Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico P.O. Box 5800 Albuquerque, NM 87185-1327
Dr. Brad Aimone is a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories, where he is a lead researcher in leveraging computational neuroscience to advance artificial intelligence and in using neuromorphic computing platforms for future scientific computing applications. Brad currently leads a multi-institution DOE Office of Science Microelectronics Co-Design project titled COINFLIPS (which stands for CO-designed Influenced Neural Foundations Inspired by Physical Stochasticity) which is focused on developing a novel probabilistic neuromorphic computing platform. He also currently leads several other research efforts on designing neural algorithms for scientific computing applications and neuromorphic machine learning implementations.
Brad has published over seventy peer-reviewed journal and conference articles in venues such as Advanced Materials, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Electronics, Communications of the ACM, and PNAS and he is one of the co-founders of the Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements, or NICE, conference. Prior to joining the technical staff at Sandia in 2011, Dr. Aimone was a postdoctoral research associate at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, with a Ph.D. in computational neuroscience from the University of California, San Diego and Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in chemical engineering from Rice University.
Ph.D. Computational Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego Thesis title: “Computational modeling of adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus”
Masters of Chemical Engineering, Rice University, Houston
BS in Chemical Engineering, Rice University, Houston
Li Y, Stam FJ, Aimone JB, Goulding M, Callaway EM, and Gage FH – “Molecular layer perforant path-associated cells contribute to feed-forward inhibition in the adult dentate gyrus” PNAS. 110(22), May 2013
Li Y*, Aimone JB*, Xu X, Callaway EM, and Gage FH – “Development of GABAergic inputs controls the contribution of maturing neurons to the adult hippocampal network” PNAS. 109(11), March 2012.
Aimone JB, Deng W, and Gage FH – “Resolving New Memories: A Critical Look at the Dentate Gyrus, Adult Neurogenesis, and Pattern Separation” Neuron. 70(4), May 2011. (ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Paper)
Aimone JB and Gage FH – “Modeling new neuron function: a history of using computational neuroscience to study adult neurogenesis” European Journal of Neuroscience. 33(6), March 2011.
Aimone JB, Deng W, and Gage FH – “Put Them Out to Pasture? What Are Old Granule Cells Good for, Anyway…?” Hippocampus. 20(10), October 2010.
Aimone JB*, Deng W*, and Gage FH – “Adult neurogenesis: integrating theories and separating functions” Featured Review for Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 14(7), July 2010 (Cover Article; ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Paper).
Deng W*, Aimone JB*, and Gage FH – “New neurons and new memories: How does adult hippocampal neurogenesis affect learning and memory?” Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 11(5), May 2010. (ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Paper)
Aimone JB, Wiles J, and Gage FH – “Computational Influence of Adult Neurogenesis on Memory Encoding” Neuron, 61(2), January 2009. (Faculty of 1000 Biology)
Smrt RD, Eaves-Egenes J, Barkho BZ, Santistevan NJ, Zhao C, Aimone JB, Gage FH, and Zhao X – “Mecp2 deficiency leads to delayed maturation and altered gene expression in hippocampal neurons” Neurobiology of Disease, 27(1), April 2007. (Faculty of 1000 Biology; ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Paper)
Aimone JB, Wiles J, and Gage FH – “Potential Role for Adult Neurogenesis in the Encoding of Time in New Memories.” Nature Neuroscience, 9(6), June 2006. (Faculty of 1000 Biology; ISI Web of Knowledge Highly Cited Paper)
Barkho BZ, Song H, Aimone JB, Smrt RD, Kuwabara T, Nakashima K, Gage FH, and Zhao X – “Identification of astrocyte-expressed factors that modulate neural stem/progenitor cell differentiation.” Stem Cell and Development, 15(3), June 2006.
Myers CP, Lewcock JW, Hanson MG, Gosgnach S, Aimone JB, Gage FH, Lee KF, Landmesser LT, and Pfaff SL – “Cholinergic Input is Required during Embryonic Development to Mediate Proper Assemby of Spinal Locomotor Circuits.” Neuron, 46(1), April 2005.
Aimone JB*, Leasure JL*, Perreau VM*, Thallmair M* and the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation – “Spatial and Temporal Gene Expression Profiling of the Contused Rat Spinal Cord” Experimental Neurology, 189(2), October 2004 (Cover Article).
Aimone JB and Gage FH,– “Unbiased Characterization of High-densisty Oligonucleotide Microarrays Using Probe-Level Statistics” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 135(1-2), May 2004.
Coffer JL, Montchamp JL, Aimone JB, and Weis RP – “Routes to Calcified Porous Silicon: Implications for Drug Delivery and Biosensing” Physica. Status. Solidi. (a) 197, No.2. 2003.
Awards & Recognition
James Aimone, , James Aimone, US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium Invitee, National Academy of Engineering, Nominated to be one of ~100 young engineers to participate in a multi-day symposium on emerging topics in engineering.,
September 25, 2017
Derek M. Trumbo, Christina E Warrender, James Aimone, Fredrick Rothganger, , James Aimone, Copyrighted and Open Sourced N2A Software, Department of Energy,
February 27, 2013