J. Darby Smith

Senior Member of Technical Staff

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Senior Member of Technical Staff



Darby Smith (he/him) graduated from Wofford College in 2011 with a B.S. in Physics and a B.A. in Mathematics. In 2012, he completed his M.S. in Mathematics at the College of Charleston. From 2012 to 2014 he worked as a mathematics courseware specialist. Darby received his PhD in 2019 under the direction of Scott McKinley (Tulane) from the University of Florida, focusing on applications of stochastic calculus to intracellular transport. After graduation, he accepted a postdoctoral position at Sandia National Laboratories in the Cognitive & Emerging Computing department. His postdoctoral work focused on random walk and PDE applications for spiking neuromorphic computing.

After completing his postdoc, Darby continued on at Sandia in a full research staff role within the same department. Currently Darby is the applications thrust lead for the COINFLIPS codesign project. This project seeks to design the algorithms, circuits, and devices for the future of probabilistic computing, targeting applications like heavy ion colliding.

Darby’s research interests fall primarily within applications of probability. This includes stochastic calculus, measure theory, game theory, particle methods, and many others. He is particularly interested in projects that utilize these areas within biological and physical applications, especially if the development of the application would require new mathematical and probabilistic theorems.

Outside of probability, Darby enjoys hiking, kayaking, and playing saxophone.


For the most up-to-date publication list, see my Google Scholar page.