Cutting Edge Cyber Research

Cutting Edge Cyber Research

Developing cyber capabilities and technologies to strengthen national security.

Research Areas

Sandia National Laboratories has the capabilities to understand and defend across the spectrum and maintains a rich set of capabilities and expertise applicable to the cyber threat. Sandia’s work in cybersecurity, information assurance, and information technology and system assessments currently covers a range of national programs and initiatives. 

The very digital interconnections that underpin our economic and social well-being are also vulnerable to considerable risk, given that new and more sophisticated cyber threats emerge daily. Sandia is called upon to address such threats. 

Today, we apply decades of science and engineering expertise to assess and protect our nation’s highest consequence systems. Sandia’s state-of-the-art tools & facilities, multi-disciplinary expertise, and access to data & partners from across the national security complex have positioned our researchers on the cutting edge of cyber security and resilience. 

Automated Systems Understanding 

Automated systems understanding will enable national security partners to understand and assess cyber systems (both hardware and software) with respect to a variety of mission objectives, aspiring to answer such questions at the pace of mission needs in the cyber domain. 

Risk Metrics and Methodologies 

The quantification of cybersecurity risk for national security systems, IT enterprise/infrastructure/software systems, is a cross-cutting capability that enables decision makers to assess and, when appropriate, to accept risk with an improved understanding of the implications of such decisions. 


Sandia was an early pioneer in emulation and virtualization for cyber systems and now leverages these capabilities to develop quantitative approaches to validating, optimizing, and defending cyber and cyber-physical systems. 

Pathfinder Technology 

Trusted, responsive developer and demonstrator of threat-informed pathfinder technologies for national security through the delivery of advanced defense, deterrent and intelligence technology, and analysis to strengthen our nation’s defenders.

Cyber Assured and Secure Design 

Cyber assured and secure design will enable Sandia to design secure systems for high consequence ND and other National Security applications that incorporate increasingly complex hardware and software, while maintaining assurance that these systems will function as intended and be resistant to known and emerging methods of cyber compromise. 

Enterprise Cyber

Our Cyber Security responsibilities include technology research and development of next generation cyber systems and technologies. We conduct data acquisition in support of the corporate electronic discovery requirements related to litigation and investigation of waste, fraud, and abuse. Sandia’s goal is to be a model cyber laboratory by implementing innovative architectures, leveraging pioneering approaches and technologies, and engaging local and national communities.