
Results 901–925 of 9,998
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Data-driven learning of nonlocal physics from high-fidelity synthetic data

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

You, Huaiqian; Yu, Yue; Trask, Nathaniel A.; Gulian, Mamikon G.; D'Elia, Marta D.

A key challenge to nonlocal models is the analytical complexity of deriving them from first principles, and frequently their use is justified a posteriori. In this work we extract nonlocal models from data, circumventing these challenges and providing data-driven justification for the resulting model form. Extracting data-driven surrogates is a major challenge for machine learning (ML) approaches, due to nonlinearities and lack of convexity — it is particularly challenging to extract surrogates which are provably well-posed and numerically stable. Our scheme not only yields a convex optimization problem, but also allows extraction of nonlocal models whose kernels may be partially negative while maintaining well-posedness even in small-data regimes. To achieve this, based on established nonlocal theory, we embed in our algorithm sufficient conditions on the non-positive part of the kernel that guarantee well-posedness of the learnt operator. These conditions are imposed as inequality constraints to meet the requisite conditions of the nonlocal theory. We demonstrate this workflow for a range of applications, including reproduction of manufactured nonlocal kernels; numerical homogenization of Darcy flow associated with a heterogeneous periodic microstructure; nonlocal approximation to high-order local transport phenomena; and approximation of globally supported fractional diffusion operators by truncated kernels.

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DeACT: Architecture-Aware Virtual Memory Support for Fabric Attached Memory Systems

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Kommareddy, Vamsee R.; Hughes, Clayton H.; Hammond, Simon D.; Awad, Amro

1 The exponential growth of data has driven technology providers to develop new protocols, such as cache coherent interconnects and memory semantic fabrics, to help users and facilities leverage advances in memory technologies to satisfy these growing memory and storage demands. Using these new protocols, fabric-Attached memories (FAM) can be directly attached to a system interconnect and be easily integrated with a variety of processing elements (PEs). Moreover, systems that support FAM can be smoothly upgraded and allow multiple PEs to share the FAM memory pools using well-defined protocols. The sharing of FAM between PEs allows efficient data sharing, improves memory utilization, reduces cost by allowing flexible integration of different PEs and memory modules from several vendors, and makes it easier to upgrade the system. One promising use-case for FAMs is in High-Performance Compute (HPC) systems, where the underutilization of memory is a major challenge. However, adopting FAMs in HPC systems brings new challenges. In addition to cost, flexibility, and efficiency, one particular problem that requires rethinking is virtual memory support for security and performance. To address these challenges, this paper presents decoupled access control and address translation (DeACT), a novel virtual memory implementation that supports HPC systems equipped with FAM. Compared to the state-of-The-Art two-level translation approach, DeACT achieves speedup of up to 4.59x (1.8x on average) without compromising security.1Part of this work was done when Vamsee was working under the supervision of Amro Awad at UCF. Amro Awad is now with the ECE Department at NC State.

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Stealth-Persist: Architectural Support for Persistent Applications in Hybrid Memory Systems

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Alwadi, Mazen; Kommareddy, Vamsee R.; Hughes, Clayton H.; Hammond, Simon D.; Awad, Amro

Non-volatile memories (NVMs) have the characteristics of both traditional storage systems (persistent) and traditional memory systems (byte-Addressable). However, they suffer from high write latency and have a limited write endurance. Researchers have proposed hybrid memory systems that combine DRAM and NVM, utilizing the lower latency of the DRAM to hide some of the shortcomings of the NVM-improving system's performance by caching resident NVM data in the DRAM. However, this can nullify the persistency of the cached pages, leading to a question of trade-offs in terms of performance and reliability. In this paper, we propose Stealth-Persist, a novel architecture support feature that allows applications that need persistence to run in the DRAM while maintaining the persistency features provided by the NVM. Stealth-Persist creates the illusion of a persistent memory for the application to use, while utilizing the DRAM for performance optimizations. Our experimental results show that Stealth-Persist improves the performance by 42.02% for persistent applications.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems

Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, T.P.; Bennett, Christopher H.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin

Over the past decade as Moore's Law has slowed, the need for new forms of computation that can provide sustainable performance improvements has risen. A new method, called in situ computing, has shown great potential to accelerate matrix vector multiplication (MVM), an important kernel for a diverse range of applications from neural networks to scientific computing. Existing in situ accelerators for scientific computing, however, have a significant limitation: These accelerators provide no acceleration for preconditioning-A key bottleneck in linear solvers and in scientific computing workflows. This paper enables in situ acceleration for state-of-The-Art linear solvers by demonstrating how to use a new in situ matrix inversion accelerator for analog preconditioning. As existing techniques that enable high precision and scalability for in situ MVM are inapplicable to in situ matrix inversion, new techniques to compensate for circuit non-idealities are proposed. Additionally, a new approach to bit slicing that enables splitting operands across multiple devices without external digital logic is proposed. For scalability, this paper demonstrates how in situ matrix inversion kernels can work in tandem with existing domain decomposition techniques to accelerate the solutions of arbitrarily large linear systems. The analog kernel can be directly integrated into existing preconditioning workflows, leveraging several well-optimized numerical linear algebra tools to improve the behavior of the circuit. The result is an analog preconditioner that is more effective (up to 50% fewer iterations) than the widely used incomplete LU factorization preconditioner, ILU(0), while also reducing the energy and execution time of each approximate solve operation by 1025x and 105x respectively.

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Results 901–925 of 9,998
Results 901–925 of 9,998