage. This comprehensive set of solutions requires concerted action, guided by an aggressive goal: to develop and domestically manufacture energy storage technologies that can meet all U.S. market demands by 2030. See how ESGC is interconnected throughout DOE and possible contacts in each working area.

Join a Long-Duration Energy Storage Stakeholder Group
Sandia National Laboratories invites you and your organization to join the National Consortium for the Advancement of LDES (Long-Duration Energy Storage) Technologies. This National Consortium will provide a forum to enable stakeholders across the LDES ecosystem to convene & identify barriers, determine potential synergies, and collaboratively develop & recommend strategies necessary to achieve commercialization for a wide range of LDES technologies within the next decade.

OE’s Energy Storage program improves storage reliability, resilience, and safety for our nation’s future grid. We’re partnering with national labs, a diverse set of universities, and the energy community to reduce costs and increase the reliability of storage so that a grid powered by nearly 100% renewable energy can become a practical reality.
Watch to learn more about how we plan to shape what’s next for your electricity grid. The future grid will need to accommodate growing supply volatility from intermittent resources and quickly evolving fuel infrastructures, as well as increased demand-side functionality with distributed energy resources and the electrification of transportation, buildings, and industry.
Revolutionizing Energy Storage to
Deliver Clean Energy
The ESS Mission
The goal of the ESS program is to develop advanced energy storage technologies and systems, in collaboration with industry, academia, and government institutions that will increase the reliability, performance, and competitiveness of electricity generation and transmission in the electric grid and in standalone systems.
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Recent News
Sandia Scientists Present on Battery Energy Storage Systems at Nigeria BESS Training Webinar
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Sandian Delivers Guest Lectures on Cybersecurity for Battery Energy Storage Systems
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Sandia Engineer Co-Authors Paper on Cybersecurity for Power Grids
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