
Results 676–700 of 9,998
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Simulation of powder bed metal additive manufacturing microstructures with coupled finite difference-Monte Carlo method

Additive Manufacturing

Rodgers, Theron R.; Moser, Daniel M.; Abdeljawad, Fadi; Jackson, Olivia D.; Carroll, Jay D.; Jared, Bradley H.; Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Mitchell, John A.; Madison, Jonathan D.

Grain-scale microstructure evolution during additive manufacturing is a complex physical process. As with traditional solidification methods of material processing (e.g. casting and welding), microstructural properties are highly dependent on the solidification conditions involved. Additive manufacturing processes however, incorporate additional complexity such as remelting, and solid-state evolution caused by subsequent heat source passes and by holding the entire build at moderately high temperatures during a build. We present a three-dimensional model that simulates both solidification and solid-state evolution phenomena using stochastic Monte Carlo and Potts Monte Carlo methods. The model also incorporates a finite-difference based thermal conduction solver to create a fully integrated microstructural prediction tool. The three modeling methods and their coupling are described and demonstrated for a model study of laser powder-bed fusion of 300-series stainless steel. The investigation demonstrates a novel correlation between the mean number of remelting cycles experienced during a build, and the resulting columnar grain sizes.

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A Computational Information Criterion for Particle-Tracking with Sparse or Noisy Data

Advances in Water Resources

Tran, Nhat T.; Benson, David A.; Schmidt, Michael J.; Pankavich, Stephen D.

Traditional probabilistic methods for the simulation of advection-diffusion equations (ADEs) often overlook the entropic contribution of the discretization, e.g., the number of particles, within associated numerical methods. Many times, the gain in accuracy of a highly discretized numerical model is outweighed by its associated computational costs or the noise within the data. We address the question of how many particles are needed in a simulation to best approximate and estimate parameters in one-dimensional advective-diffusive transport. To do so, we use the well-known Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and a recently-developed correction called the Computational Information Criterion (COMIC) to guide the model selection process. Random-walk and mass-transfer particle tracking methods are employed to solve the model equations at various levels of discretization. Numerical results demonstrate that the COMIC provides an optimal number of particles that can describe a more efficient model in terms of parameter estimation and model prediction compared to the model selected by the AIC even when the data is sparse or noisy, the sampling volume is not uniform throughout the physical domain, or the error distribution of the data is non-IID Gaussian.

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An asymptotically compatible treatment of traction loading in linearly elastic peridynamic fracture

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

Yu, Yue; You, Huaiqian; Trask, Nathaniel A.

Meshfree discretizations of state-based peridynamic models are attractive due to their ability to naturally describe fracture of general materials. However, two factors conspire to prevent meshfree discretizations of state-based peridynamics from converging to corresponding local solutions as resolution is increased: quadrature error prevents an accurate prediction of bulk mechanics, and the lack of an explicit boundary representation presents challenges when applying traction loads. In this paper, we develop a reformulation of the linear peridynamic solid (LPS) model to address these shortcomings, using improved meshfree quadrature, a reformulation of the nonlocal dilatation, and a consistent handling of the nonlocal traction condition to construct a model with rigorous accuracy guarantees. In particular, these improvements are designed to enforce discrete consistency in the presence of evolving fractures, whose a priori unknown location render consistent treatment difficult. In the absence of fracture, when a corresponding classical continuum mechanics model exists, our improvements provide asymptotically compatible convergence to corresponding local solutions, eliminating surface effects and issues with traction loading which have historically plagued peridynamic discretizations. When fracture occurs, our formulation automatically provides a sharp representation of the fracture surface by breaking bonds, avoiding the loss of mass. We provide rigorous error analysis and demonstrate convergence for a number of benchmarks, including manufactured solutions, free-surface, nonhomogeneous traction loading, and composite material problems. Finally, we validate simulations of brittle fracture against a recent experiment of dynamic crack branching in soda-lime glass, providing evidence that the scheme yields accurate predictions for practical engineering problems.

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AI-Enhanced Co-Design for Next-Generation Microelectronics: Innovating Innovation (Workshop Report)

Descour, Michael R.; Tsao, Jeffrey Y.; Stracuzzi, David J.; Wakeland, Anna K.; Schultz, David R.; Smith, William S.; Weeks, Jacquilyn A.

On April 6-8, 2021, Sandia National Laboratories hosted a virtual workshop to explore the potential for developing AI-Enhanced Co-Design for Next-Generation Microelectronics (AICoM). The workshop brought together two themes. The first theme was articulated in the 2018 Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE SC) “Basic Research Needs for Microelectronics” (BRN) report, which called for a “fundamental rethinking” of the traditional design approach to microelectronics, in which subject matter experts (SMEs) in each microelectronics discipline (materials, devices, circuits, algorithms, etc.) work near-independently. Instead, the BRN called for a non-hierarchical, egalitarian vision of co-design, wherein “each scientific discipline informs and engages the others” in “parallel but intimately networked efforts to create radically new capabilities.” The second theme was the recognition of the continuing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) that are currently enhancing and accelerating the solution of traditional design problems in materials science, circuit design, and electronic design automation (EDA).

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Results 676–700 of 9,998
Results 676–700 of 9,998