
Results 1051–1075 of 9,998
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Non-destructive simulation of node defects in additively manufactured lattice structures

Additive Manufacturing

Lozanovski, Bill; Downing, David; Tino, Rance; du Plessis, Anton; Tran, Phuong; Jakeman, John D.; Shidid, Darpan; Emmelmann, Claus; Qian, Ma; Choong, Peter; Brandt, Milan; Leary, Martin

Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly referred to as 3D printing, offers the ability to not only fabricate geometrically complex lattice structures but parts in which lattice topologies in-fill volumes bounded by complex surface geometries. However, current AM processes produce defects on the strut and node elements which make up the lattice structure. This creates an inherent difference between the as-designed and as-fabricated geometries, which negatively affects predictions (via numerical simulation) of the lattice's mechanical performance. Although experimental and numerical analysis of an AM lattice's bulk structure, unit cell and struts have been performed, there exists almost no research data on the mechanical response of the individual as-manufactured lattice node elements. This research proposes a methodology that, for the first time, allows non-destructive quantification of the mechanical response of node elements within an as-manufactured lattice structure. A custom-developed tool is used to extract and classify each individual node geometry from micro-computed tomography scans of an AM fabricated lattice. Voxel-based finite element meshes are generated for numerical simulation and the mechanical response distribution is compared to that of the idealised computer-aided design model. The method demonstrates compatibility with Uncertainty Quantification methods that provide opportunities for efficient prediction of a population of nodal responses from sampled data. Overall, the non-destructive and automated nature of the node extraction and response evaluation is promising for its application in qualification and certification of additively manufactured lattice structures.

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On the peridynamic effective force state and multiphase constitutive correspondence principle

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Song, Xiaoyu; Silling, Stewart A.

This article concerns modeling unsaturated deformable porous media as an equivalent single-phase and single-force state peridynamic material through the effective force state. The balance equations of linear momentum and mass of unsaturated porous media are presented by defining relevant peridynamic states. The energy balance of unsaturated porous media is utilized to derive the effective force state for the solid skeleton that is an energy conjugate to the nonlocal deformation state of the solid, and the suction force state. Through an energy equivalence, a multiphase constitutive correspondence principle is built between classical unsaturated poromechanics and peridynamic unsaturated poromechanics. The multiphase correspondence principle provides a means to incorporate advanced constitutive models in classical unsaturated porous theory directly into unsaturated peridynamic poromechanics. Numerical simulations of localized failure in unsaturated porous media under different matric suctions are presented to demonstrate the feasibility of modeling the mechanical behavior of such three-phase materials as an equivalent single-phase peridynamic material through the effective force state concept.

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Suppression of helium bubble nucleation in beryllium exposed tungsten surfaces

Nuclear Fusion

Cusentino, Mary A.; Wood, M.A.; Thompson, Aidan P.

One of the most severe obstacles to increasing the longevity of tungsten-based plasma facing components, such as divertor tiles, is the surface deterioration driven by sub-surface helium bubble formation and rupture. Supported by experimental observations at PISCES, this work uses molecular dynamics simulations to identify the microscopic mechanisms underlying suppression of helium bubble formation by the introduction of plasma-borne beryllium. Simulations of the initial surface material (crystalline W), early-time Be exposure (amorphous W-Be) and final WBe2 intermetallic surfaces were used to highlight the effect of Be. Significant differences in He retention, depth distribution and cluster size were observed in the cases with beryllium present. Helium resided much closer to the surface in the Be cases with nearly 80% of the total helium inventory located within the first 2 nm. Moreover, coarsening of the He depth profile due to bubble formation is suppressed due to a one-hundred fold decrease in He mobility in WBe2, relative to crystalline W. This is further evidenced by the drastic reduction in He cluster sizes even when it was observed that both the amorphous W-Be and WBe2 intermetallic phases retain nearly twice as much He during cumulative implantation studies.

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Reversible computing with fast, fully static, fully adiabatic CMOS

Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2020

Frank, Michael P.; Brocato, Robert W.; Tierney, Brian D.; Missert, Nancy A.; Hsia, Alexander H.

To advance the energy efficiency of general digital computing far beyond the thermodynamic limits that apply to conventional digital circuits will require utilizing the principles of reversible computing. It has been known since the early 1990s that reversible computing based on adiabatic switching is possible in CMOS, although almost all the “adiabatic” CMOS logic families in the literature are not actually fully adiabatic, which limits their achievable energy savings. The first CMOS logic style achieving truly, fully adiabatic operation if leakage was negligible (CRL) was not fully static, which led to practical engineering difficulties in the presence of certain nonidealities. Later, “static” adiabatic logic families were described, but they were not actually fully adiabatic, or fully static, and were much slower. In this paper, we describe a new logic family, Static 2-Level Adiabatic Logic (S2LAL), which is, to our knowledge, the first CMOS logic family that is both fully static, and truly, fully adiabatic (modulo leakage). In addition, S2LAL is, we think, the fastest possible such family (among fully pipelined sequential circuits), having a latency per logic stage of one tick (transition time), and a minimum clock period (initiation interval) of 8 ticks. S2LAL requires 8 phases of a trapezoidal power-clock waveform (plus constant power and ground references) to be supplied. We argue that, if implemented in a suitable fabrication process designed to aggressively minimize leakage, S2LAL should be capable of demonstrating a greater level of energy efficiency than any other semiconductor-based digital logic family known today.

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Data-driven learning of nonlocal models: from high-fidelity simulations to constitutive laws

D'Elia, Marta D.; Silling, Stewart A.; You, Huaiqian Y.; Yu, Yue Y.

We show that machine learning can improve the accuracy of simulations of stress waves in one-dimensional composite materials. We propose a data-driven technique to learn nonlocal constitutive laws for stress wave propagation models. The method is an optimization-based technique in which the nonlocal kernel function is approximated via Bernstein polynomials. The kernel, including both its functional form and parameters, is derived so that when used in a nonlocal solver, it generates solutions that closely match high-fidelity data. The optimal kernel therefore acts as a homogenized nonlocal continuum model that accurately reproduces wave motion in a smaller-scale, more detailed model that can include multiple materials. We apply this technique to wave propagation within a heterogeneous bar with a periodic microstructure. Several one-dimensional numerical tests illustrate the accuracy of our algorithm. The optimal kernel is demonstrated to reproduce high-fidelity data for a composite material in applications that are substantially different from the problems used as training data.

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Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Glusa, Christian A.; Boman, Erik G.; Chow, Edmond; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Szyld, Daniel B.

Parallel implementations of linear iterative solvers generally alternate between phases of data exchange and phases of local computation. Increasingly large problem sizes and more heterogeneous compute architectures make load balancing and the design of low latency network interconnects that are able to satisfy the communication requirements of linear solvers very challenging tasks. In particular, global communication patterns such as inner products become increasingly limiting at scale. We explore the use of asynchronous communication based on one-sided Message Passing Interface primitives in the context of domain decomposition solvers. In particular, a scalable asynchronous two-level Schwarz method is presented. We discuss practical issues encountered in the development of a scalable solver and show experimental results obtained on a state-of-the-art supercomputer system that illustrate the benefits of asynchronous solvers in load balanced as well as load imbalanced scenarios. Using the novel method, we can observe speedups of up to four times over its classical synchronous equivalent.

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Size- And temperature-dependent magnetization of iron nanoclusters

Physical Review B

Dos Santos, G.; Aparicio, R.; Linares, D.; Miranda, E.N.; Tranchida, Julien G.; Pastor, G.M.; Bringa, E.M.

The magnetic behavior of bcc iron nanoclusters, with diameters between 2 and 8 nm, is investigated by means of spin dynamics simulations coupled to molecular dynamics, using a distance-dependent exchange interaction. Finite-size effects in the total magnetization as well as the influence of the free surface and the surface/core proportion of the nanoclusters are analyzed in detail for a wide temperature range, going beyond the cluster and bulk Curie temperatures. Comparison is made with experimental data and with theoretical models based on the mean-field Ising model adapted to small clusters, and taking into account the influence of low coordinated spins at free surfaces. Our results for the temperature dependence of the average magnetization per atom MT, including the thermalization of the transnational lattice degrees of freedom, are in very good agreement with available experimental measurements on small Fe nanoclusters. In contrast, significant discrepancies with experiment are observed if the translational degrees of freedom are artificially frozen. The finite-size effects on MT are found to be particularly important near the cluster Curie temperature. Simulated magnetization above the Curie temperature scales with cluster size as predicted by models assuming short-range magnetic ordering. Analytical approximations to the magnetization as a function of temperature and size are proposed.

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Towards Use of Mixed Precision in ECP Math Libraries [Exascale Computing Project]

Antz, Hartwig A.; Boman, Erik G.; Gates, Mark G.; Kruger, Scott E.; Li, Sherry L.; Loe, Jennifer A.; Osei-Kuffuor, Daniel O.; Tomov, Stan T.; Tsai, Yaohung M.; Meier Yang, Ulrike M.

The use of multiple types of precision in mathematical software has the potential to increase its performance on new heterogeneous architectures. The xSDK project focuses both on the investigation and development of multiprecision algorithms as well as their inclusion into xSDK member libraries. This report summarizes current efforts on including and/or using mixed precision capabilities in the math libraries Ginkgo, heFFTe, hypre, MAGMA, PETSc/TAO, SLATE, SuperLU, and Trilinos, including KokkosKernels. It contains both numerical results from libraries that already provide mixed precision capabilities, as well as descriptions of the strategies to incorporate multiprecision into established libraries.

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A Roadmap for Reaching the Potential of Brain-Derived Computing

Advanced Intelligent Systems

Aimone, James B.

Neuromorphic computing is a critical future technology for the computing industry, but it has yet to achieve its promise and has struggled to establish a cohesive research community. A large part of the challenge is that full realization of the potential of brain inspiration requires advances in both device hardware, computing architectures, and algorithms. This simultaneous development across technology scales is unprecedented in the computing field. This article presents a strategy, framed by market and policy pressures, for moving past these current technological and cultural hurdles to realize its full impact across technology. Achieving the full potential of brain-derived algorithms as well as post-complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling neuromorphic hardware requires appropriately balancing the near-term opportunities of deep learning applications with the long-term potential of less understood opportunities in neural computing.

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A physics-informed operator regression framework for extracting data-driven continuum models

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Patel, Ravi G.; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Wood, Mitchell A.; Cyr, Eric C.

The application of deep learning toward discovery of data-driven models requires careful application of inductive biases to obtain a description of physics which is both accurate and robust. We present here a framework for discovering continuum models from high fidelity molecular simulation data. Our approach applies a neural network parameterization of governing physics in modal space, allowing a characterization of differential operators while providing structure which may be used to impose biases related to symmetry, isotropy, and conservation form. Here, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework for a variety of physics, including local and nonlocal diffusion processes and single and multiphase flows. For the flow physics we demonstrate this approach leads to a learned operator that generalizes to system characteristics not included in the training sets, such as variable particle sizes, densities, and concentration.

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Scale and rate in CdS pressure-induced phase transition

AIP Conference Proceedings

Lane, J.M.D.; Thompson, Aidan P.; Srivastava, Ishan S.; Grest, Gary S.; Ao, Tommy A.; Stoltzfus, Brian S.; Austin, Kevin N.; Fan, H.; Morgan, D.; Knudson, Marcus D.

We describe recent efforts to improve our predictive modeling of rate-dependent behavior at, or near, a phase transition using molecular dynamics simulations. Cadmium sulfide (CdS) is a well-studied material that undergoes a solid-solid phase transition from wurtzite to rock salt structures between 3 and 9 GPa. Atomistic simulations are used to investigate the dominant transition mechanisms as a function of orientation, size and rate. We found that the final rock salt orientations were determined relative to the initial wurtzite orientation, and that these orientations were different for the two orientations and two pressure regimes studied. The CdS solid-solid phase transition is studied, for both a bulk single crystal and for polymer-encapsulated spherical nanoparticles of various sizes.

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Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.13 User's Manual

Adams, Brian M.; Bohnhoff, William B.; Dalbey, Keith D.; Ebeida, Mohamed S.; Eddy, John E.; Eldred, Michael E.; Hooper, Russell H.; Hough, Patricia H.; Hu, Kenneth H.; Jakeman, John J.; Khalil, Mohammad K.; Maupin, Kathryn M.; Monschke, Jason A.; Ridgway, Elliott R.; Rushdi, Ahmad A.; Seidl, Daniel S.; Stephens, John A.; Winokur, Justin W.

The Dakota toolkit provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods. Dakota contains algorithms for optimization with gradient and nongradient-based methods; uncertainty quantification with sampling, reliability, and stochastic expansion methods; parameter estimation with nonlinear least squares methods; and sensitivity/variance analysis with design of experiments and parameter study methods. These capabilities may be used on their own or as components within advanced strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, mixed integer nonlinear programming, or optimization under uncertainty. By employing object-oriented design to implement abstractions of the key components required for iterative systems analyses, the Dakota toolkit provides a flexible and extensible problem-solving environment for design and performance analysis of computational models on high performance computers. This report serves as a user’s manual for the Dakota software and provides capability overviews and procedures for software execution, as well as a variety of example studies.

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Results 1051–1075 of 9,998
Results 1051–1075 of 9,998