
Results 926–950 of 9,998
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Formulation, analysis and computation of an optimization-based local-to-nonlocal coupling method

Results in Applied Mathematics

D'Elia, Marta D.; Bochev, Pavel B.

We present an optimization-based coupling method for local and nonlocal continuum models. Our approach couches the coupling of the models into a control problem where the states are the solutions of the nonlocal and local equations, the objective is to minimize their mismatch on the overlap of the local and nonlocal problem domains, and the virtual controls are the nonlocal volume constraint and the local boundary condition. We present the method in the context of Local-to-Nonlocal diffusion coupling. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical properties of the approach.

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Generating uncertainty distributions for seismic signal onset times

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

Peterson, Matthew G.; Vollmer, Charles V.; Brogan, Ronald; Stracuzzi, David J.; Young, Christopher J.

Signal arrival-time estimation plays a critical role in a variety of downstream seismic analy-ses, including location estimation and source characterization. Any arrival-time errors propagate through subsequent data-processing results. In this article, we detail a general framework for refining estimated seismic signal arrival times along with full estimation of their associated uncertainty. Using the standard short-term average/long-term average threshold algorithm to identify a search window, we demonstrate how to refine the pick estimate through two different approaches. In both cases, new waveform realizations are generated through bootstrap algorithms to produce full a posteriori estimates of uncertainty of onset arrival time of the seismic signal. The onset arrival uncertainty estimates provide additional data-derived information from the signal and have the potential to influence seismic analysis along several fronts.

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Low-Power Deep Learning Inference using the SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Platform

Vineyard, Craig M.; Dellana, Ryan A.; Aimone, James B.; Severa, William M.

n this presentation we will discuss recent results on using the SpiNNaker neuromorphic platform (48-chip model) for deep learning neural network inference. We use the Sandia Labs developed Whet stone spiking deep learning library to train deep multi-layer perceptrons and convolutional neural networks suitable for the spiking substrate on the neural hardware architecture. By using the massively parallel nature of SpiNNaker, we are able to achieve, under certain network topologies, substantial network tiling and consequentially impressive inference throughput. Such high-throughput systems may have eventual application in remote sensing applications where large images need to be chipped, scanned, and processed quickly. Additionally, we explore complex topologies that push the limits of the SpiNNaker routing hardware and investigate how that impacts mapping software-implemented networks to on-hardware instantiations.

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Code-verification techniques for hypersonic reacting flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium

Journal of Computational Physics

Freno, Brian A.; Carnes, Brian C.; Weirs, Vincent G.

The study of hypersonic flows and their underlying aerothermochemical reactions is particularly important in the design and analysis of vehicles exiting and reentering Earth's atmosphere. Computational physics codes can be employed to simulate these phenomena; however, verification of these codes is necessary to certify their credibility. To date, few approaches have been presented for verifying codes that simulate hypersonic flows, especially flows reacting in thermochemical nonequilibrium. In this paper, we present our code-verification techniques for verifying the spatial accuracy and thermochemical source term in hypersonic reacting flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques on the Sandia Parallel Aerodynamics and Reentry Code (SPARC).

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A Model for Atomic Precision p-Type Doping with Diborane on Si(100)-2×1

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Campbell, Quinn C.; Ivie, Jeffrey A.; Bussmann, Ezra B.; Schmucker, Scott W.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Misra, Shashank M.

Diborane (B2H6) is a promising molecular precursor for atomic precision p-type doping of silicon that has recently been experimentally demonstrated [ Škereň et al. Nat. Electron. 2020 ]. We use density functional theory (DFT) calculations to determine the reaction pathway for diborane dissociating into a species that will incorporate as electrically active substitutional boron after adsorbing onto the Si(100)-2×1 surface. Our calculations indicate that diborane must overcome an energy barrier to adsorb, explaining the experimentally observed low sticking coefficient (<1 × 10-4 at room temperature) and suggesting that heating can be used to increase the adsorption rate. Upon sticking, diborane has an ≈50% chance of splitting into two BH3 fragments versus merely losing hydrogen to form a dimer such as B2H4. As boron dimers are likely electrically inactive, whether this latter reaction occurs is shown to be predictive of the incorporation rate. The dissociation process proceeds with significant energy barriers, necessitating the use of high temperatures for incorporation. Using the barriers calculated from DFT, we parameterize a Kinetic Monte Carlo model that predicts the incorporation statistics of boron as a function of the initial depassivation geometry, dose, and anneal temperature. Our results suggest that the dimer nature of diborane inherently limits its doping density as an acceptor precursor and furthermore that heating the boron dimers to split before exposure to silicon can lead to poor selectivity on hydrogen and halogen resists. This suggests that, while diborane works as an atomic precision acceptor precursor, other non-dimerized acceptor precursors may lead to higher incorporation rates at lower temperatures.

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SST-GPU: A Scalable SST GPU Component for Performance Modeling and Profiling

Hughes, Clayton H.; Hammond, Simon D.; Zhang, Mengchi Z.; Liu, Yechen L.; Rogers, Tim R.; Hoekstra, Robert J.

Programmable accelerators have become commonplace in modern computing systems. Advances in programming models and the availability of unprecedented amounts of data have created a space for massively parallel accelerators capable of maintaining context for thousands of concurrent threads resident on-chip. These threads are grouped and interleaved on a cycle-by-cycle basis among several massively parallel computing cores. One path for the design of future supercomputers relies on an ability to model the performance of these massively parallel cores at scale. The SST framework has been proven to scale up to run simulations containing tens of thousands of nodes. A previous report described the initial integration of the open-source, execution-driven GPU simulator, GPGPU-Sim, into the SST framework. This report discusses the results of the integration and how to use the new GPU component in SST. It also provides examples of what it can be used to analyze and a correlation study showing how closely the execution matches that of a Nvidia V100 GPU when running kernels and mini-apps.

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ADELUS: A Performance-Portable Dense LU Solver for Distributed-Memory Hardware-Accelerated Systems

Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

Dang, Vinh Q.; Kotulski, J.D.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

Solving dense systems of linear equations is essential in applications encountered in physics, mathematics, and engineering. This paper describes our current efforts toward the development of the ADELUS package for current and next generation distributed, accelerator-based, high-performance computing platforms. The package solves dense linear systems using partial pivoting LU factorization on distributed-memory systems with CPUs/GPUs. The matrix is block-mapped onto distributed memory on CPUs/GPUs and is solved as if it was torus-wrapped for an optimal balance of computation and communication. A permutation operation is performed to restore the results so the torus-wrap distribution is transparent to the user. This package targets performance portability by leveraging the abstractions provided in the Kokkos and Kokkos Kernels libraries. Comparison of the performance gains versus the state-of-the-art SLATE and DPLASMA GESV functionalities on the Summit supercomputer are provided. Preliminary performance results from large-scale electromagnetic simulations using ADELUS are also presented. The solver achieves 7.7 Petaflops on 7600 GPUs of the Sierra supercomputer translating to 16.9% efficiency.

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Using computational singular perturbation as a diagnostic tool in ODE and DAE systems: a case study in heterogeneous catalysis

Combustion Theory and Modelling

Diaz-Ibarra, Oscar H.; Kim, Kyungjoo K.; Safta, Cosmin S.; Zador, Judit Z.; Najm, H.N.

We have extended the computational singular perturbation (CSP) method to differential algebraic equation (DAE) systems and demonstrated its application in a heterogeneous-catalysis problem. The extended method obtains the CSP basis vectors for DAEs from a reduced Jacobian matrix that takes the algebraic constraints into account. We use a canonical problem in heterogeneous catalysis, the transient continuous stirred tank reactor (T-CSTR), for illustration. The T-CSTR problem is modelled fundamentally as an ordinary differential equation (ODE) system, but it can be transformed to a DAE system if one approximates typically fast surface processes using algebraic constraints for the surface species. We demonstrate the application of CSP analysis for both ODE and DAE constructions of a T-CSTR problem, illustrating the dynamical response of the system in each case. We also highlight the utility of the analysis in commenting on the quality of any particular DAE approximation built using the quasi-steady state approximation (QSSA), relative to the ODE reference case.

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Results 926–950 of 9,998
Results 926–950 of 9,998