Allen C. Robinson
Computational Multiphysics

Computational Multiphysics
(505) 844-6614
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1323
Dr. Allen C. Robinson is a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Since starting work at Sandia in 1983 his interests have included shaped charge modeling and subsonic jet flow, Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solids and parallel computing for shock physics modeling. He has made major contributions to the development of algorithms associated with ALEGRA, an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian multi-physics simulation code, in particular relative to electromechanical and magnetohydrodynamic modeling. Current interests include the characterization and propagation of uncertainty in multi-scale predictive modeling, structure preserving discretizations and next generation multiphysics modeling algorithms and software implementations.
- 1984, PhD, Applied Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. Thesis: Existence and Stability of Vortices and Vortex Arrays’
- Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Fellowship, Caltech,1981-83;
- Earle C. Anthony Graduate Fellowship, Caltech, 1979-80;
- 1979, BS, Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
- Orson Pratt Award for top graduating senior in mathematics, 1979;
- Graduated Cum Laude with Highest Honors in Honors Program, 1979;
Raymond Tuminaro, Michael Crockatt, Allen Robinson, (2022). Composing preconditioners for multiphysics PDE systems with applications to Generalized MHD Publication ID: 80163
Allen Robinson, Matthew Swan, Evan Harvey, Brandon Klein, Gary Lawson, Reed Milewicz, Kevin Pedretti, Mark Schmitz, Scott Warnock, (2022). An introduction to developing GitLab/Jacamar runner analyst centric workflows at Sandia Publication ID: 80133
David Merrell, Allen Robinson, Jason Sanchez, (2021). Statistical Distributions for Mesh Independent Solutions in ALEGRA Publication ID: 79804
Allen Robinson, (2021). Local DtN boundary conditions for scalar vector potentials with general mesh boundaries Publication ID: 78149
George Laity, Allen Robinson, Michael Cuneo, Mary Alam, Kristian Beckwith, Nichelle Bennett, Matthew Bettencourt, Stephen Bond, Kyle Cochrane, Louise Criscenti, Eric Cyr, Karen De Zetter, Richard Drake, Evstati Evstatiev, Andrew Fierro, Thomas Gardiner, Forrest Glines, Ronald Goeke, Nathaniel Hamlin, Russell Hooper, Jason Koski, James Lane, Steven Larson, Kevin Leung, Duncan McGregor, Philip Miller, Sean Miller, Susan Ossareh, Edward Phillips, Sean Simpson, David Sirajuddin, Thomas Smith, Matthew Swan, Aidan Thompson, Julien Tranchida, Asa Bortz-Johnson, Dale Welch, Alex Russell, Eric Watson, David Rose, Ryan McBride, (2021). Towards Predictive Plasma Science and Engineering through Revolutionary Multi-Scale Algorithms and Models (Final Report) Publication ID: 75144
Allen Robinson, A. Porwitzky, (2020). Pulsed power accelerator surface Joule heating models Physics of Plasmas Publication ID: 71274
Nathaniel Hamlin, Allen Robinson, (2020). Uncertainty Quantification Analysis in Planar MITL Modeling Publication ID: 74342
Allen Robinson, Allen Robinson, Matthew Swan, Matthew Swan, Thomas Smith, Thomas Smith, Nichelle Bennett, Nichelle Bennett, Richard Drake, Richard Drake, Russell Hooper, Russell Hooper, (2019). Computational Infrastructure and Neutral Expansion Verification Problems for Testing Plasma Physics Algorithms Publication ID: 70402
D. McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2019). An indirect ALE discretization of single fluid plasma without a fast magnetosonic time step restriction Computers and Mathematics with Applications Publication ID: 60046
Michael Cuneo, George Laity, Allen Robinson, Thomas Gardiner, Matthew Bettencourt, John Shadid, Eric Cyr, Glen Hansen, Clayton Myers, K. Peterson, Kevin Leung, Dale Welch, David Rose, Ryan McBride, D. Sinars, (2019). Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Plasma Hybrid Algorithms Modeling and Simulations Publication ID: 70064
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, (2019). Verification of Uncertainty Quantification\\for Equation of State Table Publication ID: 69196
Allen Robinson, (2019). The Mie-Gruneisen Power Equation of State Publication ID: 68856
Andrew Fierro, Benjamin Yee, Matthew Hopkins, Allen Robinson, George Laity, (2019). Numerical study of a coaxial electron sheath Publication ID: 68858
Duncan McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2018). Charge Conservative ALE for Single Fluid Plasmas Publication ID: 59335
George Laity, Carlos Aragon, Nichelle Bennett, David Bliss, D. Dolan, Andrew Fierro, M. Gomez, Mark Hess, Brian Hutsel, Christopher Jennings, Mark Johnston, Michael Kossow, D. Lamppa, Matthew Martin, Sonal Patel, A. Porwitzky, Allen Robinson, David Rose, Pace VanDevender, Eduardo Waisman, Timothy Webb, Dale Welch, Gregory Rochau, M. Savage, William Stygar, William White, D. Sinars, Michael Cuneo, (2018). Recent Diagnostic Platform Accomplishments for Studying Vacuum Power Flow Physics at the Sandia Z Accelerator Publication ID: 58925
George Laity, Allen Robinson, (2018). Recent Progress on Power Flow Diagnostic Capabilities Supporting Next-Generation Multi-Scale Plasma Physics Codes Publication ID: 61999
Andrew Fierro, George Laity, Christopher Jennings, Nichelle Bennett, Mark Hess, Brian Hutsel, Matthew Hopkins, Allen Robinson, Timothy Pointon, J. Vandevender, Keith Cartwright, (2018). Developing a benchmark example of magnetically insulated transmission line current loss Publication ID: 62375
Duncan McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2018). Developing Numerical Methods for both Near Feed and Target Physics on Z-Machine Publication ID: 61475
Duncan McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2018). Improving the fidelity of simulations of power flow and target design on Sandia’s Z machine – an Efficient Generalized Ohm’s Law Modeling Approach in a Traditional Lagrangian-Eulerian Computational Framework Publication ID: 61082
Duncan McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2017). An ALE Approach to XMHD Publication ID: 58513
Matthew Bettencourt, Eric Cyr, Richard Kramer, Sean Miller, Roger Pawlowski, Edward Phillips, Allen Robinson, John Shadid, (2017). EMPIRE – EM/PIC/Fluid Simulation Code Publication ID: 57890
Matthew Bettencourt, Eric Cyr, Richard Kramer, Sean Miller, Roger Pawlowski, Edward Phillips, Allen Robinson, John Shadid, (2017). EMPIRE ? EM/PIC/Fluid Simulation Code Publication ID: 57891
Nathan Roberts, James Carleton, Wen Dong, Sharon Petney, Allen Robinson, Christopher Siefert, (2017). Ferroelectric Modeling Development Using Trilinos Publication ID: 58083
Duncan McGregor, Allen Robinson, (2017). Progress toward 3D Extended MHD modeling in an ALE Framework in ALEGRA Publication ID: 57416
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, (2017). Incorporating Data Uncertainty into Equation of State Tables Publication ID: 56631
Matthew Bettencourt, John Shadid, Eric Cyr, Edward Phillips, Richard Kramer, John Niederhaus, Allen Robinson, (2017). Performance Portable Multi-Species Plasma Code Publication ID: 56433
Allen Robinson, (2016). Multiphysics Shock Modeling with ALEGRA and Student Contributions Publication ID: 47855
Eric Cyr, John Shadid, Timothy Wildey, Edward Phillips, Allen Robinson, Sean Miller, Roger Pawlowski, (2016). Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Time Integration for Multi-Physics: Application to ALE and Plasma Simulation Publication ID: 47222
Richard Kramer, Sean Miller, John Niederhaus, Gregg Radtke, Matthew Bettencourt, Keith Cartwright, Eric Cyr, Edward Phillips, Allen Robinson, John Shadid, (2016). A Rigorous Verification Strategy for a Continuum Plasma Code Publication ID: 52690
John Shadid, Edward Phillips, Eric Cyr, Roger Pawlowski, Matthew Bettencourt, Keith Cartwright, Paul Lin, Richard Kramer, John Niederhaus, Gregg Radtke, Allen Robinson, (2016). Towards Scalable and Efficient Solution of Full Maxwell Electromagnetics – Multifluid Plasma Systems Publication ID: 47068
John Carpenter, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, (2016). Integrated Material Models for Equation of State and Transport Properties for Aluminum Supporting Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 52138
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Ann Wills, (2016). Accounting for Data Uncertainty in Making and Using an EOS Publication ID: 50948
Matthew Bettencourt, Eric Cyr, Roger Pawlowski, Richard Kramer, Edward Phillips, John Shadid, Allen Robinson, (2016). Performance Portable Assembly For Plasma Fluid Equations Publication ID: 50333
Matthew Bettencourt, Eric Cyr, Roger Pawlowski, Richard Kramer, Edward Phillips, John Shadid, Allen Robinson, (2016). Performance Portable Assembly For Plasma Fluid Equations Publication ID: 50239
T. Mattsson, Raymond Lemke, D. Dolan, Devon Dalton, J. Brown, Kurt Tomlinson, G. Robertson, Marcus Knudson, Eric Harding, Ann Mattsson, John Carpenter, Richard Drake, Kyle Cochrane, Brent Blue, Allen Robinson, (2016). Probing off-Hugoniot states in Ta Cu and Al to 10 Mbar compression with magnetically driven liner implosions Publication ID: 48941
Allen Robinson, John Niederhaus, C. Ashcraft, (2016). Verification and Validation of a Coordinate Transformation Method in Axisymmetric Transient Magnetics Publication ID: 46916
Raymond Lemke, D. Dolan, D. Dalton, J. Brown, K. Tomlinson, G. Robertson, Marcus Knudson, Eric Harding, A. Mattsson, John Carpenter, Richard Drake, Kyle Cochrane, B. Blue, Allen Robinson, T. Mattsson, (2016). Probing off-Hugoniot states in Ta, Cu, and Al to 1000 GPa compression with magnetically driven liner implosions Journal of Applied Physics Publication ID: 45268
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Ann Wills, (2015). Building and Using Tabular Equations of State with Uncertainty Information Publication ID: 45907
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Ann Wills, (2015). Automated Generation of Tabular Equations of State with Uncertainty Information Publication ID: 46031
Allen Robinson, John Niederhaus, (2015). Statistically rigorous spatial variation and uncertainty quantification in ALEGRA Publication ID: 46045
Allen Robinson, John Carpenter, Bert Debusschere, (2015). A UQ Enabled Aluminum Tabular Multiphase Equation-of-State Model Publication ID: 45177
Allen Robinson, T. Mattsson, Luke Shulenburger, John Carpenter, Bert Debusschere, (2015). Sandia Equation of State (EOS) Deep Dive Publication ID: 44256
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Ann Wills, (2015). Automated Generation of Tabular Equations of State with Uncertainty Information Publication ID: 43976
Eric Cyr, John Shadid, Timothy Wildey, David Hensinger, Allen Robinson, William Rider, Guglielmo Scovazzi, (2015). IMEX Lagrangian Methods Publication ID: 43417
Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, John Carpenter, (2015). Electromagnetic Continuum Mechanics in ALEGRA and Moving toward Uncertainty Quantification in Predictive Design Publication ID: 43510
Allen Robinson, (2015). Multiphysics Lagrangian/Eulerian Modeling and de Rham Complex Based Algorithms Publication ID: 42415
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Ann Wills, Bert Debusschere, (2015). A UQ Enabled Aluminum Tabular Multiphase Equation-of-State Model Publication ID: 42259
Bert Debusschere, John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Ann Wills, (2014). Representation and Propagation of Uncertainty in Equations of State for Shock Hydrodynamics Publication ID: 39183
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Ann Wills, Richard Drake, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, (2014). Lessons From Uncertainty Propagation Using Tabular Multiphase Equations of State Publication ID: 38851
Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, John Carpenter, Raymond Lemke, Ann Wills, (2014). Enabling Hydrocode Meta-Analysis: The ALEGRA-DAKOTA Experience Publication ID: 37602
Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, (2014). Effective Representation and Propagation of Uncertainty Through Tabular Multiphase Equation-of-State Models Publication ID: 37603
Allen Robinson, (2014). Investigation of ALEGRA shock hydrocode algorithms using an exact free surface jet flow solution Publication ID: 36894
Edward Love, Allen Robinson, Denis Ridzal, (2013). Edge remap for solids Publication ID: 31778
Allen Robinson, (2013). Lagrangian/Eulerian Multiphysics Modeling and deRham Complex Based Algorithms Publication ID: 35657
Allen Robinson, Sharon Petney, Richard Drake, V. Weirs, Brian Adams, Dena Vigil, John Carpenter, Christopher Garasi, Michael Wong, Joshua Robbins, Christopher Siefert, Otto Strack, Ann Wills, Timothy Trucano, Pavel Bochev, Randall Summers, James Stewart, Curtis Ober, William Rider, Thomas Haill, Raymond Lemke, Kyle Cochrane, Michael Desjarlais, Edward Love, Thomas Voth, Stewart Mosso, John Niederhaus, (2013). ALEGRA Update: Modernization and Resilience Progress Publication ID: 35790
Allen Robinson, R. Berry, John Carpenter, Bert Debusschere, Richard Drake, A. Mattsson, William Rider, (2013). Fundamental issues in the representation and propagation of uncertain equation of state information in shock hydrodynamics Computers and Fluids Publication ID: 24185
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2013). Representation and Propagation of Uncertainty for Tabular Multiphase Equation-of-State Models Publication ID: 35340
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Ann Wills, Richard Drake, William Rider, (2013). An Uncertainty Quantification System for Tabular Equations of State Publication ID: 34398
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2013). Representation and Propagation of Uncertainty for Tabular Multiphase Equation-of-State Models Publication ID: 32652
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2013). Representation and Propagation of Uncertainty in Multiphase Tabular Equation-of-State Models Publication ID: 32493
John Niederhaus, Allen Robinson, (2013). New Benchmark Calculations for the ALEGRA-MHD Code Publication ID: 32050
Edward Love, Allen Robinson, (2013). Accurate Remapping of the Material State in Dynamic Hyperelasticity Publication ID: 31424
Christopher Jennings, Matthew Martin, Adam Sefkow, Charles Nakhleh, Allen Robinson, John Niederhaus, (2012). Code Verification of Magnetized Cylindrical Liner Implosions Publication ID: 30821
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, William Rider, Ann Wills, Bert Debusschere, Richard Drake, (2012). Uncertainty Quantification system for EOS Publication ID: 30625
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2012). REPRESENTATION AND PROPAGATION OF UNCERTAINTY IN EQUATION-OF-STATE MODELS FOR SHOCK PHYSICS APPLICATIONS Publication ID: 30234
John Carpenter, Allen Robinson, Bert Debusschere, Richard Drake, Ann Wills, William Rider, (2012). Practical Uncertainty Propagation Through Hydrocodes For Complex Equation of State Models Publication ID: 30334
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, R. Berry, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2012). Uncertainty quantification of equation-of-state closures and shock hydrodynamics Publication ID: 27385
John Carpenter, Ann Wills, William Rider, R. Berry, Bert Debusschere, Allen Robinson, Richard Drake, (2011). Uncertainty quantification of equation-of-state closures and shock hydrodynamics Publication ID: 25318
Allen Robinson, (2011). On the utility of the boris approach for dealing with fast magnetosonic wave speeds in an ALE MHD modeling context Publication ID: 23646
Allen Robinson, John Carpenter, Richard Drake, Ann Wills, William Rider, R. Berry, Bert Debusschere, (2011). Fundamental issues in the representation and propagation of uncertain equation-of-state information in shock hydrodynamics Publication ID: 23152
Richard Barrett, Richard Drake, Allen Robinson, (2011). Preparing Multi-physics Multi-scale Codes for Hybrid HPC Publication ID: 21802
John Niederhaus, Christopher Garasi, Allen Robinson, (2011). Contribution to Department of Energy Office of Science DE-FOA-0000508 FY 2011 SBIR/STTR Phase II proposal titled “ALEGRA-MHD Applications to Solid Liner MTF/MIF Confinement Concepts” Publication ID: 22093
Allen Robinson, (2011). Investigations into the Boris approach for dealing with fast magnetosonic wave speeds in an ALE MHD modeling context Publication ID: 21719
Joseph Fernandez, (2010). Contextual role of TRLs and MRLs in technology management Publication ID: 20547
Thomas Ames, Allen Robinson, (2010). Effects of a conducting sphere moving through a gradient magnetic field Publication ID: 18122
Christopher Siefert, Allen Robinson, (2009). A fully implicit method for 3D quasi-steady state magnetic advection-diffusion Publication ID: 16770
Christopher Siefert, Raymond Tuminaro, Stefan Domino, Allen Robinson, (2009). Highly scalable linear solvers on thousands of processors Publication ID: 16793
Thomas Ames, Allen Robinson, (2009). A comparison of Lagrangian/Eulerian approaches for tracking the kinematics of high deformation solid motion Publication ID: 16582
Christopher Garasi, Allen Robinson, Thomas Russo, D. Lamppa, (2008). The Xygra gun simulation tool Publication ID: 15543
D. Lamppa, Christopher Garasi, Allen Robinson, Ronald Kaye, (2008). Simulating coilgun projectile launch using ASC-funded codes Publication ID: 15301
Thomas Gardiner, William Rider, Allen Robinson, (2008). Energy conservation in Lagrange-remap modeling for ideal-MHD shock propagation Publication ID: 15531
Thomas Gardiner, William Rider, Allen Robinson, (2008). Verification for ALEGRA using magnetized shock hydrodynamics problems Publication ID: 15025
Christopher Garasi, Ronald Kaye, Allen Robinson, (2008). Simulating coilgun projectile launch using ASC codes Publication ID: 15055
Joseph Fernandez, (2008). Preserving Deterrence: New Knowledge for New Challenges Publication ID: 14825
Richard Drake, Allen Robinson, (2008). MPI applications : how we use MPI in ALEGRA Publication ID: 13850
William Rider, Edward Love, Thomas Voth, Stewart Mosso, John Niederhaus, Otto Strack, Allen Robinson, (2008). Multimaterial ALE Algorithms in ALEGRA Publication ID: 13903
Allen Robinson, Ronald Kaye, D. Lamppa, Raymond Lemke, Christopher Garasi, (2008). Establishing high-fidelity M&S capabilities as a means of experiment prediction and guidance for EM launch applications Publication ID: 12928
Allen Robinson, Thomas Brunner, Susan Carroll, Richarddrake, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Gardiner, Thomas Haill, Heath Hanshaw, David Hensinger, Duane Labreche, Raymond Lemke, Edward Love, Christopher Luchini, Stewart Mosso, John Niederhaus, Curtis Ober, Sharon Petney, William Rider, Guglielmo Scovazzi, O. Strack, Randall Summers, Timothy Trucano, V. Weirs, Michael Wong, Thomas Voth, (2008). ALEGRA: An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian multimaterial, multiphysics code 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Publication ID: 12348
V. Weirs, Raymond Lemke, Allen Robinson, Curtis Ober, J. Banks, Edward Love, Guglielmo Scovazzi, John Shadid, Heath Hanshaw, (2007). Algorithm developments in alegra guided by testing Publication ID: 11076
Allen Robinson, Stewart Mosso, Christopher Siefert, Jonathan Hu, (2007). Consequences for scalability arising from multi-material modeling Publication ID: 11196
Allen Robinson, (2007). Improving magnetic energy force discretization in ALEGRA Publication ID: 11078
Stefan Domino, Raymond Tuminaro, Allen Robinson, Jonathan Hu, (2007). High performance parallel multigrid for large-scale electromagnetics simulations Publication ID: 9073
Thomas Mehlhorn, Edmund Yu, Roger Vesey, Michael Cuneo, Brent Jones, Marcus Knudson, D. Sinars, Allen Robinson, Timothy Trucano, Thomas Brunner, Michael Desjarlais, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Haill, Heath Hanshaw, Raymond Lemke, Bryan Oliver, K. Peterson, (2007). Towards a predictive MHD simulation capability for designing hypervelocity magnetically-driven flyer plates and PWclass z-pinch x-ray sources on Z and ZR Publication ID: 8684
Brent Jones, Christopher Garasi, David Ampleford, Christopher Deeney, Bryan Oliver, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Christine Coverdale, (2006). Topics on the growth of RT and turbulence with modulated wires and spectroscopic dopants Publication ID: 7071
David Day, Pavel Bochev, Chester Weiss, Allen Robinson, (2005). Geophysical subsurface imaging and interface identification Publication ID: 6099
Brent Jones, Christopher Deeney, John Mckenney, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Christine Coverdale, (2005). Seeded perturbations in wire array Z-Pinches Publication ID: 5891
Brent Jones, Christopher Deeney, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Christine Coverdale, (2005). Seeded perturbations in wire array z-pinches Publication ID: 5894
Martin Heinstein, Guglielmo Scovazzi, Allen Robinson, (2005). Lagrangian modeling at Sandia National Laboratories: current status and future directions Publication ID: 5322
Martin Heinstein, Guglielmo Scovazzi, Allen Robinson, (2005). Lagrangian modeling at Sandia National Laboratories : current status and future directions Publication ID: 5323
Joseph Bishop, David Hensinger, Thomas Voth, Michael Wong, Allen Robinson, (2005). Coupled Mesh Lagrangian/ALE modeling: opportunities and challenges Publication ID: 5324
Joseph Bishop, David Hensinger, Thomas Voth, Michael Wong, Allen Robinson, (2005). Coupled Mesh Lagrangian/ALE modeling: opportunities and challenges Publication ID: 5325
Thomas Brunner, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Haill, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Randall Summers, (2005). ALEGRA-HEDP : version 4.6 Publication ID: 4099
Thomas Haill, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Randall Summers, (2005). ALEGRA-MHD : version 4.6 Publication ID: 4100
Michael Wong, Thomas Brunner, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Haill, Thomas Mehlhorn, Richard Drake, David Hensinger, Joshua Robbins, Allen Robinson, Randall Summers, Thomas Voth, (2005). ALEGRA : version 4.6 Publication ID: 4197
Brent Jones, Christopher Deeney, John Mckenney, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Scott Wunsch, (2004). Seeded perturbations in wire array z-pinches Publication ID: 4000
Brent Jones, Christopher Deeney, John Mckenney, Christopher Garasi, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Scott Wunsch, (2004). Study of three-dimensional structure in wire array Z-Pinches by controlled seeding of axial modulations in wire radius Physical Review Letters Publication ID: 3929
Christopher Deeney, Brent Jones, Thomas Mehlhorn, Allen Robinson, Scott Wunsch, (2004). Three-dimensional ALEGRA-HEDP simulations of modulated wire arrays on MAGPIE Publication ID: 3174
Allen Robinson, Grant Farnsworth, Allen Robinson, (2003). Improved kinematic options in ALEGRA Publication ID: 2761
Thomas Haill, Thomas Haill, Christopher Garasi, Allen Robinson, (2003). ALEGRA-MHD : Version 4.0 Publication ID: 2727
Mark Christon, Mark Christon, David Ketcheson, Allen Robinson, (2003). An assessment of semi-discrete central schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws Publication ID: 2593
Allen Robinson, Allen Robinson, Christopher Garasi, (2003). Three-dimensional z-pinch wire array modeling with ALEGRA-HEDP Proposed for publication in the Computer Physics Communications. Publication ID: 2612
Edward Boucheron, Thomas Haill, James Peery, Sharon Petney, Joshua Robbins, Allen Robinson, Randall Summers, Thomas Voth, Michael Wong, Kevin Brown, Kent Budge, Shawn Burns, Daniel Carroll, Susan Carroll, Mark Christon, Richard Drake, Christopher Garasi, (2002). ALEGRA: User Input and Physics Descriptions Version 4.2 Publication ID: 1550
Allen Robinson, (2002). Evaluation Techniques and Properties of an Exact Solution to a Subsonic Free Surface Jet Flow Publication ID: 1460
Pavel Bochev, Allen Robinson, (2001). Vector Potentials, Gauges and Edge Elements: Matching Algorithms with the Physics of Eddy Currents in Inhomogeneous Conductors Publication ID: 1206
Showing Results.
Awards & Recognition
Allen C. Robinson,
National Advisory Board for the Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis, Brigham Young University Mathematics Department,,
October 2, 2013
David A. Crawford, Mark B. Boslough, Timothy G. Trucano, Allen C. Robinson,
Best Paper Award, "The Impact of Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter", Hypervelocity Impact Society ,
October 17, 1994