
Results 701–725 of 9,998
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Beryllium-driven structural evolution at the divertor surface

Nuclear Fusion

Cusentino, Mary A.; Wood, M.A.; Thompson, Aidan P.

Erosion of the beryllium first wall material in tokamak reactors has been shown to result in transport and deposition on the tungsten divertor. Experimental studies of beryllium implantation in tungsten indicate that mixed W-Be intermetallic deposits can form, which have lower melting temperatures than tungsten and can trap tritium at higher rates. To better understand the formation and growth rate of these intermetallics, cumulative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of both high and low energy beryllium deposition in tungsten were performed. In both cases, a W-Be mixed material layer (MML) emerged at the surface within several nanoseconds, either through energetic implantation or a thermally-activated exchange mechanism, respectively. While some ordering of the material into intermetallics occurred, fully ordered structures did not emerge from the deposition simulations. Targeted MD simulations of the MML to further study the rate of Be diffusion and intermetallic growth rates indicate that for both cases, the gradual re-structuring of the material into an ordered intermetallic layer is beyond accessible MD time scales(≼1 μs). However, the rapid formation of the MML within nanoseconds indicates that beryllium deposition can influence other plasma species interactions at the surface and begin to alter the tungsten material properties. Therefore, beryllium deposition on the divertor surface, even in small amounts, is likely to cause significant changes in plasma-surface interactions and will need to be considered in future studies.

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Consistency testing for robust phase estimation

Physical Review A

Russo, Antonio R.; Kirby, William M.; Rudinger, Kenneth M.; Baczewski, Andrew D.; Kimmel, Shelby

We present an extension to the robust phase estimation protocol, which can identify incorrect results that would otherwise lie outside the expected statistical range. Robust phase estimation is increasingly a method of choice for applications such as estimating the effective process parameters of noisy hardware, but its robustness is dependent on the noise satisfying certain threshold assumptions. We provide consistency checks that can indicate when those thresholds have been violated, which can be difficult or impossible to test directly. We test these consistency checks for several common noise models, and identify two possible checks with high accuracy in locating the point in a robust phase estimation run at which further estimates should not be trusted. One of these checks may be chosen based on resource availability, or they can be used together in order to provide additional verification.

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Safeguards-Informed Hybrid Imagery Dataset [Poster]

Rutkowski, Joshua E.; Gastelum, Zoe N.; Shead, Timothy M.; Rushdi, Ahmad R.; Bolles, Jason C.; Mattes, Arielle M.

Deep Learning computer vision models require many thousands of properly labelled images for training, which is especially challenging for safeguards and nonproliferation, given that safeguards-relevant images are typically rare due to the sensitivity and limited availability of the technologies. Creating relevant images through real-world staging is costly and limiting in scope. Expert-labeling is expensive, time consuming, and error prone. We aim to develop a data set of both realworld and synthetic images that are relevant to the nuclear safeguards domain that can be used to support multiple data science research questions. In the process of developing this data, we aim to develop a novel workflow to validate synthetic images using machine learning explainability methods, testing among multiple computer vision algorithms, and iterative synthetic data rendering. We will deliver one million images – both real-world and synthetically rendered – of two types uranium storage and transportation containers with labelled ground truth and associated adversarial examples.

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Results 701–725 of 9,998
Results 701–725 of 9,998