CTH Training

***Update: We are currently unable to offer CTH training to external customers

CTH is a continuously improving code base. Numerous novel input/output options are being added on a routine basis as well as new environments including contextually aware editors and real-time diatom geometry previewing through tools like the Sandia Analysis Workbench (SAW)  Additionally, interactively post processing tools like Paraview are fundamentally shifting the way analysts interact with the software.

It is with great pleasure that we are pleased to inform you that the the training program has been retooled/modernized from the ground up to include these and other exciting new features. All the included training sessions come with tailored/matched examples that guide students through the features’ implementations. Common “Gotcha’s” are noted with solutions prior to analysts fighting through them for hours. The class is conducted on a self contained, portable pHPC cluster requiring only standard conference room space to setup and execute training seminars.

Training Highlights

All new fully case/exampled based core CTH functionality training advanced topics now included in the training include:

(Click on images to enlarge.)

Track mass, tragetectory and historgraphic fragment distribution data within CTH.

Advanced Fragment Tracking

Automatically track and record statistical figures of any fragments traveling through the CTH mesh. Track mass, trajectory and histo-graphic fragment distribution data within CTH.

Create textured surface outputs for portable viewing and 3D printing

Advanced Poly-Surface Outputs

Create textured surface outputs for portable viewing, stl and multi-textured decimated, water tight ply’s of CTH outputs. These allow for portable observation of results, supported by Office 2016 and beyond for direct presentation of 3D models or for 3D printing.

Directly take CT segmentations into CTH to conduct "as-built" simulations

Direct Ingestion of Computed Tomography (CT) Data

Directly take in the ubiquitous opensource DICOM image stack format to ingest CT data straight into CTH to conduct as-built simulations.


Sandia Analysis Workbench (SAW)

A real-time IDE with Geometry Viewing, real-time diatom viewing and Slurm job management

Create highly realistic synthetic X-Radiographs to compare with test data

Synthetic X-Ray Generation

Create highly realistic direct digital analogues of test radiographs to compare simulations with test data.

Other Training Features

  • Advanced Data Harvests with Tracer Regions: (a space based quantity of interest harvest method)
  • Advanced Input Deck Coding with Aprepro: to add C type programming, variable management, looping conditionals and automatic unit conversions to CTH
  • Direct 3D Poly-Surface Insertion into 2D: Use built in slice planes to convert complex 3D stl geometry into 2D executable problems without hand defining them in diatom.
  • Exporting Exodus 2D files and Importing them back as 3D: Conduct simple charge or similar simulations and extrapolate into 3D space for various problems to save execution time.
  • Paraview Post-Processing of CTH Outputs: Take in CTH Spymaster spct files and post process to interactively create beautiful and informative outputs of simulated data.
  • HPC Execution Training: Learn how to use CTH in a High Performance Computing environment to explorer problem spaces unattainable on local desktop resources.