News Article, February 24, 2015 • The floating oscillating water column reference model (RM6) backward bent duct buoy (BBDB) device design and dimensions and Wells turbine schematic. The width of the device (not shown) is 27 m. The DOE-supported Reference Model Project was developed to provide publicly available technical and economic benchmarks for a variety of...
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HelioCon Highlight: Solar Dynamics, NSTTF to demonstrate off-the-shelf wireless control system
News Article, September 6, 2023 • Earlier this year the Heliostat Consortium, co-led by Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), announced seven awards related to a request for proposals (RFP) targeting the U.S. Department of Energy’s goals for heliostat cost reduction, sustained multifaceted innovation, and improved solar field performance. Sandia’s National Solar...
National Rotor Testbed Rotor Design Integrated Airfoil Performance Results
News Article, February 24, 2015 • The National Rotor Testbed (NRT) team is examining the effect of airfoil choice on the final design of the new rotor for the Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) facility. The airfoil family would ideally be designed to operate in the relevant SWiFT-scale Reynold’s number range, 1–2 million, and be experimentally...
Partnering for Innovation: U.S. Entrepreneurs Gain Access to the National Labs
News Article, July 27, 2022 • Project teams from Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) convened at Sandia in June to advance a newly funded U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) program aimed at increasing solar entrepreneurs’ access to the national labs. The Vouchers to Enable Laboratory...
Project spotlight: WEC-Sim software simulates wave energy converters to improve WEC design and overall performance
News Article, April 26, 2023 • To help meet the United States goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, researchers at Sandia National Laboratories' Water Power Program are studying innovative ways to produce clean energy from the oceans. Ocean wave energy technologies gather energy from waves using wave energy converters, or WECs, to harness wave motion and...
Recently installed spinner lidar to improve accuracy, prediction of Sandia and wind industry simulation tools
News Article, July 10, 2023 • Sandia National Laboratories’ Wind Energy Technologies researchers successfully installed and deployed the spinner lidar on the hub of a General Electric wind turbine in Lubbock, Texas. The instrument was deployed as part of a cooperative research agreement between Sandia, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and GE for the Rotor Aerodynamics,...
Stion Commissions PV System at Sandia Regional Test Center
News Article, September 23, 2015 • Stion PV system installed and the Sandia RTC site. Thin-film solar module manufacturer Stion has commissioned a 12 kW fixed latitude ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) system at the DOE’s New Mexico Regional Test Center (RTC), located at Sandia. The system will be monitored and tested to collect a range of data...
SWiFT Facility Prepared for More-Efficient Operations & Advanced Turbine-Turbine Wake-Interaction-Control Research
News Article, October 16, 2015 • The SWiFT facility comprises three heavily instrumented and modified variable-speed, variable-pitch Vestas V27 turbines and two 60 m anemometer towers, with the first two turbines spaced three diameters apart, perpendicular to the prevailing oncoming wind, and the third turbine five diameters downwind (the turbines form a three, five-, six-rotor-diameter-length triangle)....
University of Wisconsin–Sandia Team Awarded SunShot CSP: APOLLO Funding
News Article, October 21, 2015 • A schematic of the team’s proposed switched-bed regenerator—to replace conventional recuperators. The planned device will have six regenerator beds (blue/red); four multi-port ball valves (green), to reduce development costs and increase reliability; two large rotary actuators (grey), which reduces system cost; and common inlets/outlets, to facilitate interface compatibility with the...