Water Power

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A SEAT at the global table: Environmental modeling software endorsed by the Ocean Decade

News Article, June 6, 2024 • Figure: Example of a SEAT output showing risk of potential changes in seabed dynamics (i.e., erosion or deposition) caused by modified wave and circulation forces induced by a WEC array interacting with local sediment bed composition. Sandia National Laboratories’ Spatial Environmental Assessment Toolkit has received an endorsement from the United...

Co-designing the future of wave energy: Sandia researcher presents at NCROEP

News Article, May 22, 2024 • Wave energy convertors (WECs) convert the motion of waves into electrical energy; however, designing devices to survive harsh marine environments and produce commercial-scale electricity at cost-effective rates has its challenges. Ryan Coe, a wave energy and fluid dynamics modeling specialist for Sandia National Laboratories’ Water Power Technologies program, addressed some...
Group photo of NCROEP attendees

DTOcean Version 2.0 Software Overview and Demonstration

News Article, August 16, 2019 • Join Sandia National Laboratories researchers on August 29, 2019 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM EDT for a tour of the world’s only open source, fully parametric, ocean energy array design tool that considers the entire lifecycle. The software—known as DTOcean—finds optimal array designs that identify cost drivers and minimize...

How do you ship a wave? In a box, of course. A WaveBox.

News Article, September 12, 2024 • A forklift loads the SWEPT Lab onto a flatbed truck A group of engineers watch as a forklift moves a shipping container onto a flatbed truck. The container is about to embark on a four-day trip from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Corvallis, Oregon. Inside the container is a one-of-a-kind mobile...

Making waves to combat climate change

News Article, April 20, 2022 • Sandia water systems engineer featured on DOE STEM Rising website Kelley Ruehl, an Energy Water Systems Integration mechanical engineer at Sandia, arrived in her current career by remaining open minded to new opportunities and following her passion for environmental research. Prior to joining Sandia as an intern in 2011, Kelley...
Kelley Ruehl, Sandia National Labs Energy Water Systems Engineer, standing next to an ocean wave energy converter.

Marine and Hydrokinetic Graduate Student Research Program accepting applications

News Article, November 8, 2021 • Today is National STEM/STEAM Day! STEM/STEAM Day celebrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM). The Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO)  is currently accepting applications for the Marine and Hydrokinetic Graduate Student Research Program. The program is open to full-time...

Navy/Marine Engineering Command Visits Sandia

News Article, July 15, 2015 • Our nation relies upon a network of radars across the country to support the missions of homeland defense/ security, flight safety, and weather forecasting. The air-surveillance environment contains within it clutter, both stationary and moving. Wind turbines present a unique problem in that they can be both stationary and moving...

Remote, energy-challenged communities urged to contact ETIPP Partner Network

News Article, December 8, 2021 • Sandia National Laboratories’ Water Power and Renewable Energy and Distributed Systems Integration programs–members of the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP) Partner Network– encourage remote, island, or islanded communities seeking more resilient, reliable, and less costly energy options to contact their ETIPP Regional Partners before the January 2022 ETIPP competition...

Researcher makes the most of Sandia’s educational opportunities

News Article, April 13, 2022 • Sandia Water Power program researcher Chris Chartrand recently completed his PhD in Mechanical Engineering thanks to educational opportunities offered through Sandia National Laboratories’ University Education Programs. Sandia offers these benefits to build the professional capabilities of the Laboratories’ employees and designs individual programs to support special technical talent acquisition, workforce...

Sandia marine energy researchers to host FOSWEC webinar

News Article, December 3, 2021 • Join Sandia National Laboratories’ (Sandia) Water Power program as it hosts, “FOSWEC Digital Twin: A Virtual Real-Time Model of As-Built Wave Energy Hardware,” on Dec. 17, 2021, from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. MT. Sandia National Laboratories has partnered with Evergreen Innovations and Oregon State University to develop a “digital twin” model...

Sandia marine energy researchers to host second WecOptTool webinar

News Article, August 29, 2022 • Join Sandia National Laboratories’ (Sandia) Water Power program as it hosts the “Wave Energy Converter Design Optimization with WecOptTool,” webinar on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. MT (11:00 a.m. ET), via Teams. The Wave Energy Converter Design Optimization Toolbox (WecOptTool) is an open-source software for conducting optimization studies...

Sandia’s Water Power program to present WEC Design Optimization Toolbox webinar

News Article, January 14, 2022 • Join Sandia National Laboratories as it hosts a webinar on the “WEC Design Optimization Toolbox (WecOptTool)” on Feb. 7, 2022, from 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET. The Wave Energy Converter Design Optimization Toolbox (WecOptTool) is an open-source software for conducting optimization studies of wave energy converters (WEC) and their control strategies....

Sandia’s Water Power program to present WEC Power-Takeoff (PTO) Testing webinar

News Article, March 14, 2023 • Join Sandia National Laboratories as it hosts the webinar, “WEC PTO Testing” on March 24, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MT. The design and testing of power take-off (PTO) systems for wave energy converters (WECs) is critically important to functionality and performance. This webinar will discuss the key...