
Results 876–900 of 9,998
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Classification of orthostatic intolerance through data analytics

Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing

Hart, Joseph L.; Gilmore, Steven G.; Gremaud, Pierre G.; Olsen, Christian O.; Mehlsen, Jesper M.; Olufsen, Mette O.

Imbalance in the autonomic nervous system can lead to orthostatic intolerance manifested by dizziness, lightheadedness, and a sudden loss of consciousness (syncope); these are common conditions, but they are challenging to diagnose correctly. Uncertainties about the triggering mechanisms and the underlying pathophysiology have led to variations in their classification. This study uses machine learning to categorize patients with orthostatic intolerance. Here we use random forest classification trees to identify a small number of markers in blood pressure, and heart rate time-series data measured during head-up tilt to (a) distinguish patients with a single pathology and (b) examine data from patients with a mixed pathophysiology. Next, we use Kmeans to cluster the markers representing the time-series data. We apply the proposed method analyzing clinical data from 186 subjects identified as control or suffering from one of four conditions: postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS), cardioinhibition, vasodepression, and mixed cardioinhibition and vasodepression. Classification results confirm the use of supervised machine learning. We were able to categorize more than 95% of patients with a single condition and were able to subgroup all patients with mixed cardioinhibitory and vasodepressor syncope. Clustering results confirm the disease groups and identify two distinct subgroups within the control and mixed groups. The proposed study demonstrates how to use machine learning to discover structure in blood pressure and heart rate time-series data. The methodology is used in classification of patients with orthostatic intolerance. Diagnosing orthostatic intolerance is challenging, and full characterization of the pathophysiological mechanisms remains a topic of ongoing research. This study provides a step toward leveraging machine learning to assist clinicians and researchers in addressing these challenges.

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Using MLIR Framework for Codesign of ML Architectures Algorithms and Simulation Tools

Lewis, Cannada L.; Hughes, Clayton H.; Hammond, Simon D.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.

MLIR (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation), is an extensible compiler framework that supports high-level data structures and operation constructs. These higher-level code representations are particularly applicable to the artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) domain, allowing developers to more easily support upcoming heterogeneous AI/ML accelerators and develop flexible domain specific compilers/frameworks with higher-level intermediate representations (IRs) and advanced compiler optimizations. The result of using MLIR within the LLVM compiler framework is expected to yield significant improvement in the quality of generated machine code, which in turn will result in improved performance and hardware efficiency

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Robustness and Validation of Model and Digital Twins Deployment

Volkova, Svitana V.; Stracuzzi, David J.; Shafer, Jenifer S.; Ray, Jaideep R.; Pullum, Laura P.

For digital twins (DTs) to become a central fixture in mission critical systems, a better understanding is required of potential modes of failure, quantification of uncertainty, and the ability to explain a model’s behavior. These aspects are particularly important as the performance of a digital twin will evolve during model development and deployment for real-world operations.

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Results 876–900 of 9,998
Results 876–900 of 9,998