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CRF Experiment Confirms Accepted Oxidation Scheme of Proposed Diesel Alternative: Dimethyl Ether

News Article, November 11, 2015 • Combustion Research Facility (CRF) researchers Kai Moshammer, Ahren Jasper, Arnas Lucassen, Arkke Eskola, Craig Taatjes, and Nils Hansen (all in Sandia’s Combustion Chemistry Dept.) as part of an international collaboration reported, in Journal of Physical Chemistry A, detecting and identifying previously undiscovered partially oxidized intermediates. This work provides experimental confirmation...

Cummins Executives Visit Combustion Research Facility

News Article, July 7, 2015 • CRF researcher Jeff Koplow, right, explains the Sandia Cooler to Cummins President and CEO Tom Linebarger, on left, and Vice President and CTO John Wall, middle. The pair learned about many Sandia innovations on their visit to the CRF. (Photo by Dino Vournas) Tom Linebarger, Cummins Chairman & Chief Executive...
The combustion research facility seen from overhead

Predicting Pressure-Dependent Combustion Chemical Reactions

News Article, February 25, 2015 • The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) at Sandia’s Livermore, California, site. Researchers at Sandia and Argonne national laboratories have demonstrated, for the first time, a method to successfully predict pressure-dependent chemical reaction rates—an important breakthrough in combus­tion and atmospheric chemistry that is expected to benefit auto and engine manufacturers, oil and...
The combustion research facility seen from overhead

Sandia Optical Diagnostics Researcher Wins DOE Early Career Award

News Article, July 1, 2015 • Sandia Combustion Research Facility (CRF) scientist Christopher Kliewer (in Sandia’s Combustion Chemistry Dept.) won a DOE Office of Science (SC) Early Career Research Program award to develop new optical diagnostics to study interfacial combustion interactions that are major sources of pollution and vehicle inefficiency. The funding opportunity for researchers in...
The combustion research facility seen from overhead