
Results 951–975 of 9,998
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Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems for Structure-Property Linkages Using Data-Consistent Inversion

Minerals, Metals and Materials Series

Tran, Anh; Wildey, Tim

Process-structure-property relationships are the hallmark of materials science. Many integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) models have been developed at multiple length-scales and time-scales, where uncertainty quantification (UQ) plays an important role in quality assurance. In this paper, we applied our previous work [39] to learn a distribution of microstructure features that are consistent in the sense that the forward propagation of this distribution through a crystal plasticity finite element model (CPFEM) matches a target distribution on materials properties, which is given beforehand. To demonstrate the approach, DAMASK and DREAM.3D are employed to construct Hall-Petch relationship for a twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel, where the average grain size distribution is inferred, given a distribution of offset yield strength.

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Solving Inverse Problems for Process-Structure Linkages Using Asynchronous Parallel Bayesian Optimization

Minerals, Metals and Materials Series

Tran, Anh; Wildey, Tim

Process-structure linkage is one of the most important topics in materials science due to the fact that virtually all information related to the materials, including manufacturing processes, lies in the microstructure itself. Therefore, to learn more about the process, one must start by thoroughly examining the microstructure. This gives rise to inverse problems in the context of process-structure linkages, which attempt to identify the processes that were used to manufacturing the given microstructure. In this work, we present an inverse problem for structure-process linkages which we solve using asynchronous parallel Bayesian optimization which exploits parallel computing resources. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the method using kinetic Monte Carlo model for grain growth simulation.

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Asymptotically compatible reproducing kernel collocation and meshfree integration for nonlocal diffusion

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Leng, Yu; Tian, Xiaochuan; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Foster, John T.

Reproducing kernel (RK) approximations are meshfree methods that construct shape functions from sets of scattered data. We present an asymptotically compatible (AC) RK collocation method for nonlocal diffusion models with Dirichlet boundary condition. The numerical scheme is shown to be convergent to both nonlocal diffusion and its corresponding local limit as nonlocal interaction vanishes. The analysis is carried out on a special family of rectilinear Cartesian grids for a linear RK method with designed kernel support. The key idea for the stability of the RK collocation scheme is to compare the collocation scheme with the standard Galerkin scheme, which is stable. In addition, assembling the stiffness matrix of the nonlocal problem requires costly computational resources because high-order Gaussian quadrature is necessary to evaluate the integral. We thus provide a remedy to the problem by introducing a quasi-discrete nonlocal diffusion operator for which no numerical quadrature is further needed after applying the RK collocation scheme. The quasi-discrete nonlocal diffusion operator combined with RK collocation is shown to be convergent to the correct local diffusion problem by taking the limits of nonlocal interaction and spatial resolution simultaneously. The theoretical results are then validated with numerical experiments. We additionally illustrate a connection between the proposed technique and an existing optimization based approach based on generalized moving least squares.

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Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems for Property–Structure Linkages Using Data-Consistent Inversion and Machine Learning


Tran, Anh; Wildey, Tim

Determining process–structure–property linkages is one of the key objectives in material science, and uncertainty quantification plays a critical role in understanding both process–structure and structure–property linkages. In this work, we seek to learn a distribution of microstructure parameters that are consistent in the sense that the forward propagation of this distribution through a crystal plasticity finite element model matches a target distribution on materials properties. This stochastic inversion formulation infers a distribution of acceptable/consistent microstructures, as opposed to a deterministic solution, which expands the range of feasible designs in a probabilistic manner. To solve this stochastic inverse problem, we employ a recently developed uncertainty quantification framework based on push-forward probability measures, which combines techniques from measure theory and Bayes’ rule to define a unique and numerically stable solution. This approach requires making an initial prediction using an initial guess for the distribution on model inputs and solving a stochastic forward problem. To reduce the computational burden in solving both stochastic forward and stochastic inverse problems, we combine this approach with a machine learning Bayesian regression model based on Gaussian processes and demonstrate the proposed methodology on two representative case studies in structure–property linkages.

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Scalable3-BO: Big data meets HPC - A scalable asynchronous parallel high-dimensional Bayesian optimization framework on supercomputers

Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference

Tran, Anh

Bayesian optimization (BO) is a flexible and powerful framework that is suitable for computationally expensive simulation-based applications and guarantees statistical convergence to the global optimum. While remaining as one of the most popular optimization methods, its capability is hindered by the size of data, the dimensionality of the considered problem, and the nature of sequential optimization. These scalability issues are intertwined with each other and must be tackled simultaneously. In this work, we propose the Scalable3-BO framework, which employs sparse GP as the underlying surrogate model to scope with Big Data and is equipped with a random embedding to efficiently optimize high-dimensional problems with low effective dimensionality. The Scalable3-BO framework is further leveraged with asynchronous parallelization feature, which fully exploits the computational resource on HPC within a computational budget. As a result, the proposed Scalable3-BO framework is scalable in three independent perspectives: with respect to data size, dimensionality, and computational resource on HPC. The goal of this work is to push the frontiers of BO beyond its well-known scalability issues and minimize the wall-clock waiting time for optimizing high-dimensional computationally expensive applications. We demonstrate the capability of Scalable3-BO with 1 million data points, 10,000-dimensional problems, with 20 concurrent workers in an HPC environment.

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Randomized sketching algorithms for low-memory dynamic optimization

SIAM Journal on Optimization

Muthukumar, Ramchandran; Kouri, Drew P.; Udell, Madeleine

This paper develops a novel limited-memory method to solve dynamic optimization problems. The memory requirements for such problems often present a major obstacle, particularly for problems with PDE constraints such as optimal flow control, full waveform inversion, and optical tomography. In these problems, PDE constraints uniquely determine the state of a physical system for a given control; the goal is to find the value of the control that minimizes an objective. While the control is often low dimensional, the state is typically more expensive to store. This paper suggests using randomized matrix approximation to compress the state as it is generated and shows how to use the compressed state to reliably solve the original dynamic optimization problem. Concretely, the compressed state is used to compute approximate gradients and to apply the Hessian to vectors. The approximation error in these quantities is controlled by the target rank of the sketch. This approximate first- and second-order information can readily be used in any optimization algorithm. As an example, we develop a sketched trust-region method that adaptively chooses the target rank using a posteriori error information and provably converges to a stationary point of the original problem. Numerical experiments with the sketched trust-region method show promising performance on challenging problems such as the optimal control of an advection-reaction-diffusion equation and the optimal control of fluid flow past a cylinder.

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Dakota-NAERM Integration

Swiler, Laura P.; Newman, Sarah N.; Staid, Andrea S.; Barrett, Emily B.

This report presents the results of a collaborative effort under the Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) thrust area of the North American Energy Resilience Model (NAERM) program. The goal of the effort described in this report was to integrate the Dakota software with the NAERM software framework to demonstrate sensitivity analysis of a co-simulation for NAERM.

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A block coordinate descent optimizer for classification problems exploiting convexity

CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Patel, Ravi G.; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Gulian, Mamikon G.; Cyr, Eric C.

Second-order optimizers hold intriguing potential for deep learning, but suffer from increased cost and sensitivity to the non-convexity of the loss surface as compared to gradient-based approaches. We introduce a coordinate descent method to train deep neural networks for classification tasks that exploits global convexity of the cross-entropy loss in the weights of the linear layer. Our hybrid Newton/Gradient Descent (NGD) method is consistent with the interpretation of hidden layers as providing an adaptive basis and the linear layer as providing an optimal fit of the basis to data. By alternating between a second-order method to find globally optimal parameters for the linear layer and gradient descent to train the hidden layers, we ensure an optimal fit of the adaptive basis to data throughout training. The size of the Hessian in the second-order step scales only with the number weights in the linear layer and not the depth and width of the hidden layers; furthermore, the approach is applicable to arbitrary hidden layer architecture. Previous work applying this adaptive basis perspective to regression problems demonstrated significant improvements in accuracy at reduced training cost, and this work can be viewed as an extension of this approach to classification problems. We first prove that the resulting Hessian matrix is symmetric semi-definite, and that the Newton step realizes a global minimizer. By studying classification of manufactured two-dimensional point cloud data, we demonstrate both an improvement in validation error and a striking qualitative difference in the basis functions encoded in the hidden layer when trained using NGD. Application to image classification benchmarks for both dense and convolutional architectures reveals improved training accuracy, suggesting gains of second-order methods over gradient descent. A Tensorflow implementation of the algorithm is available at

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A fast solver for the fractional helmholtz equation

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Glusa, Christian A.; ANTIL, HARBIR; D'Elia, Marta D.; van Bloemen Waanders, Bart G.; Weiss, Chester J.

The purpose of this paper is to study a Helmholtz problem with a spectral fractional Laplacian, instead of the standard Laplacian. Recently, it has been established that such a fractional Helmholtz problem better captures the underlying behavior in geophysical electromagnetics. We establish the well-posedness and regularity of this problem. We introduce a hybrid spectral-finite element approach to discretize it and show well-posedness of the discrete system. In addition, we derive a priori discretization error estimates. Finally, we introduce an efficient solver that scales as well as the best possible solver for the classical integer-order Helmholtz equation. We conclude with several illustrative examples that confirm our theoretical findings.

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Risk-averse control of fractional diffusion with uncertain exponent

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Antil, Harbir; Kouri, Drew P.; Pfefferer, Johannes

In this paper, we introduce and analyze a new class of optimal control problems constrained by elliptic equations with uncertain fractional exponents. We utilize risk measures to formulate the resulting optimization problem. We develop a functional analytic framework, study the existence of solution, and rigorously derive the first-order optimality conditions. Additionally, we employ a sample-based approximation for the uncertain exponent and the finite element method to discretize in space. We prove the rate of convergence for the optimal risk neutral controls when using quadrature approximation for the uncertain exponent and conclude with illustrative examples.

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DPM: A Novel Training Method for Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Extrapolation

35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2021

Kim, Jungeun; Lee, Kookjin L.; Lee, Dongeun; Jhin, Sheo Y.; Park, Noseong

We present a method for learning dynamics of complex physical processes described by time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). Our particular interest lies in extrapolating solutions in time beyond the range of temporal domain used in training. Our choice for a baseline method is physics-informed neural network (PINN) because the method parameterizes not only the solutions, but also the equations that describe the dynamics of physical processes. We demonstrate that PINN performs poorly on extrapolation tasks in many benchmark problems. To address this, we propose a novel method for better training PINN and demonstrate that our newly enhanced PINNs can accurately extrapolate solutions in time. Our method shows up to 72% smaller errors than existing methods in terms of the standard L2-norm metric.

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An Analysis of Multiple Contaminant Warning System Design Objectives for Sensor Placement Optimization in Water Distribution Networks

International Series in Operations Research and Management Science

Watson, Jean P.; Hart, William E.; Greenberg, Harvey J.; Phillips, Cynthia A.

A key strategy for protecting municipal water supplies is the use of sensors to detect the presence of contaminants in associated water distribution systems. Deploying a contamination warning system involves the placement of a limited number of sensors—placed in order to maximize the level of protection afforded. Researchers have proposed several models and algorithms for generating such placements, each optimizing with respect to a different design objective. The use of disparate design objectives raises several questions: (1) What is the relationship between optimal sensor placements for different design objectives? and (2) Is there any risk in focusing on specific design objectives? We model the sensor placement problem via a mixed-integer programming formulation of the well-known p-median problem from facility location theory to answer these questions. Our model can express a broad range of design objectives. Using three large test networks, we show that optimal solutions with respect to one design objective are often highly sub-optimal with respect to other design objectives. However, it is sometimes possible to construct solutions that are simultaneously near-optimal with respect to a range of design objectives. The design of contamination warning systems thus requires careful and simultaneous consideration of multiple, disparate design objectives.

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World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress

Littlewood, David J.; Jones, Reese E.; Morales, Nicolas M.; Plews, Julia A.; Hetmaniuk, Ulrich; Lifflander, Jonathan J.

Software development for high-performance scientific computing continues to evolve in response to increased parallelism and the advent of on-node accelerators, in particular GPUs. While these hardware advancements have the potential to significantly reduce turnaround times, they also present implementation and design challenges for engineering codes. We investigate the use of two strategies to mitigate these challenges: the Kokkos library for performance portability across disparate architectures, and the DARMA/vt library for asynchronous many-task scheduling. We investigate the application of Kokkos within the NimbleSM finite element code and the LAMÉ constitutive model library. We explore the performance of DARMA/vt applied to NimbleSM contact mechanics algorithms. Software engineering strategies are discussed, followed by performance analyses of relevant solid mechanics simulations which demonstrate the promise of Kokkos and DARMA/vt for accelerated engineering simulators.

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Effects of EOS and constitutive models on simulating copper shaped charge jets in ALEGRA

2019 15th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, HVIS 2019

Doney, Robert L.; Niederhaus, John H.; Fuller, Timothy J.; Coppinger, Matthew J.

In this work we evaluated the effects that equations of state and strength models have on SCJ development using the Sandia National Laboratories multiphysics shock code, ALEGRA. Results were quantified using a Lagrangian tracer particle following liner collapse, passing through the compression zone, and flowing into the jet tip. We found consistent results among several EOS: 3320, 3331, and 3337. The 3325 EOS generated a measurable low density and hollow region near the jet tip which appears to be reflected in a lower internal energy of the jet. At this time, we cannot tell, experimentally, if such a hollow region exists. The 3337 EOS is recent, well documented [6], and produces results similar to 3320 [3]. The various strength models produced more noticeable differences. In terms of internal energy and temperature, SGL had the largest values followed by PTW, ZA, and finally JC and MTS, which were quite similar to each other. We looked at melt conditions in the SGL and JC models using the 3337 EOS. The SGL model reported a liquid region along the jet axis all the way to the tip-seemingly consistent with experiment-while the JC model does not indicate any phase transition. None of the other yield models indicated melt along the jet axis. For all EOS and strength models, we found similar results for the velocity history of the jet tip as measured against experiment using photon Dopper velocimetry.

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PMEMCPY: A simple, lightweight, and portable I/O library for storing data in persistent memory

Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC

Logan, Luke; Lofstead, Jay; Levy, Scott; Widener, Patrick W.; Sun, Xian H.; Kougkas, Anthony

Persistent memory (PMEM) devices can achieve comparable performance to DRAM while providing significantly more capacity. This has made the technology compelling as an expansion to main memory. Rethinking PMEM as storage devices can offer a high performance buffering layer for HPC applications to temporarily, but safely store data. However, modern parallel I/O libraries, such as HDF5 and pNetCDF, are complicated and introduce significant software and metadata overheads when persisting data to these storage devices, wasting much of their potential. In this work, we explore the potential of PMEM as storage through pMEMCPY: a simple, lightweight, and portable I/O library for storing data in persistent memory. We demonstrate that our approach is up to 2x faster than other popular parallel I/O libraries under real workloads.

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Polynomial preconditioned arnoldi with stability control

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing


Polynomial preconditioning can improve the convergence of the Arnoldi method for computing eigenvalues. Such preconditioning significantly reduces the cost of orthogonalization; for difficult problems, it can also reduce the number of matrix-vector products. Parallel computations can particularly benefit from the reduction of communication-intensive operations. The GMRES algorithm provides a simple and effective way of generating the preconditioning polynomial. For some problems high degree polynomials are especially effective, but they can lead to stability problems that must be mitigated. A two-level "double polynomial preconditioning"strategy provides an effective way to generate high-degree preconditioners.

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Assessing a Neuromorphic Platform for use in Scientific Stochastic Sampling

Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Rebooting Computing, ICRC 2021

Aimone, James B.; Lehoucq, Richard B.; Severa, William M.; Smith, John D.

Recent advances in neuromorphic algorithm development have shown that neural inspired architectures can efficiently solve scientific computing problems including graph decision problems and partial-integro differential equations (PIDEs). The latter requires the generation of a large number of samples from a stochastic process. While the Monte Carlo approximation of the solution of the PIDEs converges with an increasing number of sampled neuromorphic trajectories, the fidelity of samples from a given stochastic process using neuromorphic hardware requires verification. Such an exercise increases our trust in this emerging hardware and works toward unlocking its energy and scaling efficiency for scientific purposes such as synthetic data generation and stochastic simulation. In this paper, we focus our verification efforts on a one-dimensional Ornstein- Uhlenbeck stochastic differential equation. Using a discrete-time Markov chain approximation, we sample trajectories of the stochastic process across a variety of parameters on an Intel 8- Loihi chip Nahuku neuromorphic platform. Using relative entropy as a verification measure, we demonstrate that the random samples generated on Loihi are, in an average sense, acceptable. Finally, we demonstrate how Loihi's fidelity to the distribution changes as a function of the parameters of the Ornstein- Uhlenbeck equation, highlighting a trade-off between the lower-precision random number generation of the neuromorphic platform and our algorithm's ability to represent a discrete-time Markov chain.

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Results 951–975 of 9,998
Results 951–975 of 9,998