
Results 776–800 of 830

Using the power of the sun to roast green chile

News Article, July 7, 2022 • Greener approach to a New Mexican staple opens possibilities for sustainable food roasting Sandia National Laboratories engineer Kenneth Armijo, who grew up on a chile farm in Sabinal, located between Albuquerque and Socorro, New Mexico, thought there was a “greener” way to roast green chile. The results of his experiments...

Using X-ray science to hit hydrogen storage targets

News Article, November 7, 2023 • Using soft X-ray techniques available through Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source (ALS), a Sandia team including Mark Allendorf and Farid El Gabaly with collaborators from the Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC) are probing the chemistry of promising hydrogen storage materials to understand how they absorb and release hydrogen. The...

Valerio De Angelis

Staff Page • Chemical Engineer, System Integration Lead. Biography Dr. De Angelis joined Sandia in 2020 to work on battery modeling, system integration, advanced manufacturing, and long-term energy storage. He is co-founder of, the first public repository for easy visualization and comparison of lithium-ion battery degradation data across institutions. Before joining Sandia...

Version 24 of the Composite Materials Database Now Available for Download

News Article, September 23, 2015 • Tensile coupon showing acoustic sensors clamped onto sample along with extensometer. Wind-turbine blade growth continues to have the largest impact on energy capture and levelized cost of energy (LCOE) reduction. While the 40–45 meter blade is today’s mainstream segment, it is estimated that blades over 50 m will be the...

Victoria Obrien

Staff Page • Electrical Engineer. Biography Victoria Obrien is a Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Electric Grid Security and Communications Department at Sandia National Laboratories. She obtained a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Texas Tech University in 2020, 2021, and 2023, respectively. Her research interests include the cybersecurity...

Video: Validating models for safety codes and standards

News Article, May 10, 2024 • Earlier this year, a test series at Sandia collected data to validate the models used for hydrogen safety codes and standards. Go behind the scenes with the research team who ran the test with partners from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and support from US DOE Office of Energy Efficiency...

Vince Tidwell provides testimony to Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

News Article, April 9, 2019 • by Michael Padilla Vince Tidwell, from Sandia’s water program, provided testimony in front of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology in Washington, D.C., on March 7. Vince focused his testimony on the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) energy-water nexus research and development efforts. “This energy-water nexus...

Vincent Neary

Staff Page • Science and Engineering Research and Development. Biography Vincent Neary is the marine renewable energy technologies lead for the Water Power Technologies Program at Sandia National Laboratories. He has spent the last ten years working on a wide-range of topics in marine renewable energy, including modeling and measuring tidal and wave...

Walker Olis

Staff Page • Member of Technical Staff. Biography Walker P. Olis is a Member of the Technical Staff in the Electric Power Systems Research Department at Sandia National Laboratories. He holds a M.S.E.E. from Northeastern University focused on electric power systems and a B.S. in Physics from Pacific University. He is a Member...

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

Page • The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is the nation’s only licensed and operating deep geologic repository for transuranic nuclear waste disposal. Sandia supports activities including modifications to the repository’s operating permits, periodic recertifications of the repository, modifications to the repository’s operating permits, and on-going monitoring of the repository performance against regulatory requirements....

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Technical Assessment Report Released

News Article, June 18, 2015 • The DOE released a report by an independent technical assessment team (TAT) that evaluated the mechanisms and chemical reactions contributing to the failure of a waste drum at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, NM. The TAT concluded that one drum, Drum 68660, was the source of radioactive...

Water Power Technologies Office launches  workforce development competitions

News Article, April 19, 2022 • WPTO announces several opportunities, seeks critical energy organizations to host fellows The U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) recently launched a number of new competitions to spur workforce development in hydropower and marine energy. The inaugural Hydropower Collegiate Competition (HCC) and fourth annual Marine Energy Collegiate Competition (MECC)...
Image of an ocean wave coming onshore

Water Power Technologies Office releases 2021-2022 Accomplishments Report

News Article, May 3, 2023 • The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) recently released its 2021-2022 Accomplishments Report, which highlights a selection of projects focused on advancing hydropower and marine energy technologies to help achieve a carbon-free power sector by 2035 and net-zero-emissions economy by 2050 in the United States. Sandia...
Waves crashings against the beach

Water power technologies research, efforts highlighted in recent accomplishments report

News Article, January 19, 2021 • This month, Sandia's research related to water power technologies was highlighted alongside the accomplishments of collaborators and other National Laboratories in the Department of Energy's Water Power Technologies Office 2019-2020 Accomplishments Report. The report's compilation included highlights from Sandia's Water Power Technologies program. New, Centralized Portal for Marine Energy Information...

Water Security

Page • What We Do Sandia’s decision support analysis for water utilities increases the security and resilience of water distribution networks. Example connectivity analysis showing critical hydraulic pathways upstream from a tank (red) and downstream to customers (blue). Water distribution systems are a crucial component of urban infrastructure. They provide essential services,...

Water Treatment

Page • What We Do Since the early 2000s, Sandia has been addressing the security challenges associated with growing limitations on water availability through novel water treatment technology development and simple, low-cost solutions to complex water challenges. Our Capabilities Our science and engineering capabilities include: Atomistic to Molecular Chemical and Geochemical ModelingAdvanced...

Waterless Power Generation

Page • In the United States, thermoelectric power plants are collectively the largest users of water, accounting for nearly half of all water withdrawals. As demands for water are projected to grow and more stringent regulations are put in place, power plants will increasingly see water as a key limit on operations. To...

Waterpower Week April 1–3, 2019

News Article, March 28, 2019 • Sandia researchers to present during Waterpower Week Sandia’s waterpower researchers will participate in the 2019 Waterpower Week to discuss the issues impacting the water power and materials industries. Waterpower Week includes three conferences: NHA’s Annual Conference, International Marine Renewable Energy Conference (IMREC), and Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS). The event...

Wave to wire — a patented approach 

News Article, September 20, 2023 • Five researchers cluster around a computer screen in a large shed-like building. They watch as a line moves up and down following the power output generated by the large, piston-like machine they designed to mimic the movement of ocean waves. Four hundred and fifty miles from the nearest ocean, a...
Breaking wave

Wave-Energy/-Device Modeling: Developing A 1:17 Scaled Model

News Article, September 23, 2015 • Many theoretical studies show that additional energy can be captured through control of the power-conversion chains (PCCs) of resonant wave-energy converter (WEC) devices. The numerical models employed in these studies are, however, idealized to varying degrees. The objective of the Resilient Nonlinear Controls (RNLC) project is to validate the extent...

Waylon Clark

Staff Page • Electrical Engineer, Demonstrations Lead. Biography Waylon has spent well over a decade working in the field of electrical engineering, project management, and technical leadership. His experience includes both brown and green-field project development stages from RFP to commissioning/operations. Expertise includes medium voltage substations, low voltage distribution, and process controls. Recently,...

Webinar Series Improves Understanding of Offshore Wind Turbine-Radar Interference

News Article, June 11, 2021 • To better understand the potential impacts of wind turbine radar interference, the Wind Turbine Radar-Interference Mitigation, or WTRIM, Working Group, led by Sandia National Laboratories’ researcher Ben Karlson, hosted a series of six webinars for the offshore wind industry, federal agencies, and radar experts. Research indicates that offshore wind turbines...

Webinar Series to Explore Water’s Role in a Carbon Neutral Future

News Article, March 30, 2022 • What is water’s role in a carbon neutral future? Sandia invites you to learn more about the broader water security challenges related to carbon neutral efforts in a series of webinars, April 4–6. While greenhouse gas emissions are often at the center of discussions around carbon neutrality, water is an...

Webinar to provide overview of TCF Open Voucher Call application process

News Article, July 3, 2024 • Interested in learning more about the new Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) Open Voucher Call from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Technology Transitions? An informational webinar on July 18 at 2 p.m. ET will share eligibility, submission requirements, and more. During the webinar, program administrators will provide an...
Image of five scientists. In the middle, one woman holds up a gear, looking through it. Image also includes the Office of Technology Transitions logo and the American-Made logo.

Webinar: Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models Update 2.0

News Article, January 20, 2020 • On Tuesday, January 28, 2020, at 12 p.m. Eastern, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) will host a live webinar titled "Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models Update 2.0." The webinar will discuss updates to the Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models...
Results 776–800 of 830