climate change research

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Department of Energy Secretary’s Honor Award Winner

News Article, June 17, 2015 • Sandia’s Mark Taylor is the chief computational scientist for the Department of Energy’s Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) executive council team. (Photo by Randy Montoya) The Energy Secretary selected the Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) executive council team to receive a 2014 Honor Award. The ACME executive council...

Women@Energy features Sandia’s Erika Roesler

News Article, August 23, 2020 • This month, the Department of Energy's STEM Rising initiative features a Q&A with Sandia National Laboratories' atmospheric and climate scientist Erika Roesler. During her time at Sandia Erika has worked in climate modeling, where her research seeks to understand how clouds may vary as a result of climate change. During...