In July 2014, the DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) released the short documentary film Bioenergy: America’s Energy Future, which highlights stories of individuals and companies who are passionate about achieving the promise of biofuels and addressing the challenges of developing a thriving bioeconomy. The film also demonstrates that investing in bioenergy helps maintain America’s competitive advantage while creating domestic jobs for manufacturers, scientists, and engineers.
To complement this project, eight national laboratories also prepared short films for Biomass 2014 showcasing their bioenergy research. Overview of Sandia’s EERE Biomass Program is a short movie that highlights Sandia’s Biomass Program with a focus on those projects funded by EERE-BETO. Examples include algal polyculture, algae pond monitoring, biomass conversion, lignin conversion, and pretreatment.
- algae pond monitoring
- algal polyculture
- biomass conversion
- DOE Bioenergy Technologies Office
- DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
- EERE Biomass Program
- investing in bioenergy
- lignin conversion
- lignin pretreatment
- lignocellulose
- lignocellulosic biofuels
- maintain America’s competitive advantage
- producing advanced biofuels
- SAND2014-20395M
- thriving bioeconomy
December 10, 2014