Mark Alan Taylor

Computational Science

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Computational Science

(505) 284-1874

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1320


Mark Taylor is a mathematician who specializes in numerical methods for parallel computing and geophysical flows. He currently serves as Chief Computational Scientist for the DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) project. He developed the Hamiltonian structure preserving formulation of the spectral element method used in E3SM’s atmospheric component model. Mark received his Ph.D. from New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in 1992. He joined Sandia National Laboratories in 2004 and was promoted to Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in 2018. In 2014 he was awarded (with Drs. David Bader and William Collins) The Secretary of Energy Achievement Award for his work unifying the Department of Energy’s climate modeling research community, enabling the development of high-resolution fully-coupled climate-system simulations. He is a member of the Community Earth System Model’s Scientific Steering Committee. Mark also serves on advisory committees for Earth system modeling projects at Texas A&M University and Vulcan Inc.


Erdös Number: 3


  • PhD in Mathematics, Courant Institute, New York University, 1992


Christopher Eldred, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2022). Thermodynamically consistent versions of approximations used in modelling moist air Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Publication ID: 80345

Andrew Bradley, Peter Bosler, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2021). Interpolation Semi-Lagrangian Element-Based Transport (Islet) with p-refinement for extremely high-resolution tracer transport Publication ID: 77049

Jason Torchinsky, Mark Taylor, (2021). Improved vertical remapping accuracy Publication ID: 79409

Christopher Eldred, Mark Taylor, (2021). Extending TRiSK with consistent boundaries Publication ID: 78526

Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, Andrew Bradley, Peter Bosler, Andrew Steyer, (2021). A framework to evaluate IMEX schemes for atmospheric models Publication ID: 78539

Mark Taylor, (2021). Cloud-resolving Climate Modeling of the Earth?s Water Cycle Publication ID: 77972

Christopher Eldred, Mark Taylor, Matthew Norman, (2021). Extending TRiSK with Higher-Order Hodge Stars and WENO/FCT Advection Publication ID: 77468

Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, Andrew Bradley, Peter Bosler, Andrew Steyer, (2020). A framework to evaluate IMEX schemes for atmospheric models Geoscientific Model Development Publication ID: 73599

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, Andrew Bradley, Andrew Salinger, Mark Taylor, James Foucar, (2020). Performance-Portability Results for the Non-Hydrostatic Atmosphere Dycore of E3SM at Cloud-Resolving Resolutions Publication ID: 71711

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, James Foucar, Jeff Larkin, Andrew Bradley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Andrew Salinger, (2020). A performance-portable nonhydrostatic atmospheric dycore for the energy exascale earth system model running at cloud-resolving resolutions International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC Publication ID: 71253

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba, (2020). Computing challenges in weather and climate modeling Publication ID: 71340

Peter Bosler, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, Andrew Bradley, balu nadiga, Xiaoming Sun, mat maltrud, (2020). Compact performance portable semi-Lagrangian algorithms for E3SM Publication ID: 71396

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, James Foucar, Mark Taylor, Andrew Bradley, Andrew Salinger, (2020). Performance-portability progress for the ultra-high resolution non-hydrostatic atmosphere model in E3SM Publication ID: 70995

Mark Taylor, (2020). Incorporating GPUs into Earth System Science Publication ID: 71028

Mark Taylor, (2020). E3SM: Performance of spectral element dycore on Summit at scale Publication ID: 74527

Luca Bertagna, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, James Foucar, Jeff Larkin, Andrew Bradley, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Andrew Salinger, (2020). A performance-portable nonhydrostatic atmospheric dycore for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model running at cloud-resolving resolutions Publication ID: 74689

Benjamin Hillman, Peter Caldwell, Andrew Salinger, Luca Bertagna, Hassan Beydoun, Bogenschutz. Peter, Andrew Bradley, Aaron Donahue, Christopher Eldred, James Foucar, Chris Golaz, Oksana Guba, Robert Jacob, Jeff Johnson, Noel Keen, Jayesh Krishna, Wuyin Lin, Weiran Liu, Kyle Pressel, Balwinder Singh, Andrew Steyer, Mark Taylor, Chris Terai, Paul Ullrich, Danqing Wu, Xingqui Yuan, (2020). SCREAM: a performance-portable global cloud-resolving model based on the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Publication ID: 73705

Mark Taylor, (2020). Cloud-resolving Climate Modeling of the Earth?s Water Cycle Publication ID: 72989

Daniel Le Roux, Christopher Eldred, Mark Taylor, (2020). Fourier analyses of high-order continuous and discontinuous Galerkin methods SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Publication ID: 71443

Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba, Andrew Steyer, Paul Ullrich, David Hall, Christopher Eldred, (2020). An Energy Consistent Discretization of the Nonhydrostatic Equations in Primitive Variables Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Publication ID: 73562

Benjamin Hillman, Mark Taylor, Walter Hannah, Christopher Jones, Matt Norman, Jungmin Lee, Kyle Pressel, Mike Pritchard, David Bader, Ruby Leung, (2019). Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models Publication ID: 66835

Mehmet Deveci, Karen Devine, Kevin Pedretti, Mark Taylor, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Umit Çatalyurek, (2019). Geometric mapping of tasks to processors on parallel computers with mesh or torus networks IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems Publication ID: 67455

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2019). Algorithms and software for fast tracer transport in E3SM Publication ID: 70343

Luca Bertagna, Michael Deakin, Oksana Guba, Daniel Sunderland, Andrew Bradley, Irina Tezaur, Mark Taylor, Andrew Salinger, (2019). HOMMEXX 1.0: A performance-portable atmospheric dynamical core for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Geoscientific Model Development Publication ID: 65942

Mark Taylor, (2019). Cloud-resolving Climate Modeling of the Earth?s Water Cycle Publication ID: 65521

Andrew Bradley, Peter Bosler, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, Gregory Barnett, (2019). Communication-efficient property preservation in tracer transport SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 67413

Adam Herrington, Peter Lauritzen, Mark Taylor, Steve Goldhaber, Brian Eaton, Julio Bacmeister, Kevin Reed, Paul Ullrich, (2019). Physics-dynamics coupling with element-based high-order Galerkin methods: Quasi-equal-area physics grid Monthly Weather Review Publication ID: 69223

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Mark Taylor, (2019). Conservative multimoment transport along characteristics for discontinuous Galerkin methods SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 70131

Benjamin Hillman, Mark Taylor, Walter Hannah, Chris Jones, Matt Norman, Sarat Sreepathi, Dave Bader, Ruby Leung, (2019). The Super-Parameterized E3SM Publication ID: 64507

Luca Bertagna, Michael Deakin, Oksana Guba, Daniel Sunderland, Andrew Bradley, Irina Tezaur, Mark Taylor, Andrew Salinger, (2018). Exploring the use of Kokkos in HOMME to achieve performance on multiple architectures Publication ID: 60017

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, Gregory Barnett, balu nadiga, (2018). Semi-Lagrangian algorithm design for atmospheric modeling using heterogeneous computing architectures Publication ID: 60018

Oksana Guba, Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Chris Golaz, Mark Taylor, Gregory Barnett, (2018). Semi-Lagrangian transport in the atmospheric dycore of E3SM Publication ID: 59969

Andrew Steyer, Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba, (2018). Implicit-Explicit Time-Integration in the E3SM-Homme Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere Model Publication ID: 58827

Luca Bertagna, Michael Deakin, Oksana Guba, Daniel Sunderland, Andrew Bradley, Irina Tezaur, Mark Taylor, Andrew Salinger, (2018). Performance portability for next generation HPC architectures in E3SM via the Kokkos programming model Publication ID: 62673

Mark Taylor, (2018). E3SM Computational Strategy Publication ID: 62047

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba, Gregory Barnett, (2018). Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Multi-Moment (SLMM) transport on the sphere Publication ID: 62358

Mehmet Deveci, Karen Devine, Kevin Pedretti, Mark Taylor, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Umit Catalyurek, (2018). Exploiting Geometric Partitioning in Task Mapping for Parallel Computes Publication ID: 61762

Mark Taylor, (2017). Exascale Earth System Modeling Publication ID: 54161

Karen Devine, James Brandt, Mehmet Deveci, Ann Gentile, Vitus Leung, Stephen Olivier, Kevin Pedretti, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Mark Taylor, (2017). Task Placement to Reduce Application Communication Costs Publication ID: 58152

Kara Peterson, Pavel Bochev, Denis Ridzal, Mark Taylor, (2017). Optimization-Based Semi-Lagrangian Tracer Transport Publication ID: 57961

Peter Bosler, Andrew Bradley, Mark Taylor, (2017). Conservative multi-moment characteristic Galerkin transport on the sphere Publication ID: 56117

Ray Bambha, Brian LaFranchi, Paul Schrader, Erika Roesler, Mark Taylor, Daniel Lucero, Mark Ivey, Hope Michelsen, (2016). Monitoring Understanding and Predicting the Growth of Methane Emissions in the Arctic Publication ID: 52394

Peter Bosler, Erika Roesler, Mark Taylor, Miranda Mundt, (2016). Stride Search: A general algorithm for storm detection in high-resolution climate data Geoscientific Model Development Publication ID: 44059

Mehmet Deveci, Karen Devine, Erik Boman, Vitus Leung, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, Mark Taylor, (2016). Partitioning and Task Placement with Zoltan2 Publication ID: 49313

Mark Taylor, (2016). Climate Modeling on Next Generation Supercomputers Publication ID: 46831

Mark Taylor, (2015). The ACME project’s dycore performance strategy for next generation architectures Publication ID: 45933

Erika Roesler, Peter Bosler, Mark Taylor, (2015). Modeling of Arctic Storms with a Variable High-Resolution General Circulation Model Publication ID: 44921

William Spotz, William Spotz, Jeffrey Fike, Jeffrey Fike, Irina Tezaur, Irina Tezaur, Andrew Salinger, Andrew Salinger, Steven Bova, Steven Bova, James Overfelt, James Overfelt, Mark Taylor, Mark Taylor, Eric Phipps, Eric Phipps, (2015). Uncertainty Quantification For A Next-Generation Global Atmosphere Model Publication ID: 44212

Kara Peterson, Mark Taylor, (2015). Optimization-based Spectral Element Semi-Lagrangian Tracer Transport Publication ID: 42497

Erika Roesler, Mark Taylor, Mark Boslough, Peter Bosler, (2014). Arctic Storms in a Regionally Refined Atmospheric General Circulation Model Publication ID: 39850

Irina Demeshko, Mark Taylor, Matthew Norman, (2014). HOMME code on hybrid architectures: porting advection limiters to GPU Publication ID: 38828

Hope Michelsen, Ray Bambha, Zhen Liu, Paul Schrader, Mark Ivey, Erika Roesler, Mark Taylor, Brian LaFranchi, Frederick Helsel, Habib Najm, Khachik Sargsyan, Cosmin Safta, (2014). Black Carbon Methane and Carbon Dioxide: Measurement Modeling and Source Attribution Publication ID: 37741

Kara Peterson, Mark Taylor, (2014). Transport Methods for the CAM Spectral Element Dynamical Core Publication ID: 37537

Mark Taylor, James Overfelt, (2014). The spectral element method on variable resolution grids: Evaluating grid sensitivity and resolution-aware numerical viscosity Geophysical Model Development Publication ID: 40742

Hope Michelsen, Paul Schrader, Erika Roesler, Mark Taylor, Mark Ivey, (2014). Properties of Black Carbon Particles Relevant to Atmospheric Measurements Publication ID: 40548

Kara Peterson, Mark Taylor, (2014). New Tracer Advection Schemes for CAM-SE Publication ID: 37325

Todd Heinrichs, Mark Taylor, (2013). Implemented “Vertically Lagrangian” Option in the Community Atmosphere Model Publication ID: 33400

Mark Taylor, Ray Bambha, Marie Parkes, Nedra Bonal, Megan Slinkard, Paul Mariner, Mathew Ingraham, Hope Michelsen, Kara Peterson, Scott Lindblom, Timothy Draelos, Scott Broome, Marissa Ballantine, Marianne Walck, Kristopher Kuhlman, Anastasia Ilgen, Timothy Fuller, Hongkyu Yoon, (2013). Geoscience Symposium Abstracts Publication ID: 33460

Oksana Guba, James Overfelt, Mark Taylor, (2013). Advection Scheme in CAM-SE Focus on Stabillization Publication ID: 32271

Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2013). Optimal limiters for the spectral element method Proposed for publication in Journal of Computational Physics. Publication ID: 31235

Mark Taylor, (2012). global atmospheric modeling at sandia Publication ID: 28569

Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2011). Evaluation of CAM-SE Option Studied with Deformational Test Case [1] Hurricane Test Case [2] Publication ID: 23128

Mark Taylor, James Overfelt, Michael Levy, (2011). A Variable Resolution Spectral Element Dynamical Core in the Community Atmospheric Model Publication ID: 23268

George Backus, Timothy Trucano, David Robinson, Brian Adams, Elizabeth Richards, John Siirola, Mark Boslough, Mark Taylor, Stephen Conrad, Andjelka Kelic, Jesse Roach, Drake Warren, Marissa Ballantine, William Stubblefield, Lillian Snyder, Ray Finley, Daniel Horschel, Mark Ehlen, Geoffrey Klise, Leonard Malczynski, Kevin Stamber, Vincent Tidwell, Vanessa Vargas, Aldo Zagonel, (2011). Assessing the Near-Term Risk of Climate Uncertainty:Interdependencies among the U.S. States Publication ID: 21841

Mark Taylor, James Overfelt, (2011). The Variable Resolution Spectral Element Dynamical Core in the Community Atmospheric Model (CAM) Publication ID: 21915

Oksana Guba, Mark Taylor, (2011). Quasi-Monotone Advection Methods for Spectral Elements Publication ID: 21947

Mark Taylor, (2011). The Spectral Element Dynamical Core in the Community Climate System Model Publication ID: 22011

Mark Taylor, (2011). Subcycled dynamics in the spectral Community Atmosphere Model version 4 J. Phys. Comf. Ser. Publication ID: 21774

Mark Taylor, (2011). Performance of the HOMME dynamical core in the aqua-planet configuration of NCAR CAM4: equatorial waves Ann. Geophys Publication ID: 21775

Mark Taylor, (2011). Evaluation of the HOMME Dynamical Core in the Aqua-Planet Configuration of NCAR CAM4: Rainfall J. Climate Publication ID: 21776

Mark Taylor, (2011). Low Rossby limiting dynamics for stably stratified flow with finite Froude number J. Fluid Mech. Publication ID: 21777

Mark Taylor, (2011). Progress towards accelerating HOMME on hybrid multi-core systems Int. J. High Performance Computing and applications. Publication ID: 21778

Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba, (2011). CAM-SE: A scalable spectral element dynamical core for the Community Atmosphere Model Int. J. High Performance Computing and applications. Publication ID: 21779

Mark Taylor, (2011). Rotated versions of the Jablonowski steady-state and baroclinic wave test cases: A dynamical core intercomparison J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. Publication ID: 21745

Mark Taylor, (2011). Intermittency and Thermalization in Turbulence Chinese Physics Letters Publication ID: 21747

Mark Taylor, (2011). A compatible and conservative spectral finite element method on unstructured grids J. Comput. Phys. Publication ID: 21748

Mark Taylor, (2011). Accuracy analysis of a spectral element atmospheric model using a fully implicit solution framework Mon. Weather Review Publication ID: 21749

Michael Levy, James Overfelt, Mark Taylor, (2010). Conforming quadrilaterals meshes on the cubed sphere Publication ID: 19570

Mark Boslough, Mark Taylor, Bernard Zak, George Backus, (2008). The Arctic as a test case for an assessment of climate impacts on national security Publication ID: 15115

Mark Taylor, (2008). CEA/SNL Benchmarking Publication ID: 13835

Mark Taylor, (2007). Asymmetric cubature formulas for polynomial integration in the triangle and square J. Comput. Appl. Math. Publication ID: 9747

George Backus, Mark Boslough, Mark Taylor, James Strickland, (2007). SNL Climate Security (Word document) Publication ID: 9552

George Backus, Mark Boslough, James Strickland, Mark Taylor, (2007). SNL Climate Security Publication ID: 9555

Mark Boslough, Mark Taylor, (2006). Supercomputer simulations of 3D seismic waves from a giant impact Publication ID: 8498

Mark Taylor, James Strickland, (2006). 1433 News Note: POP Science Runs Publication ID: 7005

Mark Boslough, James Sprigg, George Backus, Mark Taylor, Laura McNamara, Kathryn Murphy, Leonard Malczynski, (2004). Climate change effects on international stability : a white paper Publication ID: 4086

Mark Taylor, (2004). A new algorithm for computing multivariate Gauss-like quadrature points Publication ID: 3161

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