Sandia launches new cyber labeling webpage

Sandia partnered with five other DOE national laboratories to investigate the applicability of a labeling program for operational technology, such as solar inverters and smart meters. We are now excited to share research findings on our new cyber labeling webpage.  

Our cyber labeling research is intended to answer a variety of questions about the feasibility and limitations of applying a labeling approach to the nuanced operational technology space. Through this research, we aim to document the best methods to educate and inform vendor and end-user communities about security when considering these cyber-enabled technologies. This research will be especially pertinent to energy sector product manufacturers and end users of these products, such as homeowners and electric utilities.

The intent of a cybersecurity label is to provide information that could inform consumer choice and awareness when purchasing, installing and operating internet-connected energy devices, such as smart meters and solar inverters. This research focuses on these two technologies because they are closer to the consumer-facing boundary than other industrial control system operational technology, which are not often selected or directly interfaced with by retail consumers.

Our initial research recommends that a cybersecurity label direct consumers to information about the security features and functions of a device, allowing them to make a more informed decision based on their own standards for security and their own application context. This method emphasizes transparency and information availability, demonstrating that vendors with the cybersecurity label have considered and are disclosing privacy and security measures. We welcome your feedback on whether this method will provide value to consumers.