The Center for Systems Reliability (CSR) was established at Sandia National Laboratories to partner with and support U.S. government agencies and commercial organizations on technical programs that involve system and system-of-systems (SoS) reliability, readiness, sustainment and related technologies.
The CSR combines Sandia’s world-class technologies, experience, software, and facilities to provide support in a broad range of areas that include reliability, availability, sustainment, logistics, operational analysis, technology management, lifecycle and total ownership cost analysis, sensitivity, uncertainty, risk analysis, industrial engineering issues, and much more.
We encourage you to use this website to explore examples of the software tools that Sandia has developed as well as descriptions of a number of CSR capability areas. In addition to performing cutting-edge R&D, developing unique tools and technologies, and supporting customers in addressing their most challenging reliability-related problems, the CSR is always looking for opportunities to partner with appropriate government, academic, and industry groups and to collaborate in related technology areas.