
Results 751–775 of 9,998
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ExaWind: Exascale Predictive Wind Plant Flow Physics Modeling

Sprague, Michael S.; Ananthan, Shreyas A.; Binyahib, Roba B.; Brazell, Michael B.; de Frahan, Marc H.; King, Ryan N.; Mullowney, Paul M.; Rood, Jon R.; Sharma, Ashesh S.; Thomas, Stephen T.; Vijayakumar, Ganesh V.; Crozier, Paul C.; Berger-Vergiat, Luc B.; Cheung, Lawrence C.; Dement, David C.; deVelder, Nathaniel d.; Glaze, D.J.; Hu, Jonathan J.; Knaus, Robert C.; Lee, Dong H.; Matula, Neil M.; Okusanya, Tolulope O.; Overfelt, James R.; Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran R.; Sakievich, Philip S.; Smith, Timothy A.; Vo, Johnathan V.; Williams, Alan B.; Yamazaki, Ichitaro Y.; Turner, William J.; Prokopenko, Andrey P.; Wilson, Robert V.; Moser, &.; Melvin, Jeremy M.; Sitaraman, &.

Abstract not provided.

Spin-lattice model for cubic crystals

Physical Review B

Nieves, P.; Tranchida, Julien G.; Arapan, S.; Legut, D.

We present a methodology based on the Néel model to build a classical spin-lattice Hamiltonian for cubic crystals capable of describing magnetic properties induced by the spin-orbit coupling like magnetocrystalline anisotropy and anisotropic magnetostriction, as well as exchange magnetostriction. Taking advantage of the analytical solutions of the Néel model, we derive theoretical expressions for the parametrization of the exchange integrals and Néel dipole and quadrupole terms that link them to the magnetic properties of the material. This approach allows us to build accurate spin-lattice models with the desired magnetoelastic properties. We also explore a possible way to model the volume dependence of magnetic moment based on the Landau energy. This feature allows us to consider the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the saturation magnetization. We apply this method to develop a spin-lattice model for BCC Fe and FCC Ni, and we show that it accurately reproduces the experimental elastic tensor, magnetocrystalline anisotropy under pressure, anisotropic magnetostrictive coefficients, volume magnetostriction, and saturation magnetization under pressure at zero temperature. This work could constitute a step towards large-scale modeling of magnetoelastic phenomena.

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Higher-order particle representation for particle-in-cell simulations

Journal of Computational Physics

Bettencourt, Matthew T.

In this paper we present an alternative approach to the representation of simulation particles for unstructured electrostatic and electromagnetic PIC simulations. In our modified PIC algorithm we represent particles as having a smooth shape function limited by some specified finite radius, r0. A unique feature of our approach is the representation of this shape by surrounding simulation particles with a set of virtual particles with delta shape, with fixed offsets and weights derived from Gaussian quadrature rules and the value of r0. As the virtual particles are purely computational, they provide the additional benefit of increasing the arithmetic intensity of traditionally memory bound particle kernels. The modified algorithm is implemented within Sandia National Laboratories' unstructured EMPIRE-PIC code, for electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations, using periodic boundary conditions. We show results for a representative set of benchmark problems, including electron orbit, a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating through a plasma, numerical heating, and a plasma slab expansion. In this work, good error reduction across all of the chosen problems is achieved as the particles are made progressively smoother, with the optimal particle radius appearing to be problem-dependent.

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First-principles modeling of plasmons in aluminum under ambient and extreme conditions

Physical Review B

Ramakrishna, Kushal; Cangi, Attila; Dornheim, Tobias; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Vorberger, Jan

The theoretical understanding of plasmon behavior is crucial for an accurate interpretation of inelastic scattering diagnostics in many experiments. We highlight the utility of linear response time-dependent density functional theory (LR-TDDFT) as a first-principles framework for consistently modeling plasmon properties. We provide a comprehensive analysis of plasmons in aluminum from ambient to warm dense matter conditions and assess typical properties such as the dynamical structure factor, the plasmon dispersion, and the plasmon lifetime. We compare our results with scattering measurements and with other TDDFT results as well as models such as the random phase approximation, the Mermin approach, and the dielectric function obtained using static local field corrections of the uniform electron gas parametrized from path-integral Monte Carlo simulations. We conclude that results for the plasmon dispersion and lifetime are inconsistent between experiment and theories and that the common practice of extracting and studying plasmon dispersion relations is an insufficient procedure to capture the complicated physics contained in the dynamic structure factor in its full breadth.

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An Analog Preconditioner for Solving Linear Systems [Slides]

Feinberg, Benjamin F.; Wong, Ryan; Xiao, Tianyao X.; Rohan, Jacob N.; Boman, Erik G.; Marinella, Matthew J.; Agarwal, Sapan A.; Ipek, Engin I.

This presentation concludes in situ computation enables new approaches to linear algebra problems which can be both more effective and more efficient as compared to conventional digital systems. Preconditioning is well-suited to analog computation due to the tolerance for approximate solutions. When combined with prior work on in situ MVM for scientific computing, analog preconditioning can enable significant speedups for important linear algebra applications.

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Results 751–775 of 9,998
Results 751–775 of 9,998