Brantley Mills

R&D S&E, Mechanical Engineering

R&D S&E, Mechanical Engineering


In February 2015, Brantley joined Sandia National Laboratories as a senior member of the technical staff in the Thermal Sciences and Engineering Program. He has worked in a broad range of heat transfer and fluids subject areas including thermal systems analysis, thermal-fluid cryogenics, reduced-order modeling, concentrated solar power, and nuclear energy. While having an experimental background, his most recent work has focused on developing high-fidelity, multi-physics models for high performance computing with a focus on verification and validation.


  • Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, May 2009
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, August 2014


Brantley Mills, Samuel Lee, luis gonzalez-portillo, Clifford Ho, Kevin Albrecht, (2022). Technoeconomics of Particle-based CSP Featuring Falling Particle Receivers with and without Active Heliostat Control Publication ID: 80310

Brantley Mills, Kevin Albrecht, Luis González-Portillo, Clifford Ho, (2022). Model Validation of Falling Particle Receivers with On-sun Experiments Publication ID: 79891

Samuel Lee, Brantley Mills, (2021). Evaluating the Thermal Efficiency of Multistage Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 77185

Clifford Ho, Jeremy Sment, Kevin Albrecht, Brantley Mills, Nathan Schroeder, (2021). Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) — High-Temperature Particle System for Concentrating Solar Power (Phases 1 and 2) Publication ID: 76834

Brantley Mills, Kevin Albrecht, Luis González-Portillo, Clifford Ho, (2021). Model Validation of Falling Particle Receivers with On-sun Experiments Publication ID: 76048

Samuel Lee, Brantley Mills, (2021). Evaluating the Thermal Efficiency of Multistage Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 75673

Samuel Lee, Brantley Mills, (2021). Evaluating the Thermal Efficiency of Multistage Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 75948

Brantley Mills, Kevin Albrecht, Luis González-Portillo, Clifford Ho, (2021). Model Validation of Falling Particle Receivers with On-sun Experiments Publication ID: 75742

Jeremy Sment, Clifford Ho, Kevin Albrecht, Brantley Mills, (2021). G3P3 ? Project and Test Planning Publication ID: 75294

Brantley Mills, (2021). Falling Particle Receiver Development at Sandia National Laboratories Publication ID: 75302

luis gonzalez-portillo, Kevin Albrecht, Jeremy Sment, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2021). G3P3 Panel: Technoeconomic and Scaling Considerations for Gen3 Particle Technology Publication ID: 75330

Brantley Mills, Reid Shaeffer, Clifford Ho, (2021). Predicting the Annual Thermal Performance of Next-Generation Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 78359

Clifford Ho, Nathan Schroeder, Hendrik Laubscher, Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Reid Shaeffer, Joshua Christian, Kevin Albrecht, (2021). Receiver Design and On-Sun Testing for G3P3-USA (full paper) Publication ID: 77941

Nathan Schroeder, Hendrik Laubscher, Clifford Ho, Brantley Mills, (2021). RECEIVER OUTLET TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER FOR FALLING PARTICLE RECEIVER APPLICATIONS Publication ID: 77960

Clifford Ho, Kevin Albrecht, Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Jeremy Sment, Joshua Christian, Matthew Carlson, (2020). Overview and design basis for the gen 3 particle pilot plant (G3P3) AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 65325

Brantley Mills, Benjamin Schroeder, Lindsey Yue, Reid Shaeffer, Clifford Ho, (2020). Optimizing a falling particle receiver geometry using CFD simulations to maximize the thermal efficiency AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 64677

Lindsey Yue, Reid Shaeffer, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2020). Active airflow for reducing advective and particle loss in falling particle receivers AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 65242

Brantley Mills, Reid Shaeffer, Clifford Ho, (2020). Predicting the Annual Thermal Performance of Next-Generation Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 71881

Clifford Ho, Nathan Schroeder, Hendrik Laubscher, Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Reid Shaeffer, Joshua Christian, Kevin Albrecht, (2020). Receiver Design and On-Sun Testing for G3P3-USA (presentation) Publication ID: 70993

Benjamin Schroeder, H. Silva, Brantley Mills, Kyle Smith, Ryan Keedy, (2020). Characterizing Material Emissivity Uncertainty in Fire Environments for Computational Simulation Publication ID: 73528

Brantley Mills, Reid Shaeffer, Lindsey Yue, Kevin Albrecht, Clifford Ho, (2020). Evaluating the Performance of Utility-Scale Falling Particle Receivers Subject to Wind Publication ID: 73461

Lindsey Yue, Reid Shaeffer, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2020). Active airflow for reducing advective and particle loss in falling particle receivers Publication ID: 73029

Reid Shaeffer, Brantley Mills, Lindsey Yue, Clifford Ho, (2019). Evaluation of Performance Factors For a Multistage Falling Particle Receiver Publication ID: 66861

Clifford Ho, Kevin Albrecht, Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Jeremy Sment, Joshua Christian, Matthew Carlson, (2019). Overview and Design Basis for the Gen 3 Particle Pilot Plant (G3P3) (paper) Publication ID: 65326

Brantley Mills, Benjamin Schroeder, Lindsey Yue, Reid Shaeffer, Clifford Ho, (2019). Optimizing a falling particle receiver geometry using CFD simulations to maximize the thermal efficiency Publication ID: 65180

Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2019). Effect of quartz aperture covers on the fluid dynamics and thermal efficiency of falling particle receivers Publication ID: 64636

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2019). Simulation and performance evaluation of on-sun particle receiver tests AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 63891

Reid Shaeffer, Reid Shaeffer, Clifford Ho, Clifford Ho, Lindsey Yue, Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Brantley Mills, (2019). Modeling the Thermal Performance of Falling Particle Receivers Subject to External Wind Publication ID: 69791

Lindsey Yue, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2019). Effect of quartz aperture covers on the fluid dynamics and thermal efficiency of falling particle receivers ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference Publication ID: 64635

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2018). Annualized thermal performance of intermediate-scale falling particle receivers AIP Conference Proceedings Publication ID: 53183

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2018). Simulation and performance evaluation of on-sun particle receiver tests (presentation) Publication ID: 59284

Clifford Ho, Gregory Peacock, Brantley Mills, Joshua Christian, Kevin Albrecht, Julius Yellowhair, Daniel Ray, (2018). Particle Mass Flow Control for High-Temperature Concentrating Solar Receivers Publication ID: 62320

Benjamin Schroeder, Adam Hetzler, Brantley Mills, Joe Shelton, (2018). An Effort Towards a Consistent VVUQ Approach for Thermal Systems Analyses Publication ID: 62161

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2017). Annualized Thermal Performance of Intermediate-Scale Falling Particle Receivers Publication ID: 57866

Brantley Mills, Adam Hetzler, Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2017). Numerical Evaluation of Novel Particle Release Patterns in High-Temperature Falling Particle Receivers Publication ID: 56999

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2016). Proposed 10 MWe North-Facing Falling Particle Receiver Design Publication ID: 48303

Brantley Mills, Clifford Ho, (2016). Numerical Evaluation of Novel Particle Release Patterns in High-Temperature Falling Particle Receviers Publication ID: 48104

Clifford Ho, Brantley Mills, Joshua Christian, Gregory Peacock, (2016). Novel particle release patterns for increased receiver thermal efficiency (paper) Publication ID: 52686

Clifford Ho, Brantley Mills, Joshua Christian, Gregory Peacock, (2016). Novel particle release patterns for increased receiver thermal efficiency (presentation) Publication ID: 47072

Brantley Mills, Adam Hetzler, (2016). Verification of Advective Bar Elements Implemented in the Sierra/Aria Thermal Response Code Publication ID: 50055

Clifford Ho, Brantley Mills, Joshua Christian, (2016). Volumetric particle receivers for increased light trapping and heating ASME 2016 10th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Power Conference and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Publication ID: 50767

Brantley Mills, (2016). Verification of Advective Bar Elements Implemented in the Aria Thermal Response Code Publication ID: 46694

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Research Interests

  • Heat Transfer
  • Thermal-fluid cryogenics
  • Reduced-order modeling
  • Concentrated Solar Power
  • Nuclear Energy