Cynthia Ann Phillips
Computing Research

Computing Research
(505) 845-7296
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1326
I have historically worked in combinatorial optimization, algorithm design and analysis, and
parallel computation with elements of operations research. My work has spanned theory, general solver development, and applications. I still work in combinatorial optimization. More recently, I have worked in “big data” areas, including streaming, complex (social) network analysis, and trajectory analysis and I have worked in co-design of algorithms and architectures for extreme-scale future machines.
I have also worked in/done work in: scheduling, network and infrastructure surety, integer programming, graph algorithms, and cybersecurity.
Here are a list of past research areas: vehicle routing, computational biology, sensor placement, and wireless networks.
My latest CV is available within the left sidebar. Since these have to be formally reviewed, I will post a new one approximately once per year.
Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Martin Farach-Colton, Rob Johnson, Thomas Kroeger, Prashant Pandey, Cynthia Phillips, Shikha Singh, (2021). Advanced Data Structures for Monitoring Cyber Streams Publication ID: 77023
Shikha Singh, Prashant Pandey, Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Martín Farach-Colton, Rob Johnson, Thomas Kroeger, Cynthia Phillips, (2021). Timely Reporting of Heavy Hitters Using External Memory ACM Transactions on Database Systems Publication ID: 76790
Ojas Parekh, Yipu Wang, Yang Ho, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, James Aimone, William Severa, (2021). Neuromorphic Graph Algorithms Publication ID: 76679
Clayton Hughes, Rizwan Ashraf, Roberto Gioiosa, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Carl Laird, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2021). ARIAA Update — SST Publication ID: 76739
Jonathan Berry, Anand Ganti, Kenneth Goss, Carolyn Mayer, Uzoma Onunkwo, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Timothy Shead, (2021). Adapting Secure MultiParty Computation to Support Machine Learning in Radio Frequency Sensor Networks Publication ID: 76498
Bryan Arguello, Jared Gearhart, Emma Johnson, Cynthia Phillips, Santanu Dey, Jonathan Eckstein, (2021). Trilevel Programming for Network Segmentation of Power System Cyber-Physical System Publication ID: 75851
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Alex Porter, (2021). Maintaining Connected Components in Infinite Graph Streams Publication ID: 79756
James Aimone, Yang Ho, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, William Severa, Yipu Wang, (2021). Provable advantages for graph algorithms in spiking neural networks Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures Publication ID: 78648
James Aimone, Yang Ho, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, William Severa, Yipu Wang, (2021). Provable Advantages for Graph Algorithms in Spiking Neural Networks Publication ID: 78930
Cynthia Phillips, Michelle Chatter, Jonathan Eckstein, Alper Erturk, Ihab El-Kady, Romain Gerbe, Drew Kouri, William Loughlin, Charles Reinke, Rohith Rokkam, Massimo Ruzzene, Chris Sugino, Calvin Swanson, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, (2021). Parallel Solver Framework for Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Optimization Publication ID: 77424
Cynthia Phillips, (2021). SIAM Minisymposium on Supporting Workforce Preparation With Mathematical Modeling ? Panelist Introduction Publication ID: 75021
Jean Watson, William Hart, Harvey Greenberg, Cynthia Phillips, (2021). An Analysis of Multiple Contaminant Warning System Design Objectives for Sensor Placement Optimization in Water Distribution Networks International Series in Operations Research and Management Science Publication ID: 74079
Jeremy Wendt, Richard Field, Cynthia Phillips, Arvind Prasadan, Tegan Wilson, Sucheta Soundarajan, Sanjukta Bhowmick, (2021). Partitioning Communication Streams into Graph Snapshots Publication ID: 75112
Cynthia Phillips, (2020). Promotion to the Next Level ? Industry and Labs Publication ID: 71735
Mohamed Ebeida, Ahmed Abdelkader, Nina Amenta, Drew Kouri, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Nickolas Winovich, (2020). Novel Geometric Operations for Linear Programming Publication ID: 71776
Thomas Kroeger, Brian Wright, Cynthia Phillips, Eric Thomas, (2020). Advanced Data Algorithms & Architectures for Security Monitoring Publication ID: 71314
Cynthia Phillips, (2020). Combinatorial Algorithms for National Security Publication ID: 71167
James Aimone, Yang Ho, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, William Severa, Yipu Wang, (2020). Brief Announcement: Provable neuromorphic advantages for computing constrained shortest paths Publication ID: 74560
James Aimone, Yang Ho, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, William Severa, Yipu Wang, (2020). Brief Announcement: Provable neuromorphic advantages for computing constrained shortest paths Publication ID: 74074
Prashant Pandey, Shikha Singh, Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Martín Farach-Colton, Rob Johnson, Thomas Kroeger, Cynthia Phillips, (2020). Timely Reporting of Heavy Hitters using External Memory Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data Publication ID: 73134
Saoóndor Fekete, Alexander Hill, Dominik Krupke, Tyler Mayer, Joseph Mitchell, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, (2020). Probing a Set of Trajectories to Maximize Captured Information Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs Publication ID: 73277
Richard Field Jr., Jeremy Wendt, Cynthia Phillips, Tegan Wilson, Sucheta Soundarajan, Sanjukta Bhowmick, (2020). Partitioning Communication Streams into Graph Snapshots Publication ID: 73427
George Slota, Jonathan Berry, Simon Hammond, Stephen Olivier, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2019). Scalable generation of graphs for benchmarking HPC community-detection algorithms International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC Publication ID: 66182
Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Advanced Data Structures for National Cyber Security Publication ID: 66183
George Slota, Jonathan Berry, Simon Hammond, Stephen Olivier, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2019). Scalable Generation of Graphs for Benchmarking HPC Community-Detection Algorithms Publication ID: 66501
Jonathan Berry, Neil Butcher, Umit Catalyurek, Peter Kogge, Paul Lin, Stephen Olivier, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, George Slota, Gwendolyn Voskuilen, Abdurrahman Yasar, Jeffrey Young, (2019). Multi-Level Memory Algorithmics for Large Sparse Problems Publication ID: 66299
Jonathan Crussell, Aaron Brown, Jeremy Jennings, David Kavaler, Thomas Kroeger, Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Quantifying Uncertainty in Emulations: LDRD Report Publication ID: 65836
James Aimone, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, William Severa, Helen Xu, (2019). Dynamic Programming with Spiking Neural Computing Publication ID: 70516
Jonathan Crussell, Thomas Kroeger, David Kavaler, Aaron Brown, Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Lessons Learned from 10k Experiments to Compare Virtual and Physical Testbeds Publication ID: 70638
James Aimone, Ali Pinar, Ojas Parekh, William Severa, Cynthia Phillips, Helen Xu, (2019). Dynamic programming with spiking neural computing ACM International Conference Proceeding Series Publication ID: 70018
Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Theory Algorithms and Experiments for Multi-Level-Memory Multicores Publication ID: 70002
Jonathan Crussell, Thomas Kroeger, Aaron Brown, Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2019 Publication ID: 67117
Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Data Science Challenges for National Security Publication ID: 67897
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Steven Plimpton, Alexandra Porter, Timothy Shead, (2019). Maintaining Connected Components for Infinite Graph Streams Publication ID: 67646
Thomas Kroeger, Justin Raizes, Evan West, Brian Wright, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, Rob Johnson, (2019). Tracking Network Events with Write Optimized Data Structures Publication ID: 67653
Thomas Kroeger, Evan West, Justin Raizes, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, (2019). Tracking Network Events with Write Optimized Data Structures Publication ID: 67654
Cynthia Phillips, (2019). Advanced data structures for monitoring national security cyber streams Publication ID: 67717
Hamilton Link, Samuel Richter, Vitus Leung, Randolph Brost, Cynthia Phillips, Andrea Staid, (2019). Statistical models of dengue fever Communications in Computer and Information Science Publication ID: 60260
Jonathan Berry, Kina Kincher-Winoto, Cynthia Phillips, Eriq Augustine, Lise Getoor, (2018). Entity Resolution at Large Scale: Benchmarking and Algorithmics Publication ID: 60599
George Slota, Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2018). Scalable Generation of Graphs for Benchmarking HPC Community-Detection Algorithms Publication ID: 60196
Cynthia Phillips, (2018). Some CRA-W Mentoring Workshop Slides Publication ID: 60217
Jonathan Crussell, Thomas Kroeger, Aaron Brown, Cynthia Phillips, (2018). Virtually the Same: Comparing Physical and Virtual Testbeds Publication ID: 60084
Randolph Brost, Erin Carrier, Michelle Carroll, Katrina Groth, William Kegelmeyer, Vitus Leung, Hamilton Link, Andrew Patterson, Cynthia Phillips, Samuel Richter, David Robinson, Andrea Staid, Diane Woodbridge, (2018). Adverse Event Prediction Using Graph-Augmented Temporal Analysis: Final Report Publication ID: 59336
Hamilton Link, Samuel Richter, Vitus Leung, Randolph Brost, Cynthia Phillips, Andrea Staid, (2018). Statistical Models of Dengue Fever Publication ID: 59609
George Slota, Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2018). Generating massive random graphs that mimic real data Publication ID: 63729
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, (2018). Graph Libraries Wish List Publication ID: 63730
Ojas Parekh, Conrad James, Cynthia Phillips, James Aimone, (2018). Constant-depth and subcubic-size threshold circuits for matrix multiplication Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures Publication ID: 55164
Thomas Kroeger, Justin Raizes, Cynthia Phillips, (2018). Tracking Network Events with Write Optimized Data Structures Publication ID: 63093
Jonathan Berry, George Slota, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, (2018). Scalable Community Detection Benchmark Generation Publication ID: 62435
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Conrad James, James Aimone, (2018). Constant-Depth and Subcubic-Size Threshold Circuits for Matrix Multiplication Publication ID: 62239
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, George Slota, (2018). Scalable community detection benchmark generation Publication ID: 62007
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, Vladlena Powers, Nourhan Sakr, Cliff Stein, (2018). A Scheduling Problem Motivated by Cybersecurity and Adaptive Machine Learning Publication ID: 61936
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, (2018). Making Social-Network Data Sets More Human to Aid National-Security Graph Analytics Publication ID: 61465
Sándor Fekete, Kan Huang, Joseph Mitchell, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, (2018). Geometric Hitting Set for Segments of Few Orientations Theory of Computing Systems Publication ID: 48400
Petrika Gjanci, Chiara Petrioli, Stefano Basagni, Cynthia Phillips, Ladislau Boloni, Damla Turgut, (2018). Path Finding for Maximum Value of Information in Multi-Modal Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Publication ID: 62279
Randolph Brost, Vitus Leung, Hamilton Link, Cynthia Phillips, Andrea Staid, (2018). Event Prediction Using Graph-Augmented Temporal Analysis Publication ID: 60880
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Randy Smith, (2017). Cooperative Graph Analytics for Autonomous Data Centers Publication ID: 53914
Jonathan Crussell, Thomas Kroeger, Aaron Brown, Cynthia Phillips, (2017). Virtually the Same? The Empirical Differences Between Physical and Virtual Networks Publication ID: 58154
Randolph Brost, Vitus Leung, Hamilton Link, Cynthia Phillips, Andrea Staid, (2017). Adverse event prediction using graph-augmented temporal analysis Publication ID: 57942
Cynthia Phillips, (2017). Sensor Placement for Municipal Water Networks Publication ID: 57953
Cynthia Phillips, (2017). Combinatorial Optimization for National Security Applications Publication ID: 58028
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Randy Smith, (2017). Cooperative Computing for Autonomous Data Centers Publication ID: 58029
Michael Bender, Martín Farach-Colton, Rob Johnson, Simon Mauras, Tyler Mayer, Cynthia Phillips, Helen Xu, (2017). Write-optimized skip lists Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems Publication ID: 58031
Craig Vineyard, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, James Aimone, Conrad James, Craig Vineyard, Craig Vineyard, (2017). Adaptive Learning Theory Publication ID: 56382
Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Simon Hammond, Karl Hemmert, Samuel McCauley, Branden Moore, Benjamin Moseley, Cynthia Phillips, David Resnick, Arun Rodrigues, (2017). Two-level main memory co-design: Multi-threaded algorithmic primitives, analysis, and simulation Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Publication ID: 46447
Stephen Jones, Alexander Outkin, Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Stephen Verzi, Daniel Tauritz, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, (2017). PLADD: Deterring Attacks on Cyber Systems and Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 52843
Cynthia Phillips, (2016). Challenges in Data Mining and Optimization Publication ID: 52644
Alexander Outkin, Brandon Eames, Stephen Jones, Eric Vugrin, Cynthia Phillips, Sarah Walsh, Jacob Hobbs, Stephen Verzi, Byron Heersink, (2016). A Framework for Analysis of Attacker-Defender Interaction in Cyber Systems Publication ID: 52210
Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Rob Johnson, Thomas Kroeger, Samuel McCauley, Cynthia Phillips, Bertrand Simon, Shikha Singh, David Zage, (2016). Anti-persistence on persistent storage: History-independent sparse tables and dictionaries Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems Publication ID: 49564
Alexander Outkin, Brandon Eames, Todd Jones, Eric Vugrin, Cynthia Phillips, Sarah Walsh, Jacob Hobbs, Jared Gearhart, John Siirola, Stephen Verzi, Asmeret Naugle, (2016). Stochastic Adversarial Modeling for Evaluating Trust in Systems and Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 50475
Alexander Outkin, Brandon Eames, Todd Jones, Eric Vugrin, Cynthia Phillips, Sarah Walsh, Jacob Hobbs, Jared Gearhart, John Siirola, Stephen Verzi, Asmeret Naugle, (2016). Stochastic Adversarial Modeling for Evaluating Trust in Systems and Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Publication ID: 50326
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Randy Smith, (2016). Cooperative computing for autonomous data centers Publication ID: 49563
Jeremy Wendt, Richard Field, Daniel Garcia, Tu Quach, Randall Wells, David Zage, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, Sucheta Soundarajan, (2016). Social-Media Network Collection Problems Publication ID: 49007
Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, Stephen Jones, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, Alexander Outkin, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Daniel Tauritz, Stephen Verzi, (2016). A new scheduling problem motivated by moving-target cyberdefense Publication ID: 49068
Jonathan Berry, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, (2015). Finding Non-Human Nodes in Social Networks Using Only Topology Publication ID: 42164
Cynthia Phillips, (2015). So you might want to work at a national lab? Publication ID: 41667
Sandor Fekete, Kan Huang, Joseph Mitchell, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, (2015). Geometric hitting set for segments of few orientations Publication ID: 46186
David Stracuzzi, Randolph Brost, Cynthia Phillips, David Robinson, Alyson Wilson, Diane Woodbridge, (2015). Computing quality scores and uncertainty for approximate pattern matching in geospatial semantic graphs Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Publication ID: 44521
Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Simon Hammond, Karl Hemmert, Samuel McCauley, Branden Moore, Benjamin Moseley, Cynthia Phillips, David Resnick, Arun Rodrigues, (2015). Two-level main memory co-design: Multi-threaded algorithmic primitives, analysis, and simulation Proceedings – 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2015 Publication ID: 42692
Stephen Jones, Alexander Outkin, Jared Gearhart, Jacob Hobbs, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Stephen Verzi, Daniel Tauritz, Samuel Mulder, Asmeret Naugle, (2015). Evaluating Moving Target Defense with PLADD Publication ID: 45812
Michael Bender, Jonathan Berry, Simon Hammond, Branden Moore, Benjamin Moseley, Cynthia Phillips, (2015). k-Means Clustering on Two-Level Memory Systems Publication ID: 45353
David Stracuzzi, Randolph Brost, Maximillian Chen, Rebecca Malinas, Matthew Peterson, Cynthia Phillips, David Robinson, Diane Woodbridge, (2015). Preliminary Results on Uncertainty Quantification for Pattern Analytics Publication ID: 45638
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Randy Smith, (2015). Cooperative Computing for Autonomous Data Centers Proceedings – 2015 IEEE 29th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2015 Publication ID: 41517
Deon Burchett, Richard Chen, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Philippe Richard, (2015). Next-generation Algorithms for Assessing Infrastructure Vulnerability and Optimizing System Resilience Publication ID: 43596
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, Randy Smith, (2015). Cooperative computing for autonomous data centers Publication ID: 43350
Jonathan Berry, Michael Collins, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, (2015). Cyber Graph Queries for Geographically Distributed Data Centers Publication ID: 43610
Thomas Kroeger, David Zage, Cynthia Phillips, J Saia, T.R. Benson, (2015). Secure Distributed Set Membership through Secret Sharing Publication ID: 43038
Cynthia Phillips, (2015). My Path to Senior Scientist Publication ID: 42697
Jonathan Berry, Luke Fostvedt, Daniel Nordman, Cynthia Phillips, Seshadhri Comandur, Alyson Wilson, (2015). Why do simple algorithms for triangle enumeration work in the real world? Internet Mathematics Publication ID: 29825
Sándor Fekete, Kan Huang, Joseph Mitchell, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, (2015). Geometric hitting set for segments of few orientations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 45477
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Bruce Hendrickson, (2014). Workshop on Streaming Graph Algorithms (WSGA) Overview Publication ID: 39503
Katherine Klise, John Siirola, David Hart, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Terranna Haxton, Regan Murray, Robert Janke, Thomas Taxon, Carl Laird, Arpan Seth, Gabriel Hackebeil, Shawn McGee, Angelica Mann, (2014). Water Security Toolkit User Manual Version 1.2 Publication ID: 38187
Jonathan Berry, Aaron Kearns, Cynthia Phillips, Jared Saia, (2014). Finding a planted clique in a distributed social network Publication ID: 37538
Tamara Kolda, Todd Plantenga, Ali Pinar, Seshadhri Comandur, Jonathan Berry, Madhav Jha, Cynthia Phillips, (2014). Sandia Software for Networks from DARPA GRAPHS Program Publication ID: 40718
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, (2014). Graph Algorithms for Autonomous Distributed Data Centers Publication ID: 40833
Cynthia Phillips, (2014). Combinatorial optimization for national security applications Publication ID: 40862
Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, (2014). Efficient scheduling to minimize calibrations Publication ID: 40243
Jonathan Berry, Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, David Robinson, (2014). Statistically significant relational data mining : Publication ID: 37160
Stefano Basagni, Ladislau Bölöni, Petrika Gjanci, Chiara Petrioli, Cynthia Phillips, Danila Turgut, (2014). Maximizing the value of sensed information in underwater wireless sensor networks via an autonomous underwater vehicle Proceedings – IEEE INFOCOM Publication ID: 36114
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Steven Plimpton, Timothy Shead, (2014). Maintaining Connected Components for Infinite Graph Streams Publication ID: 37009
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2013). Highly-scalable branch and bound for maximum monomial agreement Publication ID: 36371
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2013). PEBBL: An object-oriented framework for scalable parallel branch and bound Mathematical Programming Computation Publication ID: 36073
Cynthia Phillips, Ojas Parekh, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Hierarchical Parallel MIP Publication ID: 34984
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). PICO’s New Hierarchical Branch-and Bound System for Massively Parallel Integer Programming Publication ID: 35032
Cynthia Phillips, (2013). k-edge Failure Resilient Network Design Publication ID: 33488
Jonathan Berry, Daniel Dunlavy, Cynthia Phillips, David Robinson, (2013). Community Detection: A Bayesian Approach and the Challenge of Evaluation Publication ID: 33492
Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2013). Sensor Placement for Municipal Water Networks Publication ID: 33077
Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, (2013). Efficient Scheduling to Minimize Calibrations Publication ID: 32351
Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Steven Plimpton, (2013). Maintaining connected components for infinite graph streams Publication ID: 32154
Cynthia Phillips, (2013). Designing Failure-Resilient Infrastructures Publication ID: 31244
Cynthia Phillips, Steven Plimpton, (2012). Streaming Connectivity with the X-Stream Model Publication ID: 26212
Laura McNamara, Cynthia Phillips, Andrew Wilson, (2012). Scheduling Nuclear Weapon Stockpile Transformation Publication ID: 30757
Katherine Klise, William Hart, John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, Sean Mckenna, David Hart, Jonathan Berry, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Water security toolkit : Publication ID: 29884
Robert Carr, Cynthia Phillips, (2012). Computing certificates for integer programs Publication ID: 29614
Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). PICO’s new hierarchical branch-and-bound system for massively parallel integer programming Publication ID: 29665
Cynthia Phillips, Steven Plimpton, (2012). Streaming Expiring Connected Components Publication ID: 29205
Katherine Klise, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2012). Optimal booster station placement considering various reaction dynamics Publication ID: 28255
Jonathan Berry, Daniel Dunlavy, Cynthia Phillips, David Robinson, (2012). Community Detection: A Bayesian Approach and the Challenge of Evaluation Publication ID: 27675
Cynthia Phillips, (2012). Sensor-mission assignment in networks of rechargeable nodes Proposed for publication in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. Publication ID: 27610
Jonathan Berry, Daniel Dunlavy, Cynthia Phillips, David Robinson, (2012). Parallel Bayesian Methods for Community Detection Publication ID: 26682
Genetha Gray, William Hart, Patricia Hough, Ojas Parekh, Cynthia Phillips, John Siirola, Laura Swiler, Jean-Paul Watson, (2012). Optimization of large-scale heterogeneous system-of-systems models Publication ID: 26013
Robert Carr, Cynthia Phillips, Ojas Parekh, (2011). Towards Certficates for Integer Programming Computations Publication ID: 24188
William Hart, Regan Murray, Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Minimize impact or maximize benefit: The role of objective function in approximately optimizing sensor placement for municipal water distribution networks World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability – Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Publication ID: 21393
T. Haxton, R. Murray, W. Hart, K. Klise, Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Formulation of chlorine and decontamination booster station optimization problem World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability – Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress Publication ID: 22258
Cynthia Phillips, (2011). One career in discrete mathematics and combinatorial optimization at Sandia National Laboratories Publication ID: 23573
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Minimizing Impact or Maximizing Benefit: The Role of Objective Function in Approximately Optimzing Sensor Placement for Municipal Water Distribution Systems Publication ID: 23521
Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Two-tiered Sensor Placement Approach for Large Water Distribution Systems Publication ID: 22916
John Siirola, Cynthia Phillips, William Hart, (2011). Evaluating Multiobjective Sensor Placements Publication ID: 22944
Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Introduction to Optimization Publication ID: 21963
Cynthia Phillips, (2011). Low Memory Sensor Placement Optimization Methods for Large Water Distribution Systems Publication ID: 21226
Cynthia Phillips, Erik Boman, Robert Carr, William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Jean-Paul Watson, David Hart, Sean Mckenna, Lee Riesen, (2010). Sensor placement for municipal water networks Publication ID: 21086
Cynthia Phillips, (2010). Introduction to Linear-Programming-Based LP-Based Approximation Publication ID: 21087
Cynthia Phillips, Robert Carr, Anand Ganti, Andrew Landahl, (2010). Scheduling error correction operations for a quantum computer Publication ID: 19799
Cynthia Phillips, (2010). Hypothesis Testing on Graph Analysis Outcomes: Community Detection Publication ID: 19622
David Hart, William Hart, Sean Mckenna, Cynthia Phillips, (2010). Integrating event detection system operation characteristics into sensor placement optimization Publication ID: 18365
Brian Barrett, Bruce Hendrickson, Randall Laviolette, Vitus Leung, Greg Mackey, Richard Murphy, Cynthia Phillips, Ali Pinar, (2009). LDRD final report : massive multithreading applied to national infrastructure and informatics Publication ID: 16810
Cynthia Phillips, (2009). Parallel Network Analysis Publication ID: 16576
Cynthia Phillips, (2009). High Performance Community Detection in Networks Publication ID: 16595
James Levy, Anand Ganti, Cynthia Phillips, Benjamin Hamlet, Malcolm Carroll, Andrew Landahl, Thomas Gurrieri, Robert Carr, (2009). Brief Announcement: The Impact of Classical Electronics Constraints on a Solid-State Logical Qubit Memory Publication ID: 16357
Jonathan Berry, Erik Boman, Cynthia Phillips, Lee Riesen, (2008). Low-memory Lagrangian relaxation methods for sensor placement in municipal water networks World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua’a – Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Publication ID: 12552
Bruce Hendrickson, Randall Laviolette, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, (2008). Tolerating the community detection resolution limit with edge weighting Proposed for publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Publication ID: 15406
S. Basagni, A. Carosi, C. Petrioli, Cynthia Phillips, (2008). Moving multiple sinks through wireless sensor networks for lifetime maximization 2008 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS 2008 Publication ID: 12474
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Erik Boman, Regan Murray, Cynthia Phillips, Lee Riesen, Jean-Paul Watson, (2008). The TEVA-SPOT toolkit for drinking water contaminant warning system design World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua’a – Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008 Publication ID: 14533
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Erik Boman, Cynthia Phillips, Lee Riesen, Jean-Paul Watson, (2008). Limited-memory techniques for sensor placement in water distribution networks Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 11463
Cynthia Phillips, (2008). Parallelization Issues for MINLP Publication ID: 15393
Cynthia Phillips, Robert Carr, (2008). Solving a Scheduling Problem for a Quantum Computing Architecture Using Constraint Programming Publication ID: 15249
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, Erik Boman, Lee Riesen, Jean-Paul Watson, (2008). U. S. Environmental Protection Agency uses Operations Research to Reduce Drinking Water Contamination Risks INFORMS Interfaces Journal Publication ID: 14354
Erik Boman, Cynthia Phillips, Lee Riesen, (2008). Low-Memory Lagrangian Relaxation Methods for Sensor Placement in Municipal Water Networks Publication ID: 13681
Cynthia Phillips, (2008). Editors foreward to the special issue on principles of mobile communications and computing Algorithmica Publication ID: 13153
William Hart, Lee Riesen, Jonathan Berry, Robert Heaphy, Cynthia Phillips, (2008). Nightly Software Testing in Acro with EXACT and FAST Publication ID: 12634
Cynthia Phillips, (2008). Sleeping on the job: energy-efficient reliable broadcast for radio networks Publication ID: 12679
Jonathan Berry, Robert Carr, William Hart, Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2008). Designing Contamination Warning System for Municipal Water Networks Using Imperfect Sensors Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Publication ID: 12548
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Erik Boman, Robert Carr, Lee Riesen, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2008). Sandia/EPA TEVA-SPOT Water Security Team Chosen as Finalist for 2008 Edelman Award Competition Publication ID: 12407
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2007). Testing LP/MIP Solvers with EXACT Publication ID: 12077
Randall Laviolette, Bruce Hendrickson, Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, (2007). Community Detection vis Facility Location Phycisal Review Letters Publication ID: 11717
William Hart, Erik Boman, Lee Riesen, Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2007). Limited-Memory Techniques for Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks Publication ID: 11772
William Hart, Robert Carr, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2007). LDRD final report : robust analysis of large-scale combinatorial applications Publication ID: 11329
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2007). The Battle of the Water Sensor Networks (BWSN): A Design Challenge for Engineers and Algorithms Journal of Water Resources, Planning and Management Publication ID: 10984
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Robert Heaphy, Cynthia Phillips, (2007). EXACT: The EXperimental Algorithmics Computational Toolkit Publication ID: 10567
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, Lee Riesen, (2007). SPOT: A Sensor Placement Optimization Toolkit for Drinking Water Contaminant Warning System Design Publication ID: 10569
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2006). Generating Customized PICO Applications Publication ID: 8356
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Robert Carr, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2006). Sensor Placement to Satisfy Water Security and Operational Objectives Publication ID: 7898
William Hart, Jonathan Berry, Jean-Paul Watson, Robert Carr, Cynthia Phillips, Vitus Leung, (2006). On the Placement of Imperfect Sensors in Municipal Water Networks Publication ID: 7241
Robert Carr, Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2006). Robust Sensor Placement for Realistic Surveillance Problems Publication ID: 7218
Robert Carr, Harvey Greenberg, William Hart, Goran Konjevod, Erik Lauer, Henry Lin, Tod Morrison, Cynthia Phillips, (2006). Robust optimization of contaminant sensor placement for community water systems Mathematical Programming Publication ID: 3611
Erik Lauer, Cynthia Phillips, (2006). The complex of sensor placement in municipal water networks Publication ID: 6841
Erik Boman, Cynthia Phillips, (2005). LDRD final report on massively-parallel linear programming : the parPCx system Publication ID: 4192
Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2005). Validation and assessment of integer programming sensor placement models Publication ID: 4576
Jonathan Berry, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2005). Water quality sensor placement in water networks with budget constraints Publication ID: 4588
Anthony Giunta, Laura Swiler, Michael Eldred, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jean-Paul Watson, (2005). Optimization under uncertainty research and applications at Sandia National Laboratories Publication ID: 4432
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Jonathan Berry, Jean-Paul Watson, (2004). Sensor placement in municipal water networks Proposed for publication in the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. Publication ID: 3819
Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, (2004). Communication-aware processor allocation for supercomputers Publication ID: 3334
Vitus Leung, Vitus Leung, Cynthia Phillips, (2003). Algorithmic support for commodity-based parallel computing systems Publication ID: 2700
Bruce Hendrickson, William Hart, Bruce Hendrickson, Cynthia Phillips, (2003). Supercomputing and discrete algorithms : a symbiotic relationship Publication ID: 2665
William Hart, William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, (2003). Sensor placement in municipal water networks Publication ID: 1916
William Hart, Cynthia Phillips, Cynthia Phillips, (2000). PICO: An Object-Oriented Framework for Branch and Bound Publication ID: 1056
Showing Results.