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Sandia Wins DOE Geothermal Technologies Office Funding Award

News Article, December 15, 2014 • (a) A fractured well. (b) Fractured zones loaded with unique tagged nanoparticles inside the proppant. (c) Tagged nanoparticles released from each zone over time. Above-ground sampling will be analyzed for the tagged nanoparticles. This diagram indicates: no flow from green zone, medium flow from blue zone, high flow from red...

Sandia’s Frontier Observatory for Research In Geothermal Energy (FORGE) Phase 1 Proposals Were Both Successful

News Article, July 1, 2015 • The Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (DOE-EERE’s) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) defines FORGE’s mission as “enabling cutting-edge research and drilling and technology testing, as well as to allow scientists to identify a replicable, commercial pathway to enhanced geothermal systems (EGSs).” In addition to the site...