Frances S. Chance

Cognitive & Emerging Computing

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Cognitive & Emerging Computing

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(505) 845-7956

Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1327


My research focus is to understand how biological neural networks represent, transform, and transmit information in the brain. At Sandia Labs I use computational modeling and mathematical analysis of neurons and neural networks to understand the basic computations that underlie sensory processing and cognition.

I am intrigued by potential parallels between the operations of neural systems and the challenges faced by modern computers. At Sandia my research program has expanded to include applying knowledge of neural systems towards the development of novel neuro-inspired algorithms and brain-based architectures to improve the performance of computing systems and other engineered systems.


  • Ph.D. Brandeis University
  • M.S. Brandeis University
  • B.S. California Institute of Technology

Selected Publications and Other News

  • Our work was recently featured on the cover of IEEE Spectrum.
  • Also, I recently was invited for a TED talk on the same work.