John Davis Jakeman
Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification

Optimization & Uncertainty Quantification
(505) 284-9097
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1318
I specialize in developing and utilizing machine learning methods for credible data-informed decision making. My experience lies in the intersection of mathematics, statistics and computer science. I am the founding developer of PyApprox which is a Python toolbox for machine learning, uncertainty quantification and design of experiments. I am a leader in making predictions and decisions using data of varying credibility and cost and optimally allocating resources to minimize error subject to budgetary constraints.
Algorithmic Advances
Credible making decisions under uncertainty requires a multi-disciplinary team and the development and tailoring algorithms to the individual challenges of a given application. Consequently, my research portfolio is very broad and includes the development of novel methods associated with:
- Machine learning: multi-fidelity information fusion; low-rank tensor-decomposition; Gaussian processes; polynomial chaos expansions; sparse-grids; risk-adverse regression; compressed sensing.
- Probabilistic inverse problems: Bayesian inference; push-forward based inference.
- Experimental design: optimal design of computer experiments for interpolation regression and compressed sensing; risk-adverse optimal experimental design
Application Advances
I am enthusiastic about using fundamental theoretical and algorithmic advances to help address the complex challenges faced by simulation aided decision making. Areas I have or am currently working on include:
- Engineering: direct field acoustic testing; additive manufacturing of lattices; design of aerospace nozzles.
- Climate: ice-sheet evolution; arctic sea-ice evolution
- Plasma physics: high-density fusion
Reproducible and Maintainable Software
I believe developing modular, easy to software that is simple to develop and maintain is essential for addressing the continually evolving challenges faced by high-consequence decision making. These principles are reflected in the Python toolbox PyApprox whose development I lead. PyApprox is also accompanied by an extensive set of documentation, including tutorials and examples, that aim to improve the accessibility of machine learning methods for credible data-informed decision making.
- B.Sc. Mathematics. (Honours 1). Australian National University, 2003-2006.
- Ph.D. Mathematics. Australian National University, 2007-2011.
- Postdoctoral associate. Purdue University, 2011.
- Postdoctoral associate. Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), 2011.
- Postdoctoral associate. Sandia National Laboratories, 2012-2014.
John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Daniel Seidl, Thomas Smith, Alex Gorodetsky, Trung Pham, Akil Narayan, Xiaoshu Zeng, Roger Ghanem, (2022). Multi-fidelity information fusion and resource allocation Publication ID: 80245
Irina Tezaur, Kara Peterson, Amy Powell, John Jakeman, Erika Roesler, (2022). Global Sensitivity Analysis Using the Ultra‐Low Resolution Energy Exascale Earth System Model Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems Publication ID: 80057
John Jakeman, (2022). PyApprox: Enabling efficient model analysis Publication ID: 80040
John Jakeman, Sam Friedman, Michael Eldred, Lorenzo Tamellini, Alex Gorodetsky, Doug Allaire, (2022). Adaptive experimental design for multi-fidelity surrogate modeling of multi-disciplinary systems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Publication ID: 80511
John Jakeman, Drew Kouri, Jose Huerta, (2022). Surrogate modeling for efficiently, accurately and conservatively estimating measures of risk Reliability Engineering and System Safety Publication ID: 80231
Qian Wang, Joseph Guillaume, John Jakeman, Tao Yang, Takuya Iwanaga, Barry Croke, Anthony Jakeman, (2022). Assessing the predictive impact of factor fixing with an adaptive uncertainty-based approach Environmental Modelling and Software Publication ID: 80234
Alex Gorodetsky, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2022). Reverse-mode differentiation in arbitrary tensor network format: with application to supervised learning Journal of Machine Learning Research Publication ID: 80727
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, Teresa Portone, Timothy Wildey, Ahmad Rushdi, Daniel Seidl, (2021). The Dakota Project: Connecting the Pipeline from Uncertainty Quantification R&D to Mission Impact Publication ID: 76127
R. White, John Jakeman, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, Drew Kouri, Alex Alexanderian, (2021). Exploring risk-averse design criteria for sequential optimal experimental design in a Bayesian setting Publication ID: 75823
Zachary Morrow, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, John Jakeman, (2021). Characterizing Approximation Methods for Digital Twins in Scientific Computing Publication ID: 75870
Daniel Seidl, John Jakeman, (2021). Improving Digital Twins by Learning from a Fleet of Assets Publication ID: 75878
John Jakeman, Drew Kouri, Jose Huerta, (2021). Surrogate Modeling For Efficiently, Accurately and Conservatively Estimating Measures of Risk Publication ID: 75892
Drew Kouri, John Jakeman, Jose Huerta, Timothy Walsh, Chandler Smith, Stan Uryasev, (2021). Risk-Adaptive Experimental Design for High-Consequence Systems: LDRD Final Report Publication ID: 75666
Sam Friedman, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Lorenzo Tamellini, Alex Gorodestky, Doug Allaire, (2021). Adaptive resource allocation for surrogate modeling of systems comprised of multiple disciplines with varying fidelity Publication ID: 78769
John Jakeman, Drew Kouri, Jose Huerta, (2021). Surrogate Modeling For Efficiently Accurately and Conservatively Estimating Measures of Risk Publication ID: 78808
John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Teresa Portone, Ahmad Rushdi, Daniel Seidl, Thomas Smith, (2021). Multi-fidelity Machine Learning Publication ID: 79162
Xiaoshu Zeng, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, Roger Ghanem, (2021). Adaptive Basis for Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 79504
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, Teresa Portone, (2021). Efficient Deployment of Multifidelity Sampling Methods in Production Settings Publication ID: 79508
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Anh Tran, (2021). Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems for Property-Structure Relationships in Computational Materials Science Publication ID: 79535
John Jakeman, Samuel Friedman, Michael Eldred, Lorenzo Tamellini, Alex Gorodetsky, Doug Allaire, (2021). Adaptive resource allocation for surrogate modeling of systems comprised of multiple disciplines with varying fidelity Publication ID: 78820
William Reese, Joseph Hart, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, Mauro Perergo, John Jakeman, Arvind Saibaba, (2021). Bedrock Inversion and Hyper Differential Sensitivity Analysis for the Shallow Ice Model Publication ID: 78605
Tong Qin, Zhen Chen, John Jakeman, Dongbin Xiu, (2021). Data-driven learning of nonautonomous systems SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 75804
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, (2021). Combining Measure Theory and Bayes? Rule to Solve a Stochastic Inverse Problem Publication ID: 78143
Helumt Harbrecht, John Jakeman, Peter Zaspel, (2021). Cholesky-based experimental design for gaussian process and kernel-based emulation and calibration Communications in Computational Physics Publication ID: 71546
Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, (2021). Low-Rank Tensor Network Approximations for Earth System Model Publication ID: 77458
John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Thomas Smith, (2021). MFNETS: Multi-Fidelity Data-Driven Networks for Data Analysis Publication ID: 77472
Saman Razavi, Anthony Jakeman, Andrea Saltelli, Clémentine Prieur, Bertrand Iooss, Emanuele Borgonovo, Elmar Plischke, Samuele Lo Piano, Takuya Iwanaga, William Becker, Stefano Tarantola, Joseph Guillaume, John Jakeman, Hoshin Gupta, Nicola Melillo, Giovanni Rabitti, Vincent Chabridon, Qingyun Duan, Xifu Sun, Stefán Smith, Razi Sheikholeslami, Nasim Hosseini, Masoud Asadzadeh, Arnald Puy, Sergei Kucherenko, Holger Maier, (2021). The Future of Sensitivity Analysis: An essential discipline for systems modeling and policy support Environmental Modelling and Software Publication ID: 74992
Michael Eldred, Alex Gorodetsky, Gianluca Geraci, John Jakeman, Teresa Portone, (2021). Recent Advances in Adaptive Refinement of (Regression-Based) Multifidelity Surrogates for UQ Publication ID: 77372
Bert Debusschere, Gianluca Geraci, John Jakeman, Cosmin Safta, Laura Swiler, (2021). Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Discrete Random Variables in Cyber Security Emulytics Experiments Publication ID: 77383
Laura Swiler, Mamikon Gulian, A. Frankel, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2021). Constrained Gaussian Processes: A Survey Publication ID: 77280
Tong Qin, Zhen Chen, John Jakeman, Dongbin Xiu, (2021). Deep learning of parameterized equations with applications to uncertainty quantification International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 71096
Alex Gorodetsky, Kazuya Tsuji, John Jakeman, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, (2020). Multifidelity information fusion via network models for uncertainty quantification in aerospace dynamical systems Publication ID: 72268
Bill Lozanovski, David Downing, Rance Tino, Anton du Plessis, Phuong Tran, John Jakeman, Darpan Shidid, Claus Emmelmann, Ma Qian, Peter Choong, Milan Brandt, Martin Leary, (2020). Non-destructive simulation of node defects in additively manufactured lattice structures Additive Manufacturing Publication ID: 74924
Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2020). Multifidelity Strategies in UQ: an overview on some recent trends in sampling based approaches Publication ID: 74972
Mamikon Gulian, Laura Swiler, A. Frankel, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2020). A Survey of Constrained Gaussian Process Regression: Approaches and Implementation Challenges Publication ID: 74592
Mamikon Gulian, Laura Swiler, A. Frankel, John Jakeman, Cosmin Safta, (2020). A Survey of Constrained Gaussian Process Regression: Approaches and Implementation Challenges Publication ID: 74359
Alex Gorodetsky, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2020). A generalized approximate control variate framework for multifidelity uncertainty quantification Journal of Computational Physics Publication ID: 71027
John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, (2020). Adaptive multi-index collocation for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Publication ID: 66292
Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, (2020). Mfnets: Multi-fidelity data-driven networks for bayesian learning and prediction International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 74093
Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, John Jakeman, (2019). Uncertainty Quantification for E3SM Land Component using Low-Rank Surrogate Models Publication ID: 66773
Timothy Wildey, Lukas Bruder, Tan Bui-Thanh, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Brad Marvin, Anh Tran, Scott Walsh, (2019). Moving Beyond Forward Simulation to Enable Data-informed Physics-based Predictions Publication ID: 66318
John Jakeman, (2019). Uncertainty Quantification: An Overview Publication ID: 66341
Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2019). Recent advancement in Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 65621
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, (2019). Convergence of Probability Densities using Approximate Models for Forward and Inverse Problems in Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 64879
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2019). Multilevel / Multifidelity Sampling and Emulation for Forward UQ Publication ID: 65019
Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2019). Recent Advancements for Multifidelity UQ and OUU in Dakota: Capability Overview and Perspectives Publication ID: 70164
John Jakeman, Fabian Franzelin, Akil Narayan, Michael Eldred, Dirk Plfüger, (2019). Polynomial chaos expansions for dependent random variables Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Publication ID: 63130
Cosmin Safta, Timothy Reid, John Jakeman, Khachik Sargsyan, (2019). Approximating Data with Stochastic and Physical Dependence using the Functional Tensor Train Models Publication ID: 69801
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Lukas Bruder, (2019). Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems using Approximate Push-forward Densities based on a Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo Method Publication ID: 69562
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2019). Experience with Multilevel/Multifidelity/Multi-Index Sampling and Surrogate Approaches for Forward Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 70119
Tiernan Casey, Bert Debusschere, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Roger Ghanem, John Jakeman, Youssef Marzouk, Habib Najm, Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, (2019). FASTMath: UQ Algorithms Publication ID: 69621
Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, (2019). Low-Rank Functional Tensor Train Representations for High-Dimensional Computational Models Publication ID: 69010
Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, Daniel Ricciuto, (2019). Exploiting Model Structure for Forward Propagation of Uncertainty in Earth System Models Publication ID: 69353
John Jakeman, (2019). A mathematical perspective on the certification and design of physical systems in the presence of uncertainty Publication ID: 68525
Luca Bertagna, John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, Irina Tezaur, Jerry Watkins, Andrew Salinger, Xylar Asay-Davis, Matthew Hoffman, Stephen Price, Tong Zhang, Georg Stadler, (2019). Modeling Ice Sheets with MALI Publication ID: 68862
Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2019). Recent advancements toward generalized sampling strategies for multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 67615
Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, Daniel Ricciuto, (2019). Exploiting Low-Rank Structure for Sensitivity Analysis in Earth System Models Publication ID: 67283
Mauro Perego, John Jakeman, William Severa, Lars Ruthotto, (2019). Neural Networks Surrogates of PDE-based Dynamical Systems: Application to Ice Sheet Dynamics Publication ID: 67249
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Tan Bui-Thanh, Brad Marvin, Lukas Bruder, (2019). Developing Scalable and Multi-fidelity Approaches for Push-forward Based Inference Publication ID: 64514
Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2019). Recent advancements in Multilevel-Multifidelity techniques for forward UQ in the DARPA Sequoia project Publication ID: 64164
Cosmin Safta, Dan Ricciuto, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2018). Exploiting Model Structure for Global Sensitivity Analysis in E3SM Land Model Publication ID: 60522
Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2018). Gradient-based optimization for regression in the functional tensor-train format Journal of Computational Physics Publication ID: 60350
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, (2018). The Consistent Bayesian Approach for Stochastic Inverse Problems Publication ID: 59876
John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, William Severa, (2018). Neural Networks as Surrogates of Nonlinear High-Dimensional Parameter-to-Prediction Maps Publication ID: 59302
John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, (2018). Generation and application of multivariate polynomial quadrature rules Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Publication ID: 60352
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2018). Lecture 1: Multilevel-Multifidelity with Monte Carlo Sampling; Algorithms and deployment experience Publication ID: 63755
John Jakeman, Troy Butler, Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, Timothy Wildey, (2018). Adaptive multi-index collocation for quantifying uncertainty Publication ID: 63211
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Brad Marvin, (2018). Consistent Bayesian Inference with Push-forward Measures: Scalable Implementations and Applications Publication ID: 62972
John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, Irina Tezaur, Stephen Price, Georg Stadler, (2018). Ice Sheet Initialization and Uncertainty Quantification of SeaLevel Rise Publication ID: 62288
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Daniel Seidl, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, (2018). Data-informed Multiscale Modeling of Additive Materials Publication ID: 62297
Mauro Perego, Luca Bertagna, Matthew Hoffman, John Jakeman, Stephen Price, Andrew Salinger, Georg Stadler, Irina Tezaur, Jerry Watkins, (2018). Ice Sheet Modeling: Computational and Mathematical Challenges Publication ID: 62055
Mauro Perego, John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, Irina Tezaur, Stephen Price, Georg Stadler, (2018). Methodologies for Enabling Bayesian Calibration in Landice Modeling Towards Probabilistic Projections of Sealevel Change Publication ID: 61720
Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2018). TOWARDS LEVERAGING ACTIVE DIRECTION FOR EFFICIENT MULTIFIDELITY UQ STRATEGIES Publication ID: 61779
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, Scott Walsh, (2018). Optimal Experimental Design for Prediction Using a Consistent Bayesian Approach Publication ID: 61612
Ben Adcock, Anyi Bao, John Jakeman, Akil Naryan, (2018). Compressed sensing with sparse corruptions: Fault-tolerant sparse collocation approximations Publication ID: 61625
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2018). Adaptive Refinement Strategies for Multilevel Polynomial Chaos Expansions Publication ID: 61666
Anthony Jakeman, John Jakeman, (2018). An overview of methods to identify and manage uncertainty for modelling problems in the water-environment-agriculture cross-sector Mathematics for Industry Publication ID: 58446
Scott Walsh, Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, (2018). Optimal experimental design using a consistent Bayesian approach ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering Publication ID: 56168
Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, Roger Ghanem, (2018). Scalable Uncertainty Quantification: Exploiting Structure in Models and Data Publication ID: 60773
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2018). Multilevel-Multifidelity Approaches for Forward UQ in the DARPA SEQUOIA Project Publication ID: 58681
Alex Gorodetsky, Gianluca Geraci, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2018). Multifidelity Model Management using Latent Variable Bayesian Networks Publication ID: 58728
Kara Peterson, Michael Parks, Eric Ackerman, Ray Bambha, Diana Bull, Jennifer Frederick, Jasper Hardesty, Anastasia Ilgen, John Jakeman, Amy Powell, Matthew Peterson, Erika Roesler, Cosmin Safta, David Stracuzzi, Irina Tezaur, (2018). Arctic Tipping Points Triggering Global Change Publication ID: 58729
John Jakeman, Roland Pulch, (2018). Time and Frequency Domain Methods for Basis Selection in Random Linear Dynamical Systems International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 59010
Ben Adcock, Anyi Bao, John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, (2018). Compressed sensing with sparse corruptions: Fault-tolerant sparse collocation approximations SIAM-ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 59018
John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, Irina Tezaur, Steve Price, (2017). Towards probabilistic predictions of future sea-level Publication ID: 54018
John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, (2017). Generation and application of multivariate polynomial quadrature rules Publication ID: 54017
Timothy Wildey, Troy Butler, John Jakeman, (2017). A Consistent Bayesian Approach for Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems Publication ID: 58335
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, (2017). Advancing Beyond Interpretive Simulation to Inference for Prediction Publication ID: 58203
John Jakeman, Alex Gorodetsky, Michael Eldred, (2017). Tractable Uncertainty Quantification: Exploiting Structure Publication ID: 58076
Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, (2017). Sampling Polynomial Chaos and Functional Tensor Train Multilevel/Multifidelity Strategies for Forward UQ Publication ID: 57348
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2017). Multilevel-Multifidelity Expansions with Application to Forward UQ OUU and Emulator-Based Bayesian Inference Publication ID: 57417
Irina Tezaur, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Mauro Perego, Stephen Price, Andrew Salinger, (2017). Large-scale Deterministic Inversion and Bayesian Calibration in Land-Ice Modeling Publication ID: 57170
Michael Eldred, Jason Monschke, John Jakeman, Gianluca Geraci, (2017). Multilevel-Multifidelity Approaches for Uncertainty Quantification and Design Publication ID: 56819
John Jakeman, (2017). Multivariate Quadrature Rules for Correlated Random Variables Publication ID: 55379
Alex Gorodetsky, John Jakeman, (2017). High-dimensional regression of low-rank functions Publication ID: 55240
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, (2017). Efficient Sampling Strategies for the Consistent Bayesian Approach for Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems Publication ID: 55046
Anyi Bao, Ben Adcock, John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, (2017). Compressive Sampling in Multivariate Polynomial Approximation with Corrupted Simulation Samples Publication ID: 55131
Akil Narayan, John Jakeman, Tao Zhou, (2017). A christoffel function weighted least squares algorithm for collocation approximations Mathematics of Computation Publication ID: 42643
John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, Tao Zhou, (2017). A generalized sampling and preconditioning scheme for sparse approximation of polynomial chaos expansions SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 48548
Irina Tezaur, Andrew Salinger, Mauro Perego, Raymond Tuminaro, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Jerry Watkins, Stephen Price, Irina Demeshko, (2017). The Albany/FELIX Land-Ice Dynamical Core Publication ID: 52719
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, (2016). A Consistent Bayesian Approach for Stochastic Inverse Problems Publication ID: 50347
John Jakeman, (2016). Compressed sensing and its role in designing aircraft nozzles in the presence of uncertainty Publication ID: 49538
John Jakeman, Akil Narayan, Tao Zhou, (2016). Efficient Sampling Schemes for Recovering Sparse PCE Publication ID: 49363
Irina Tezaur, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Mauro Perego, Andrew Salinger, Stephen Price, (2016). Towards Uncertainty Quantification in 21st Century Sea-Level Rise Predictions: Efficient Methods for Bayesian Calibration and Forward Propagation of Uncertainty for Land-Ice Models Publication ID: 49071
Mauro Perego, S. Price, G. Stadler, Andrew Salinger, Irina Tezaur, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2016). Towards Uncertainty Quantification in 21st Century SeaLevel Rise Predictions: PDE Constrained Optimization as a First Step in Bayesian Calibration and Forward Propagation Publication ID: 49124
Mauro Perego, John Jakeman, S. Price, Andrew Salinger, G. Stadler, Irina Tezaur, (2016). Computational Challenges in Ice Sheet Modeling Publication ID: 49125
Ahmad Rushdi, Laura Swiler, Scott Mitchell, John Jakeman, Eric Phipps, Mohamed Ebeida, (2016). VPS: Voronoi Piecewise Surrogate Models for High-Dimensional Data Fitting Publication ID: 46599
Mauro Perego, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, Andrew Salinger, Irina Tezaur, Stephen Price, Matthew Hoffman, (2016). Towards quantifying uncertainty in Greenland’s contribution to 21st century sea-level rise Publication ID: 46654
Michael Asher, John Jakeman, Anthony Jakeman, (2015). Multifidelity surrogates of groundwater flow Publication ID: 42060
John Jakeman, Yi Chen, Dongbin Xiu, Claude Gittelson, (2015). Dimension reduction for PDE using local Karhunen Loeve expansions Publication ID: 45588
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, (2015). Adaptive Bayesian Inference for Prediction Publication ID: 45595
Timothy Wildey, John Shadid, Eric Cyr, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, (2015). Adjoint-Based a Posteriori Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification for Transient Nonlinear Problems with Discontinuous Solutions Publication ID: 45375
Irina Tezaur, Andrew Salinger, Mauro Perego, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Irina Demeshko, Raymond Tuminaro, Stephen Price, (2015). Albany/FELIX: A Robust & Scalable Trilinos-Based Finite-Element Ice Flow Dycore Built for Advanced Architectures & Analysis Publication ID: 44874
John Jakeman, (2015). Multi-Variate Weighted Leja Sequences for Polynomial Approximation and UQ Publication ID: 44943
Michael Eldred, Bert Debusschere, Kamaljit Chowdhary, John Jakeman, Prashant Rai, Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, (2015). Sandia Software Enabling Extreme-Scale Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 44419
Irina Tezaur, Mauro Perego, Raymond Tuminaro, Andrew Salinger, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, Lili Ju, Tong Zhang, Max Gunzburger, Stephen Price, (2015). Progress on the PISCEES FELIX Ice Sheet Dynamical Cores Publication ID: 44422
Bert Debusschere, John Jakeman, Kamaljit Chowdhary, Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, P. Rai, R. Ghanem, O. Knio, O. La Maitre, J. Winokur, G. Li, O. Ghattas, R. Moser, C. Simmons, A. Alexanderian, J. Gattiker, D. Higdon, E. Lawrence, S. Bhat, Y. Marzouk, D. Bigoni, T. Cui, M. Parno, (2015). Quantification of Uncertainty in Extreme Scale Computations Publication ID: 44684
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, Eric Cyr, John Shadid, (2015). Adjoint-Based a Posteriori Error Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification for Shock-Hydrodynamic Applications Publication ID: 44737
Timothy Wildey, John Jakeman, Troy Butler, (2015). Utilizing Adjoint-based Error Estimates to Adaptively Resolve Response Surface Approximations Publication ID: 43836
John Jakeman, (2015). Sampling and Preconditioning Strategies for $\ell_1$-minimization Publication ID: 43408
Michael Eldred, Patrick Heimbach, Charles Jackson, John Jakeman, Mauro Perego, Stephen, Price, Andrew Salinger, Georg Stadler, Irina Tezaur, (2015). From Deterministic Inversion to Uncertainty Quantification: Planning a Long Journey in Ice Sheet Modeling Publication ID: 42859
Mauro Perego, Stephen Price, Georg Stadler, Michael Eldred, Charles Jackson, John Jakeman, Andrew Salinger, Irina Tezaur, (2015). Advances in Ice Sheet Model Initialization Using the First Order Model Publication ID: 42508
Yi Chen, John Jakeman, Claude Gittelson, Dongbin Xiu, (2015). Local polynomial chaos expansion for linear differential equations with high dimensional random inputs SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Publication ID: 42338
Michael Eldred, Bert Debusschere, Kamaljit Chowdhary, John Jakeman, Habib Najm, Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, (2014). Sandia Software Enabling Extreme-Scale Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 37782
Habib Najm, Michael Eldred, Bert Debusschere, Kamaljit Chowdhary, John Jakeman, Cosmin Safta, Khachik Sargsyan, (2014). An Overview of Select UQ Algorithms and their Utility in Applications Publication ID: 37818
Brian Adams, John Jakeman, Laura Swiler, John Stephens, Dena Vigil, Timothy Wildey, Lara Bauman, William Bohnhoff, Keith Dalbey, John Eddy, Mohamed Ebeida, Michael Eldred, Patricia Hough, Kenneth Hu, (2014). Dakota, a multilevel parallel object-oriented framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis : Publication ID: 41017
Brian Adams, John Jakeman, Laura Swiler, John Stephens, Dena Vigil, Timothy Wildey, Lara Bauman, William Bohnhoff, Keith Dalbey, John Eddy, Mohamed Ebeida, Michael Eldred, Patricia Hough, Kenneth Hu, (2014). Dakota, a multilevel parallel object-oriented framework for design optimization, parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, and sensitivity analysis version 6.0 theory manual Publication ID: 40814
John Jakeman, (2014). A Posteriori Error Estimates to Enable Effective Dimension Reduction in Stochastic Systems Publication ID: 40247
John Jakeman, (2014). Practical identifiability analysis of environmental models Publication ID: 40193
John Jakeman, (2014). Treating Computer Experiment: What Matters What Doesn’t What Evidence Publication ID: 40174
Irina Tezaur, Andrew Salinger, Mauro Perego, Raymond Tuminaro, John Jakeman, (2014). FELIX: The Albany Ice Sheet Modeling Code Publication ID: 36741
John Jakeman, (2013). Polynomial Chaos Methods in Dakota Publication ID: 31950
Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, Timothy Wildey, (2013). Deployment of Scalable UQ Methods for High-Fidelity Simulation-based Applications within the DOE Publication ID: 36511
John Jakeman, Timothy Wildey, (2013). Scalable Uncertainty Quantification Methods Publication ID: 34628
John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, (2013). Constructing Polynomial Chaos Expansions via Compressed Sensing and Cross Validation Publication ID: 34737
John Jakeman, (2013). A Posteriori Error Analysis and Adaptive Construction of Surrogate Models Publication ID: 33723
Andrew Salinger, Irina Tezaur, Mauro Perego, Raymond Tuminaro, Michael Eldred, John Jakeman, (2013). Rapid Development of an Ice Sheet Climate Application using the Components-Based Approach Publication ID: 33356
John Jakeman, (2013). High-dimensional sparse grid interpolation and quadrature using one-dimensional Leja quadrature rules Publication ID: 32913
Michael Eldred, Stefan Domino, Matthew Barone, John Jakeman, (2013). Advances in UQ Algorithms for Wind Energy Applications Publication ID: 31642
John Jakeman, Timothy Wildey, (2013). Quantifying Uncertainty using a-posteriori Enhanced Sparse Grid Approximations Publication ID: 32169
John Jakeman, (2013). Constructing Polynomial Chaos Expansions via Compressed Sensing and Cross Validation Publication ID: 31245
Habib Najm, Khachik Sargsyan, Cosmin Safta, Bert Debusschere, John Jakeman, Michael Eldred, (2012). Sparse Polynomial Representations of High Dimensional Models Publication ID: 28932
John Jakeman, Timothy Wildey, Michael Eldred, (2012). Adaptive sparse grids for uncertainty quantication Enhancing approximations using a posteriori error estimation Publication ID: 29105
John Jakeman, (2012). A Discussion of Gaussian Process Models and Polynomial Chaos Methods for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 28229
John Jakeman, (2012). Locally Adaptive Generalised Sparse Grids Publication ID: 27513
Habib Najm, Bert Debusschere, Michael Eldred, Cosmin Safta, John Jakeman, (2012). Quantification of Uncertainty in Extreme Scale Computations (QUEST) Publication ID: 27011
John Jakeman, (2012). Minimal Multi-Element Stochastic Collocation for Uncertainty Quantification of Discontinuous Functions Journal of Computational Physics Publication ID: 26724
Showing Results.